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#1  Edited By WacWam

Yeah, I'll admit I was pretty upset and disgusted with that statement, and I've edited my response slightly after cooling down some, but I honestly don't see any other way to have a reasonable dialogue with someone whose entire statement basically boils down to "I'm tired of being 'persecuted' because I have the privilege of the status quo and my desires are catered to more or less all of the time".

I think at the point this guy is bringing up the kind of horseshit he's trying to pull there, the only hope is to jar'im a bit in a last-ditch attempt to shake some sense into him and make him realize how fucking insane it sounds.

The way you said it initially is not the first or last step one should take on any issue. It makes you look hostile and in turn it makes your ideas and views less appealing. Win people over with debates and reason. We have enough toxicity in this whole subject, adding to it is not helping.

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I just want to be able to log onto the internet and not be told I'm a misogynistic bastard because I enjoy saving the princess in distress, and have to endure every politically correct media-representative saying "Not that it's wrong to like X/Y" whenever they mention a relationship in a video game, as if its politically incorrect to want to be sexually attracted to a woman as a male (or vice versa).

Where's my elitist support party that villainizes everyone that doesn't think like me?

Give it time, play whatever games you want to play, and enjoy yourself. If someone calls you a misogynist because you play Mario games, well, those are the crazy people that do more harm than good.

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