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I have a brand new laptop with windows 8! I guess that I've now been upgraded! It's also cool to see that it has a touch screen.

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How I view things on what has been going on lately on Giantbomb.*


Well, as most of you know, there are some people that have been leaving Giantbomb. It is not my place to name names, but I would like to say share my thoughts on the matter. It’s nothing bad.

You know, I’ve realized lately that there has perhaps been various amounts discrimination, people not acting quite themselves because of something, and these things caused people to be upset. Some were so upset that they left.

I just want to say that no two people are alike. We are all different, and we all believe in different values and such.  These things are what make us all unique. Sometimes we assume that others are like us.

You know, this might sound corny, but I like to watch the Olympics here and there, when it’s on that is. All these people from all over the place from different countries all come together to compete in a healthy competition. They all respected each other to play on the same field whether it’s running, swimming, and whatnot.

In an online community, it can be a scary thought that it’s diverse. The thing is this, if we want to maintain a peace within the community, we all need to get along and respect each others views and not take jokes seriously. I say this because as I said earlier, no two people are alike. We all have grown up differently in different worlds, and sometimes there are boundaries within our minds. In a community, those boundaries can be broken and opened up to other different views. We might not agree with the different views, but at least respect each other and act mature enough to handle and take in others point of view. If one can’t get along with someone, then simply stay away from them.

Giantbomb is a great community where gamers can talk about games, share off topic things, make edits about games, and more. If we want for Giantbomb to be a nice site to go to, then it’s going to start with the people in the community to have the knowledge and understanding to know what it takes to make things better.

Well, this is all I have to say. Dr. Phil has left the house! : - P I think I may have flipped my wig, but know that I have the best interests at heart for Giantbomb. See you all later. :)

*Oi, I guess I got to mention what people I'm talking about. XXXXXXXXXX and ValkyrieGoddess leaving, and the Ms. Chivos situation. If any moderator finds it reasonable to lock or delete this post, I don't mind.