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I arrive...Triumphantly

Yes, I am here. GiantBomb has captured me, and  It will never let go. Well, thats an overstatement. Gamespot became terrible, I never blogged or updated anything, and I figured a fresh start over here would do me good. The features on this site, at first glance at least, look extremely robust, especially the new "Guides" feature. I see many terribly organised guides at gamefaqs, that do have useful information buried with in, and a wiki style guide system is almost...guides 2.0. A way to streamline through all the crap that is often around, and put all the information in one organised place.

The way companies, people, characters, games, concepts and consoles all get their own wikis and forums is an incredible feat, and while this may lead to some disorganisation in a public wiki, from what I have seen so far, it works extremely well, with fans of specific games updating those pages and keeping their mini wiki intact. I've already made one major edit to the wiki, but I assume its awaiting moderation, as it has not shown up on either Pending subs or Wiki points. I hope I haven't lost it, I spent a while remembering the over the top story of Ninja Gaiden Black XD.

That will do, a short first blog post. Hopefully soon I shall have more impressions of the site, and more readers of my blog.

Til soon ,