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Not shooting for the legs in self defense.

Seriously, do they not tell people that shooting in the chest is fatal?

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Id buy it for sure. Hell, if SEGA is bringing a Hatsune Miku game over I don't see why they wouldn't gamble on Yakuza 5.

I'd say less translation?

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I want this as well.

You guys have to remember that Yakuza 4 came out March 18th 2010 in Japan and came out exactly a year later in the U.S.

Yakuza 5 came out on December 6th, 2012.

Theres still some time potentially, but you're right. We should of had news by now if so.

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#4  Edited By Turbyne

@thehbk said:

And here we go. It starts again with fucken rookies who start these threads some of you may remember from this last generation.

"Oh this dev says they are only using 60% of the power of the PS3"

"Hey guys, how much is Gears of War pushing the Xbox 360?"

"Uncharted 2 maxes out the PS3!"

Like seriously, I love tech, I like reading about how it works together but as you can see, it is fucking stupid to get hyped up about a game because the graphics use up a certain amount of resources? Killzone 2 sucked ass. The aiming was stupid. "Oh but its more realisitc" Oh yeah? In a game about space Nazi's that take 3 headshots to kill? All those characters in that game were fucking terrible. Yeah, This new game looks pretty as hell and it says something for the potential about the system but I am more impressed when devs can do more with less and get creative on the console later in the life cycle. Right now, they are brute forcing the graphics so we don't know how good the games can look, but again, I am more impressed by what it means for the complexity of games like a GTA or Elder Scrolls. Point being, these pretty graphics and resource statistics don't mean it will be a good game. If only naughty dog were putting out a game instead.

What a dickhead.

Yeah homie GTA IV's gameplay was definitely not dogshit. Elder Scrolls games definitely don't have bad combat.

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As everyone else has said, everything from the 360.

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#6  Edited By Turbyne

@starvinggamer said:


And people really need to stop acting like Joel's choice was cut and dry, save humanity or save the girl. There was not an ounce of actual evidence to indicate that killing Ellie would result in anything more than a dead girl and a bunch more sadness.

Not to mention at that point in the story Joel starts to look at Ellie as a second daughter.

I doubt ANYONE would just allow her to die in that situation. He also had doubts it'd do anything for anyone.

Not just that but the Fireflies reasons for getting it seemed rather selfish, they probably wouldn't of shared it.

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Although i'm a big fan of the Sands of Time trilogy I didn't play PoP 2008.

For some reason in my head I found that Bioshock Infinite had a little in common with this game somehow.

I mean maybe not so much but for some reason I found Booker giving away his daughter and Joel losing his daughter 20 years ago then Booker getting to actually spend time with Elizabeth and not knowing and Joel late in the game starting to look at Ellie as his second daughter he would raise.

Both kind of got their "second" chances so to speak.

Blah i'm confusing my self.

But...but! Troy Baker voices both main characters!

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If I had one more question.

Is it populated?

Seeing these videos is really making me want to buy the game despite beating the single player off a rental.

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@yummylee said:
@wemibelec90 said:

From the little I played, I was annoyed that it took so many shots to kill anyone. For a game that feels like it's a little more survival-based, it felt a little absurd.

It takes but three shots to the body (or two to the head, which'll also kill a player completely) from a revolver to down a player -- lest they're wearing armour, which'll take another two. Players can go down pretty damn fast in this game if you're able to catch someone off-guard.

Surprised he said that about the game when even when I played hard mode I felt Joel was a bit of a bullet sponge.

But obviously it's for fun, if Joel only took a single bullet it wouldn't be very entertaining.

Ellie's sections felt much more like a survival game though, she could barely take a hit.

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It has a Gears of War feel to it, small teams, downs and executions. I've been playing it here and there, and iv'e enjoyed it so far. If you liked fighting humans in the single player you'll like it. I wouldn't buy it just for the multiplayer though, I'd wait until the dlc comes out, which I'm guessing might take a while, so you'll be able to pick it up cheaper when it does.

Oh man! I love Gears of War 1's multiplayer and this sounds...sort of reminiscent in a weird way, you know?

Just how brutal and unforgiving it was, and I believe this game does have an elimination game mode.

I'll get it at 30-40 dollars or perhaps when that DLC pops up.