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What a year of gaming it has been for me, and today I'll be sharing games that made 2014 a fulfilling one.

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  • First one on the list is a game that i enjoyed really well. I'm not a fan of 2d or side scrolling games but this game made me change my view to its genre. Ninjas, stealth, gore, simple mechanics and there is a lot more epicness you could do!

  • An underrated first person shooter game. At first I thought it was just an ordinary shooter to which i could compare to call of duty (no offense cod fans) but NO, it was much more. There are unique features in it such as weapon and character customization, time manipulation power which you could go YOLO into and nevertheless you can get a hold

    of good looking arsenals to shoot mutations and time travelling monsters.

  • When i tried it out the first time, I'm like yeah but then i realized there was more into it. I'll not spoil you guys but t really gave me a mindf*ck in a memorable way. But hey, I played it with a friend which is fun

  • A game in which is made by a company that also made clash of clans. It is also an online RTS game in which you build a strategic base and train troops that you could command to attack another players base. pretty much the same as COC. This game for a fact that I always play it everyday and I'm like when i wake up, I'm gonna check my base then i realized someone attacked me then *RAGE QUIT*

  • A game that most people like or should I say loved. All I could say is that it also paved way just like its predecessor for an ambient and an immersive game world. While i was playing, I'm always side tracked. Its just beautiful. Gameplay was great, i love the grappling thing with your hook. But i wouldn't forget foremost is the story that left me like "SERIOUSLY?!?"

  • Well, well, well look at this badboy. I love how they are aiming for the realism in this game. Every move you make is just flawless and human like. Also, graphics improved well and driving was smoother. The new cover system is great because without it, you would be dead a hundred times so yeah. Haven't really completed it to 100 percent but its worth every penny.

  • A brilliant game that tells a story of three different protagonists in the midst of world war I.

  • Yes I have played the first, and the second season nevertheless manifests the strength of the series which is its astonishing player based choices.