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If a tree falls in the forest, and I'm not there, and it makes a sound, but I don't hear it, but someone records it and plays it b...

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#1  Edited By yevinorion

@RenegadeDoppelganger said:

I blew 30 uplay points on it early in the game and at that point I could only carry 2 weapons so I opted my silenced pistol instead.

Lets be real though, what else are you gonna use those uplay points on?

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#2  Edited By yevinorion

@djou: I hear you man, but from what I gather the other pistol, the smg and the assault rifle signature weapons all have silencers. I just found that the Shredder, which is the signature SMG, is unlocked by obtaining 10 of the 20 memory cards. I think I'm going to have to go after that ASAP.

@Oldirtybearon: That Bushman sounds amazing. Whoa...that didn't come out right. In any case, that assault rifle sounds right up my alley. I like things that are silenced as I like to do a lot of sneaking.

@Hizang: Apparently it's for collecting 10 of the relics.

The thing is once you unlock them, you still have to buy them. Hey, I guess they needed money to be for something other than ammo.

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#3  Edited By yevinorion

Anyone gotten any of the Signature Weapons yet? They look like they're all pretty awesome. They seem to all be based off an existing weapon with a specific set of attachments that you cannot edit along with a set paint job and increased stats. So far I've only unlocked the one that's for the Uplay reward, the Cannon. It's a monster of a gun, .44 magnum, but it's just soooooo loud. I can't use it much as I like to be stealthy. Good for when a tiger jumps outta the bush at you though.

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#4  Edited By yevinorion

@kerse said:

There was a patch on the 360 today, its smooth now, but it looks like they may have dropped the view distance a little.

Nice. I got it on 360 as the only computer I currently own is a MacBook Pro from 2008. Glad to hear they fixed up the frame rate.

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#5  Edited By yevinorion

I'm just getting into the open world part of it as I'm starting Sequence 6. I really like it so far. Technically it's a bit rougher around the edges than previous games have been, so not sure who slipped up on that. Still, I love the combat changes, movement feels great and I especially like the outdoor environments. Horses are kinda weird, although the only two games I actually liked horses in were Shadow of the Colossus and Red Dead Redemption. Story is pretty interesting so far, but to be fair I'm in for the long haul having played AC, ACII, ACB and ACR, so I went down the rabbit hole a long time ago.

I'm not really sure what all the negative buzz is about other than bugs. Maybe people were expecting them to revolutionize the experience? I'm not sure why they would so close to the end of this console generation. All in all, it's very much an AC game and a pretty damn good one to boot. Just needs a patch or two to clean up some of the glitches.

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#6  Edited By yevinorion

InitialP, you be da man! Thanks so much for helping me get a code bro. Greatly appreciated!

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#7  Edited By yevinorion

I didn't realize the 360 version was even on 2 discs, that sucks for the steel book. The one I got was the same as the TC, with RP at the bottom and only one disc slot, but that seems fine for my PS3 copy.

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#8  Edited By yevinorion

For all the benefits of living in The Bahamas, this is one downside. We don't even have that product here. I would also like to appeal to a kind US resident for a code if there's any possibility of still obtaining one. Thanks!

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#9  Edited By yevinorion

It passed through Nassau (The Bahamas) mostly last night, although they're saying we'll still have Tropical Storm winds until about 2-3pm today. It seems to be losing strength, which is a good thing. Not too much damage that I've seen, just mostly some trees/branches down and debris all over the roads. The hotel didn't think it was serious enough for us to spend the night, so I got to go home and had to come back in this morning. Still had no power when I left my house at 8:30am, not sure of the situation now, but my parents say they have power. The outer islands got a lot more rain than we did and presumably more damage, but I haven't heard too many reports. I'm sure the local news this evening will give me more info.

It's actually kind of bizarre, as they're projecting it'll go more East and then turn back West to hit the East Coast. Hope you guys are using this time to make preparations and all the best in the storm! Here's the latest forecast from Weather Underground:

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#10  Edited By yevinorion

So that suit with the patriotic look, think that's War Machine? Or just Iron Man?