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Top 5 Underrated Titles of 2010!

Yes just my opinion, please comment if you agree or disagree.

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  • Mafia II was for me a really great game and it will be in my Top 10 Games of the Year list when I make that one. I am really surprised when most people say they were not too fussed with this game, I actually thought it was fantastic in a lot of ways and I had a lot of hype for this game because I really enjoyed the first Mafia. I think Mafia II has one of the best stories of this year, some of the most beautiful environments and I really enjoyed the gameplay overall. I haven't played much of it since when the game came out in August but it was a pretty great game for me and I often think that I played a different game compared to everyone else who wasn't too impressed with it.

  • Singularity is a great FPS and I think most people who played it would agree but the problem here was that not enough people played it. Thanks to Activision's crappy marketing for this title, there was little buzz for this game which is a real shame. I think the Giant Bomb guys did a good job of creating interest which is great because Raven Software are a great FPS developer and it was unfortunate to hear that they suffered from lay offs after the release of Singularity. I recommend Singularity to anyone who has not checked it out yet.

  • Despite several obvious flaws (criminally short campaign, repetitive multiplayer) this was actually one of the best third-person shooters I had played for a good while. The shooting was solid and satisfying, the graphics were awesome actually I loved the visual style and I thought the story was engaging too. Not a great ending and as I said, way too short clocking in at about 4-5 hours but really, this game is quite affordable now and I recommend shooter fans at least to give it a shot. Far better than both of the Army of Two games if that is any indication.

  • This is an odd one because I know myself that this game is not so hot. The graphics are dated, the controls are bad, the shooting is poor, many glitches and so on. However, I oddly had a blast with this game and that was a few months after finishing Mass Effect 2. I think the shooting is bad but managable, especially when using the assault rifle and the story was just great and how it changes depending the reactions you make to all of the characters of the game was really impressive to me. This game has gotten cheap now and it is understandable why, I think Jeff's review is pretty accurate. It was a cool experience though and I finished it twice in a row which is very rare for me.

  • While I do not think this game is particularly great, it is nowhere near as bad as what many say. I have heard several say that this was the worst game they played this year and I think that is extremely harsh. This game was totally fine for me. The shooting was quite well executed, the flying was fun and yes, was something to get used to but when you got used to it, you were flying! (sorry I had to go there...) I also think the story was pretty interesting, I played this when it first came out and later bought it for £5 new and sealed and I have yet to break the shrink wrap and I am not sure if I will. Not a terrible game though, too many mean people in this world.