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Banjo Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts will be BRILLIANT!

there has been allot of mewing about how the new Banjo Kazooie isn't as good as the last two because there's less platfoorming and too many vehicles. "they've ruined it" they cry. "it's not like the originals" they spew. "it's a budget game" they blasfeem! why are they complaining about getting a game that looks that good for a low low price?

on the topic of vehicles, have they not seen the size of the worlds and levels? I wouldn't want to footslog through those. I'd want a plane, or a car, or a boat, or even a submarine to get through it. oh wait! there are boats, subs, planes and automobiles (no trains so far but fingers crossed). and you get to build them! BRILLIANT! who didn't love LEGO, or Mecano, or Kinex as a child? you get to build and drive these wacky creations around a huge a colourful environment. it's the sort of game my 10 year old self wished for.

and have these doomsayers forgotten that this game is being made by RARE?
the people who brought us Donkey Kong (amazing SNES platforming), Goldeneye (one of, if not, the greatest FPS' of all time), Perfect Dark (a bad-ass and hawt Bond mirror), Conker's Bad Fur Day (an alcoholic squirrel who fought a giant poo!), Jet Force Jemini (a cutsey, gorry, space shooter fest) and other brilliantly named titles like Battletoads, Sabre Wulf and It's Mr Pants.

those are all from the 90s (when they weren't controlled by Mr Microsoft) but with RARES other 00s title, Viva Pinyata, surely this could be a herrald that the quirkiest game maker is back making great games. with Microsoft money imagine the sorts of things that could be achived.

think of Nuts & Bolts like a Pixar film, everything about them should want to make you avoid them; a film about talking toys, monsters that scare children, a robot that doesn't talk, cars on a journey of discovery. on the surface they sound like poison, but when you look deeper you see that all is not what it seems - they are finely crafted master works that tap into that child like bit of your brain and make you feel 10 years old again. and i can not think of a games developer who can do that better than RARE