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New Mystery Science Theater 3000 is faaaaaaaaaaaaaanTASTIC.

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Just Played the Demo. Some Preliminary Thoughts.

   The best way I can think to describe this game with shorthand, which is a practice I actually hate doing but recognize the benefit of, is God of War meets Assassin's Creed by way of Jak and Daxter. If that sounds like a mish-mash, that's because it kind of is. The combat is the usual character-action game fare, weak hit, strong hit, combine them to combo, etc, etc, but the traversal is very Assassin's Creed-like in that you jump from handhold to handhold and even have context-sensitive jumping. There were a couple of times I found myself rolling up to a ledge instead of jumping over it, but the game doesn't seem to allow you to roll off the ledge, which is nice of them. The Jak and Daxter part comes from some gameplay I saw in the post-demo trailer that looked like it'd have you riding a disc at incredible speeds down a river, using your staff as a projectile weapon (firing blasts from it, not throwing it) and generally seemed to have the same varied, platforming-based gameplay that made Jak and Daxter famous. 
   Overall I have to say, this demo REALLY impressed me. Coupled with the Quick Look, I might actually pick this up. The graphics are easily the weakest link the chain, but I've never played games solely cause they look pretty, and I'm not gonna start now. The animations are really fluid so far and there are some cool cinematic touches, like when you take down the final enemy, it does a quick zoom-in on the killing blow. I also REALLY like the character design I've seen so far, the fellow is burly and intimidating, but still lean enough that his ridiculous acrobatic feats aren't ENTIRELY unbelievable and the lady is, gasp, not just eye candy, but that's a whole other rant. Well done, demo. You've won at least a rental.