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I had the same issue. Simply refused to work no matter what I did. GameSpot's stream worked fine.

Switched over to YouTube and it fortunately worked. Kept trying the site player, but it never loaded. Hopefully the streams today will indeed be better. :)

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Austin Walker is a welcome addition to the team! He brings an interesting perspective that I respect and a good humor that seems well-suited for GBEast.

While I had hopes for finally seeing a woman on the GB staff, this still seems like a nice choice. Have enjoyed some of his work in the past and can't wait for what he brings to the site. :)

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@truthtellah said:
@monkeyking1969 said:

Err, not sure a few Tweets constitutes retiring. I say a lot of stuff about my job and life; but I don't always mean it beyond venting frustration or fatigue.

Well, she also said it in an article and has been hinting at the possibility for weeks; so, this certainly seems like a genuine thing. I hope it may just be an extended break from games writing, but that's up to her.

Yeah, her Patron now says, "...But now I am exhausted! I need a rest, for my health at least. And I need to be able to pay rent somewhere. To that end, I will write you an essay each month like I used to, but this time it will be mostly journeys through life and media, rather than specifically about game developers. Please do join me! It will be as interesting, I promise."

So this I buy. I can see her writing about other things that might be tangential to the media or her travels. But, let me point out she will be editing her BOOK on going around teh world writing about games too. So while she might not be writing essays about gaming, her book will be touching on the media and gaming.

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Honestly, she can do what she wants, she's a good writer she could write about Haggis for all I care because it would be the best damn essay on 'sheep's pluck minced with onion, oatmeal, and suet' we are likely to read.

Ahh. Thanks for the update on that. I can see her taking a break like that while still keeping plenty busy.

I look forward to seeing how Drake and butts play into all this.

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It certainly fits with the supposedly leaked photos from the movie. I like the creepiness of these less photoshopped images.

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I know some are annoyed with a lot of the negative response, but I am loving the fun people are having with it.

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#8  Edited By TruthTellah

Err, not sure a few Tweets constitutes retiring. I say a lot of stuff about my job and life; but I don't always mean it beyond venting frustration or fatigue.

Well, she also said it in an article and has been hinting at the possibility for weeks; so, this certainly seems like a genuine thing. I hope it may just be an extended break from games writing, but that's up to her.

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@humanity said:

@truthtellah: While women certainly get more flack than men, it's a bad scene for everyone involved. I would rather say that I'm surprised there are as many people specifically concentrating on games writing period. People just don't want to read lengthy articles tangentially related to gaming anymore, no matter who is writing them.

While general games writing is in a difficult transitional spot at the moment, the specific level of crap and demands of women in games coverage is a distinction worth noting. It's not just a coincidence that many women targeted by this recent storm in gaming have either backed off from writing as much about games or have chosen to take a break from games writing altogether.

Considering the witchhunts against Cara and people that know her, it certainly made the already dismal conditions even worse, and fans of interesting writing about games are worse off from it. Though, her well being obviously must come first, and I'm sure Cara will still do plenty of great articles outside of gaming. I look forward to seeing what she does next.

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#10  Edited By TruthTellah

It's understandable, and I hope Cara will have a nicer time with a different focus.

There's every reason for women to not want anything to do with writing about games. There's plenty of passion there, but it's often not worth it. It pays poorly and you just get a lot of crap. It's no wonder so many people get burnt out or practically run on fumes just to get by in gaming.

If you're small, you're easily ignored, and if you're big, people assume you don't need much support. And the more you become a fixture, the bigger target you become. You've had months of a witchhunt against them and anyone supportive of them, and even when a mob isn't after you, there has been an audience often full of vocal whining and sexism for years.

Personally, I'm surprised there are as many women still writing about gaming as there are. I wish Cara well and will continue to follow her writing.