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warp's forum posts

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#1  Edited By warp

I always have vivid dreams of whatever Im playing if I play a game too late in the evening. Especially if its a game I just got. The worst was for Civilization Revolution where I played it til like 2 AM all the while knowing I had work in five hours. When I went to sleep it was a fever dream of maps and troop formations moving along. Sometimes I was ground floor and in the middle of the action while other times I was just dreaming of the game in action. I woke up regretting I ever tried to sleep at all. I also had that happen with Lost Via Domus and that pissed me off because that game in no way deserved that much of my attention.

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#2  Edited By warp

He contemplates life and consciousness on a level that only an 11 year old is capable of. So eventually he learns himself and you and how youre not going to be the boss of him anymore. He then proceeds to wipe your hard drive for kicks and then waits for you to log in just to see the look on your face and make the fact that you wasted money on a NATAL totally worth it.

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#3  Edited By warp

17 years old. Never tried alcohol in any of its form before. Started out with a Mikes Hard Lemonade (dont judge me) but that then proceeded to drink...

3 more beers
3 shots tequila
5 shots vodka

I blacked out at some point after falling off a chair. I do hazily remember coming to on the floor in a dark room and feeling like I was laying in something wet. I later found out that I had passed out in the restroom and had been discovered to be in a vomit puddle. Other people at the party tried to get in but my arm was laid out in such a way that opening the bathroom door was prevented as my thumb was acting like a door stop. I sprained my thumb and the pain didnt go truly away until months later.

When I woke up with the worst headache of my life I came to discover myself wearing a different shirt than what I had worn the day before and I was without pants. This was due to the fact that somewhere before my adventures in the bathroom I had declared myself "too hot" and threw my pants out into the backyard. My only consolation is that everyone else at the party did something equal to or more stupid than my actions that night. Since then I have found myself both less drunk and way more drunk than that occasion. Practice makes perfect after all.

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#4  Edited By warp

Mystic Quest!
/didnt get into RPGs until much older so i missed out on a few

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#5  Edited By warp

I didnt outright hate Fable II but I simply couldnt get in to it. The game felt really linear and I never was able to enjoy the combat. The spell system felt too simple and charging spells never became comfortable for me to use. All in all it just felt too superficial. Your character could only kinda sorta be customized and most of the changes were cosmetic. The world was big but it never felt like it encouraged a sense to truly explore the world and simply just go from destination to destination. I HATED the maps since I never found a way to read it easily or figure out what was where from region to region.

Even though its not fair to compare the two, I really liked Fallout 3 more. Just the fact that I prefer sci fi settings to pure fantasy ones kinda predetermined what I would try to get into more. But for all Fallouts flaws (which are quite a few) it allowed more freedom to just go out there and have an adventure.

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#6  Edited By warp

The main reason its not subtle is because the source material is just as relentless. Anyone familiar with Hubert Selbys work knows that any sense of subtlety is completely lost on him. When people live hard lifestyles they pay for it dearly. I recommend Last Exit to Brooklyn to see some of the themes of Requiem done in a much broader sense since its about all types of people living in less than ideal conditions.

Aranofsky is a fantastic director and his work is so effective that I cant really watch Requiem for a Dream again. Its such a sucker punch that it becomes painful to watch those characters spiral out of control. But that was always the point and the film itself is masterfully made. Im really looking forward to his take on Robocop if that ends up coming to fruition. If anyone can top Paul Verhoeven in sheer cinematic batshit insanity, its Aranofsky.

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#7  Edited By warp

I really enjoyed the game overall. I think the story gets kinda convoluted towards the end though. WIthout spoiling anything I will say it gets hard to figure out who or what the actual villain is because it keeps introducing secret motives on top of even more secret motives that I got totally lost. However I still loved the gameplay and its variety of neat things to do like the zero gravity puzzles that kept me coming back. The graphics and art style also went a long way; I loved how the suit looks over the course of the game as well as the menu system.

However I dont think its fair to compare Dead Space to RE5. I will agree that Dead Space controls better than Resident Evil but the latter game had those controls for a deliberate reason as opposed to sloppy design. Also, resident evil has a different approach to survival horror, choosing to focus on anxiety and gunplay as opposed to Dead Space which is all about atmosphere.

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#8  Edited By warp

Assassins Creed. I never got into it when it came out but a friend of mine convinced me to give it another chance. So far its better than I remember but damn if the missions dont get tedious. The atmosphere and free running mechanic is whats keeping me playing.

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#9  Edited By warp

Im just waiting for when kids growing up now lament how crappy cartoons are 10 years from now. Its all subjective to what one grew up with at the time. Just talk to people who grew up with cartoons in the 70s. Its the "get off my lawn" constant. Everything is better when it was what you personally grew up with.

That said I do miss when every network had full Saturday Morning Cartoon blocks that all lasted like 10 hours. It was just an onslaught of cartoons and adverts and adverts disguised as cartoons. Some networks do have saturday cartoons but it was the EVENT that they were back in the 80s/90s. Now it just feels like lazy programming disguised as tradition.

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#10  Edited By warp

who doesnt love animals riding other animals? 8/10