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Getting Hype for 2015 Games

Just thought I'd bash out a list of some of the games I'm looking forward to for 2015. It's in rough order of excitement, but not to a degree that actually means anything. All these things sound cool.

List items

  • I know very little about this, which is probably the best way to go into it. I have confidence in Atlus to bring the goods. Here's hoping we actually get it in 2015.

  • The more I see of The Witcher 3, the more I want it... and they've been showing off a LOT of The Witcher 3, which is partly why it ranks so highly.

  • Presuming this makes it out, I will be all over it. I love just about everything about Metal Gear Solid's madness, so here's to more of that.

  • "Dark Souls with Guns" is definitely selling this game's potential short but dammit that description sounds cool so I'm going to use it anyway.

  • I'm Batmaaaan.

  • Shouldn't take much explaining here either. I've loved every previous game, and there's been enough of a gap that I'm eager for more Drake.

  • This didn't end up coming out last year (much like a few things on this list) but I am still very much excited for it.

  • It's been a long time since I actually played a Zelda title, I was very tempted by A Link Between Worlds but didn't get around to it. This is shaping up to be too gorgeous to ignore, however.

  • Colours! Joy! SQUID ABLITIES.

  • As I said last year, I've yet to play a main-series FF game that I didn't enjoy and this one looks to be different in some interesting ways. It's more likely to come out this year.

  • I've already bought into Massive Chalice but I think I'll wait until the full release to dive into it properly. :D

  • I'm still reeling a little from the reveal at the end of Act I, and that was almost a year ago now. Can't wait to find out how this wraps up.

  • Look at the pretty colours! LOOK AT THEM.

  • Yet another in the series of games which didn't make it out in 2014 but I am still interested in.

  • I've played this in Early Access and I'm very eager to see where it ends up. Tons of potential if they can nail the balance.

  • I didn't get super into MK9 but I did play through the whole campaign, and then again when it was free on Vita. I enjoyed that and the little multiplayer I did play enough that I'm probably in for this.

  • This game could be real hit-or-miss for me. It's going to come down entirely to the range of content and whether I have enough people in my friend circles who are interested in it.

  • A special mention here because DotT is one of my all-time favourites so I'm very excited for an HD remaster of it.

  • Ubisoft Me Right In The Feels, Boys.