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#1  Edited By unchained

I will absolutely be doing the Yearly Subscription thing, day fucking one. 

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#2  Edited By unchained
@CL60 said: 
I'll try to go in as calm as possible. I looked through the questions, and the only thing on there that actually applies to me is if I've ever downloaded anything illegally. So I'm nervous about that. I've never been drunk, I've never used any drugs, and I've never associated myself with drug users. I have to wonder what the point of the bestiality question is. Yes, it's illegal. But does that really need to be asked? I just keep thinking how embarrassing it would be if they asked that question, and I said no, and it said I was lying. "
I know it sounds trite, but you really have nothing to worry about. You have no history of drinking nor drugs, and you don't associate with dealers? That is the shit they are worried about. Seriously, you'll be fine. If you have any other questions about the recruitment process, PM me. Otherwise, I'll see you when you get to Regina for training. I'm the bald guy who works out at the depot gym at noon. Come say hi :) 
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#3  Edited By unchained
@CL60 said: 
I'm mainly worried because, I believe that it is unreliable. And I know I will be nervous, and I've heard that being nervous, anxious, or uncomfortable about a question, it can skew the results, and I don't want to lose a career because I failed something that I shouldn't have failed. "
Honestly, I'm with you. I don't care for the polygraph. My feeling are that if it isn't an instrument that can be entered in Court, it shouldn't be used for career screening. That's my personal thoughts on the matter though, and not what the RCMP thinks. You are in a shitty position where you have to take it to get a job. With that in mind, try to be as calm as you can. They expect people to be nervous. 
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#4  Edited By unchained
@CL60 said:
" @Unchained said:
" I'm with you OP. I'm a Canadian through and through, but Hockey doesn't interest me at all. Sports in general don't interest me, though I go to the gym 5 days a week.   My family finds it funny that I'll be wearing the Red Serge (I'm a mountie) at this year's Grey Cup and am more concerned with what videogames come out that week. Some folk like sports or certain kind of sports, others don't. Doesn't mean you are any less Canadian.   Just drink your beer, eh?  "
You're a Mountie? I have a question for you. How is the polygraph test? I'm going to have to do one when I join, and I'm worried about it. "
Nothing to be worried about. Even if you did a few misdeeds in the past, own up to them during the test. I smoked up before joining the RCMP, and I admitted as much. It was in the past by then so it wasn't an issue. Get a good sleep the night before, eat a good breakfast, and relax during the test.  
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#5  Edited By unchained

I'm with you OP. I'm a Canadian through and through, but Hockey doesn't interest me at all. Sports in general don't interest me, though I go to the gym 5 days a week.  
My family finds it funny that I'll be wearing the Red Serge (I'm a mountie) at this year's Grey Cup and am more concerned with what videogames come out that week. Some folk like sports or certain kind of sports, others don't. Doesn't mean you are any less Canadian.  
Just drink your beer, eh? 

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#6  Edited By unchained

I created a dude I want to kill when I play the game. 

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#7  Edited By unchained

I'm a cop. Mountie to be specific.  
I'm in a sweet desk job now though, after ten years of being "on the beat". 

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#8  Edited By unchained
@BeachThunder said:
" The less that's spoiled the better. "
Well said. I hate spoilers. Even little revelations that would have made me go "cool!" while playing the game that get spoiled beforehand drive me crazy. Fuck you spoilers.  
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#9  Edited By unchained
@JBird said:
" i can see your point of view, if its fine for a 23 yr old to date a 20 yr old why cant u date a 12 yr old? but unfortunatly it doesnt work like that. People change and grow up so much between 10 and 20 that although the age gap in years seems small, and alot smaller than some adult couples, your maturity levels are vastly different and it wouldnt be right for you to date each other......even to the point that the average 12 yr olds idea of what constitues "dating" is very very different to that of a 15 yr old.  So i wouldn't say its okay. "
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#10  Edited By unchained

Last year, I bought a 3D capable PC monitor and bought the nVidia 3D setup. I already had a 3D enabled video card.  
Played a few games with the glasses on. After about 20 minutes of playing, I had the absolute worst headache I've ever had. Maybe it was because I had laser eye surgery a few years ago? 
Regardless, I returned it and got my $300 back the next day.