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Games I would not recommend (Ever)

They're all bad.

List items

  • When someone tells you this game is bad, THEY AREN'T KIDDING.

    I owned this game back in 2007, it being released at start of 2006, holiday season release blah blah blah. Well before the Pokecapn and the Game Grumps LP's, but well after it garnered the bad reputation it did for being so shit. I will never forget that, after playing the Demo before release (Sonic on the first part of Kingdom Valley) saying "This is kind of awful", keeping in mind I was into Sonic like any other person my age was. My friend turned to me and got on my case for saying the game was "SURE TO BE GOOD" and that "I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT", because there were was never a horrible Sonic game before aside from a few bad ones that were playable (or whatever your opinion on Shadow: The Hedgehog is). Only a year later was the game 5 bucks and in a bargain bin and me going "For 5 bucks? How bad could it be?" Looking back in retrospect.

    I was not prepared for the unplayable nature of some levels.

    I was not prepared for the horrible animations that made you snap onto the ground.

    I was not prepared for sometimes the level deciding to instantly kill me at it's start because the physics fucked up.

    I was not prepared for how bad Sonic's levels are in comparison to the other two playable characters, showing that Sega made those first AND playable before the titular character.

    In retrospect, I still have no idea what the fuck the game was.

    If anything is anything, it's given me a benchmark for what the worst game I've ever played is.

  • Cataclysm did something Warhammer Online, Star Wars the old Republic, and Wildstar didn't do, it injured WoW in such a WoW a way it hasn't recovered.

    At some point I'll go over what was wrong with his expansion, and although it's not applicable anymore due to how MMO's tend to age it should be noted: Cata WoW is just 7 kinds of bad with unique flavors of crap for each kind.

    Whatever write-up will be for it will go here, instead of this placement text.

  • This is the other bad game by Sonic Team released in 2006 that nobody thought they would screw up, and was overshadowed by the more popular franchise that crashed and burned harder.

    PSU is Sega's attempt at making a more western MMO without giving up it's roots, or inovating anything and creating a game that was otherwise broken and had to be shut down as an MMO after a couple of years. The game at least has a single player campaign, complete with awful story, awful voice acting, even more awful mo-cap to make up for lazy animation design, and just all around being a horrible game. Few games have been able to top this level of bad, even now.

  • Keep in mind that this is concerning the free to play version of this game.

    I got mugged the same day I tried this game. I considered playing GA the worst experience. It's very unbalanced, full of odd design choices and is otherwise a game that is abandoned. What more do you need to know?

  • If there's anything good about Dungeon Siege 3 it's that it's pretty, and shows that Obsidian can make a very pretty game, and are competent developers.

    However, this game is not very good, even if the art assets are nice and the voice actors are pretty amazing. It takes whatever formula DS2 had and throws it out the window and tries to be a Diablo/Torchlight clone without willing to commit to the loot craze that made those games what they are. Multiplayer is a hindered shell of a game and offers the person(s) playing with the hosts literally nothing, and the story throws everything but names away with the previous games away with a "x hundred years in the future" cop out.

    Ultimately, it's a weak game that should serve as the middleground between the "Good" and the "Hell" of this list. It's not really good for much else.

  • If you like bad mobas with bad pricing models, bad gameplay and ways of alienating a previously established customer base, this game is perfect for your various interests.

    Which is sad, because Uber Entertainment is a promising company.

  • This game is "alright" when it works. Alright. When it doesn't, it's a horrible mess with unlikable characters who all have voices I can point out and like. Not even as a Fallout regular do I like this game, even if the many on the original team worked on it. Over the years I put ~80 hours into the game, 20 of which was actually spent playing the game and 60 trying to get the thing to work on the PC with constant freeze ups, glitches, lost saves, and the whole shebang. From what I WAS able to play I ended up

    What REALLY put me from the game is Obsidian's developers blaming the engine (Gamebryo) for the failures. The Gamebryo engine isn't that great so that would believable (doubly so since Fallout NV had a criminally short development time). The problem is: other game studios use the gamebryo engine for their games and their not nearly as bug ridden tripe as Fallout NV is, unless the developer themselves are bad.

    Obsidian has already suffered for this game, so one jerk like me being harsh on isn't going to hurt them any further. Nevermind that saying Fallout: NV is a horrible game is not a popular opinion, so many will flock to denounce such. Whatever wonder and glowing praise this game has, I don't see it. I liked Fallout 3, 2, 1, and Tactics, and hope the next outing for such is much less crap, and I am sticking to that. Either way, it's likely at the bottom of my least due to it being the least bad.