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"Made in America"

"Yeah, we're gonna make that mean something again."

Well, I recently watched Robocop 2 for the first time... and after watching Robocop 1 for the first time a few weeks ago, It's a good addition to the series, and my collection... now all I've got to do is get around to watching Robocop 3 sometime...

So, I decided that in each and every one of my blog posts, I will title it with a movie quote... preferably one I have seen recently, and I will also try to loosely relate it to my post...

As far as my gaming life is concerned, I recently bought Braid... actually I just bought it yesterday morning (or afternoon, I woke up at 12pm).  The game is amazing... I played the demo back when it first came out, and the $15 price point turned me off... but I've been spending so much money on movies recently that I just couldn't say "No". Jonathan Blow is a genius, I wouldn't be surprised if he turned out to be the American version of Shigeru Miyamoto.

Another big reason I bought Braid is because I was going to be buying points for something else already, and I figured that I might as well just buy Braid in the process.  What was this "other thing" you ask?  Well, I figured I'd buy points in advance for the amazing Rock Band DLC coming out this tuesday.  For any of you that know me, you know I am a HUGE Rush fan... so, it's no suprised that i'd be excited about them releasing Rush's full "Moving Pictures" album as Rock Band DLC.  It's going to be awesome!  One thing I am curious about though, how are they going to be handling the track "YYZ" seeing as how it is entirely instrumental.

Also, here's an update on my situation with the ladies:
They suck.  End of story.