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Persona 3 FES Endurance Run (Part 22)

 Wow. This is going to be another one of those "A whole bunch of story things happened" kind of updates. We literally didn't fight anything during the whole session, but the game did reveal the biggest twist yet and it was really nuts and also really awesome. But first, Social Links!

I guess we're going to bone Chihiro at the end of this. I haven't really been thinking about that, but it's going to happen. I mean, that's how these things work right? I don't know how I feel about that. Oh wait, yes I do, I feel awesome! Anyways, this time she was accused of stealing money from the student council. See, she's the treasurer for the council, and apparently she "forgot" to give some money to a teacher or something. I think this might be related to her extreme wanting of those comic books earlier, but probably not. It has to be a coincidence, right? Why would she steal money when her boyfriend has over a million yens? That just wouldn't make sense. We also hung out with the Dying Guy, and he's still kind of sad that he is dying. You know what, I probably would be too.

We tried to hang out with Rival Athlete man, but he totally stood us up. We stood in the mall for about a minute and then he called us up and was all like, "Oh, I'm sorry, my mother died so we can't hang out." What an asshole.

So, now I'm going to summarize a whole bunch of story, which is a pretty tough thing to do. This wasn't a session of action scenes and dramatic deaths, it was mostly just a lot of talking, which makes writing an update about it pretty tough. But, I'm going to slave it out, if only for you, my future self. It all started when Ryoji stopped going to school for a couple days. Apparently, he wasn't feeling well, but Aigis is still assured that he is "dangerous". Whatever that means (I actually know full well what that means but I'm trying to keep the illusion of present tense).

Also suspicious is the way Aigis has started coming back to the dorm later than normal recently. I wonder if these two will possibly connect in some way and continue the story. Well, yeah they will. During the Dark Hour one night, Aigis goes to the crazy bridge (the one the two members of Strega jumped off of) to look for Ryoji. It turns out, that was a great place to look because he's actually right there! But wait, he shouldn't be around during the Dark Hour. Aigis interrogates him on this very subject, and he doesn't really seem to know very well either. Anyways, long story short: It turns out Ryoji is death.That's right, HE IS DEATH. Which leads me to question who the fuck the other Death (the one in Tartarus) actually is. Oh wait, before I get sidetracked, maybe I should explain the part about Ryoji being death a little more.

Apparently, Ryoji is the "Appriser" who is meant to summon the crazy maternal being god thing "Nyx" to fuck everyone up and destroy the world. I have no idea why, but that apparently doesn't matter yet. He was created during the experiments done by Yukari's father, which are the same experiments which created the other ten (or maybe twelve, I don't know) big shadows we had to defeat. Aigis was created to destroy these shadows, and had actually fought Death about ten years ago, on this very bridge, but at that point he wasn't human yet. So, in the longest anime cut-scene yet (and probably the best) it shows that Aigis couldn't defeat Death, so she had to seal him away in a little kid who happened to be nearby. After that is explained, Ryoji kicks Aigis' ass and she gets all sad and broke.

Then, Fuuka discovers that Aigis and "someone else" (I wonder who it is) are at the bridge, so all the rest of us run over to see what the fuck's up. We see Aigis all broke on the floor, and then Ryoji explains it all for the second time. But this time, he reveals the biggest bombshell: THAT KID WAS US. Ryoji was actually living inside us for most of our whole lives! In fact, it was really just a pure coincidence that we happened to come back to this town again afterwards and start this all again! Damn our parents! If they're alive, that is. Us coming back also caused so many people to get Persona powers, which come to think of it doesn't make much sense considering Strega and "Mitsuru and Akihiko's Hunting Crew" were both around before we got here. But I rolled with it at the time, so whatever.

Us destroying all the shadows didn't actually destroy the shadows at all, but instead caused them all to be brought together with Ryoji and allow him to escape us. That's why he didn't come to town until after all the shadows were gone. In a kind of funny coincidence, right after the cut-scene, Levi and I were talking about how this meant that Pharos was actually Ryoji, and that's why he left us after we defeated all the shadows. The funny thing was that we figured this out, and then I pressed X one more time and the game popped up a message saying "Hey, Pharos was totally Ryoji, guys." Also, while Ryoji was inside of us, he developed more human attributes, which is why he takes the form of a human now. Also, he's still the pretty nice guy he was before, it's just now he knows that he is death.

Now, more about this Nyx business. Nyx is some sort of crazy god who is going to destroy the whole world. That's pretty much all we know about her so far. Oh yeah, and she's going to destroy the whole thing by Spring, so we better hurry up or everything will die. Ryoji decides to give us a certain choice concerning this though, because he's still a nice dude. If we kill Ryoji, we will be able to forget everything that has happened (the characters will, not Levi and I) and be able to live in peace right up until the end of the world, so it will be quick and painless. Or, we could not kill him, and use that time to try to figure out how to stop her, which seems useless since the game has been constantly telling us that she is a crazy god who cannot be stopped. I don't know if we (Levi and I) will actually be able to make this choice or if it will be made for us, but if we have to make it we're obviously going to choose not to kill him. But, either way, we don't have to make this choice right now, because he's giving us until New Year's Eve. Then, he left and disappeared into non-existence for a month while we decide.

So, yeah. Bam, I guess. That's a whole lot of shit to take in. After the cut-scene, we decided to go and talk to all the characters in the dorm, and they provided us with some other nuggets of information we hadn't thought about. First, Strega must have known about this too. This is probably what they were talking about with the "Master Plan". Second, the Chairman obviously knew, which is what he meant by "The Fall". I still wonder why he wanted to kill us though. Maybe he wanted to unleash Ryoji quicker? I don't know, I'm usually not very good at figuring out these things.

And that's where we stopped. We tried to go to Tartarus, but Aigis got sent back for repairs since Ryoji kicked her ass so hard so nobody wanted to go. Also, I think they were a bit shaken up about the news. But, the good news is that when Aigis gets back, we'll probably get to S. Link with her, which is awesome! We're now 66 hours into the game, in case you wondering. I just realized that it was only a two hour period of gameplay that all this happened in. Weird. I guess that's what happens when you don't fight at all. Anyways, this update ends now!