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Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3-my first serious entry in the Dynasty Warriors franchise and i'm already a fan

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well its a niche game in which the online community is the main draw.ive met a few people just as hardcore as me who treat it like those on the pc version (who have months /played) with multiple lvl 200 toons and toons specificaly for finding rare items to support the others.

basically once you get into the harder modes (gold through niob) you meet the hardcore players and get sucked in. im on platinum which is the second hardest and now im in the grind heavy part or in full metal jacket slang «im in the shit»

the graphics are dated and the grind is between ffix,PSo and WoW level when you go for level caps and rare items and sets but its a good game if you fit the niche. my 2nd favorite behind tes oblivion(which i prefer over skyrim- yes my gaming tastes arent mainstream)

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when i got my shiny new xbox i severly underestimated the pull it would have. first i was into tes oblivion(500+ hours),then it was skyrim(300+) next came tropico 4(300+) not to mention dragons dogma,gta iv(multiplayer) and a smattering of gears 1-3,mw3,and others

now i play sacred 2 fallen angel-an open world diablo clone which has the spirit of WoW being grind heavy and addictive- every day 12-16 hours a day with over 700 hours across dozens of toons and havent even leveled to the cap of 200 on a single one lol. i used to be 33 in the world but changing my GT wiped my toons from the leaderboard >.< so now im obssessed with being the best ( legit that is there are modders on the game sometimes). i swear i havent been addicted like this since the actual mmo days of my past.

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#4  Edited By Tw1tch

1. Elder Scrolls Morrowind-my first TES game and first open world rpg so it has a special place in my memory.Out of all the recent three TES games id say this one was the best for its complexity (a plus in my book) and its true open ended-ness (the game gave you very little explicit direction).

2. World of Warcraft- I only had this game for two months....but that was only because i realized that WoW had a very unhealthy effect on me. I would wake up at 10am, play until 4pm, write a few lines for my paper until a pathetic 430pm, then play from 5 until about 4am....I was hooked to say the least.

3. Sacred 2 Fallen Angel- The B-movie of online RPGs, i found this game to be very addictive since alot of my friends on Live played it all day and night,and i wanted to compete with them. I actually have two characters on the leaderboards for xbox (one at around 88-a tank Shadow Warrior and one at the 33rd spot-a DPS Shadow Warrior) though ive switched out my xbox and rebought the game so those old characters probably went down in rank. This is the only game out of the three that i still play to death (even played all night last night lol)

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#5  Edited By Tw1tch

im finally burned out on skyrim after about 200 hours so i just bought tales of vesperia so thats in the 'box. great game too

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#6  Edited By Tw1tch

skyrim. i already beat it a while ago but im a TES nerd so ill play it till the next one comes out in between my list of other games to beat

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#7  Edited By Tw1tch


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#8  Edited By Tw1tch

Id say that guilds should have a good or evil vibe to them but still should be morally 'grey' so that any RPG character can play their questline and still feel authentic. For instance the Dark Brotherhood shouldve had some sort of redeeming quality or character with such a quality that would make them mostly evil but believable like,say, they used to be a mostly moral guild of legal assassins (see:morag tong-elder scrolls morrowind) but some leader or enemy ended up corrupting them or forcing them to change their ways. The companions kinda had that in their inner circle being werewolves which everyone hates vampires and werewolves in Tamriel.

As it stands, the Dark Brotherhood had a great questline, but they were 80's cartoonish in their 'evilness'

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#9  Edited By Tw1tch

Hello my name is Cid but i go by Tw1tch (due to my friends jokes that I am a zombie game junkie lol). With the new year ive decided to pursue my dream of being a video game blogger and reviewer and, since ive been relying on GiantBomb for the past 2 years for my reviews, decided to start here. Look for informative but personal reviews from me in the future, as well as a conversation on any video game under the sun.

I primarily play xbox 360 and the occasional PC RPG but I also play games on PSP,PSVita,original Xbox,PS2,and 3DS. Im also looking to buy a high-end PC but thats probably later down the line. Its early (at least for me lol) so it isnt shown now but I have a certain Hunter S. Thompson-gonzo journalist vibe to articles and things of that nature. Give me a while to get used to the way things go on here and im sure we'll share some good vibes.

btw my xbox GT is:HippiexNerdx420 and my Psn is:LeetMojo88