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Achievement/Trophy Completion

This is for the games that I've gotten at least either the Platinum Trophy (PS4/PS3) or the original 1000 Achievements (360). In order as they were achieved.

List items

  • (360) Flags...flags....flags. If i never have to find another flag it'll be to soon...

  • (PS3/360) My love for all things Batman runs very deep...deep enough to conquer the madness that is Shock and Awe (Extreme). By far the most gratifying Platinum of the bunch just in the sheer joy I got from finally raising my skills high enough to conquer that challenge. Update: Finished up the 1000 on 360 now as well.

  • (PS3) Really the toughest one on this was doing all the stunts. Otherwise, just a bit time-consuming to play through it twice. Still, I greatly enjoyed this title.

  • (PS3/360) Feathers however...totally different. In this the most challenging ones are probably the most luck based (Sweeper, Messer Sandman). The collection ones are actually fairly simple this time around with the actual number of collectible items reduced to mortal standards.

    Update: Got the 1000 points on 360 now as well.

  • (PS3) Took me quite awhile to beat this on Crushing, but it was so worth it. Excellent time I had with this game, all around.

  • (360) Had most of the achievements for awhile, but went back in to finish off my Insanity playthrough, hit lvl 60 and do the latest DLC.

  • (PS3) My 5th platinum. A great game, loved it. Really looking forward to see what Vigil does from here.

  • (360) Probably the most fun I've had getting all the achievements in a game. Far better than they were in part 1. Insanity was a lot tougher this time around though.

  • (PS3) Not the easiest plat, but not as difficult as I expected. Really it was just Titan Mode that almost killed me. Everything else was pretty straightforward.

  • (360) A long time coming. Had all but one of the original 1000 before the DLC dropped. Only just got back into it finishing up DLC and managed to snag the dreaded Dollcatcher from a friend. Looking forward to part III.

  • (PS3) Not quite as big a leap as I expected from the first, although a much better playing game. Still had a great time getting all the trophies in this one.

  • (360) Time consuming, but ultimately easy. I feel this game is a bit underrated, although I can understand some of the criticism levied against it. Still, it was fun to play through, even if a lot of the lore was impenetrable.

  • (PS3) Fantastic game, really a whole heap of fun. Enjoyed it from beginning all the way to the Platinum.

  • (360) What a game. I think I spent more time playing it in 2012 than any other game. Easily 100+ hours put into it. All achievements earned including all DLC ones too. Enjoyed every minute of it.

  • (360) Not a full retail release, but counts dammit!

  • (PS3) Multiplayer was more fun than expected and I enjoyed both SP and MP enough that this wasn't a complete slog through for the Platinum.

  • (PS4) Loved this game from start to finish. A bit on the shorter side, but I appreciated that when playing through again on the evil side for the Platinum.

  • (PS3) What a slog. I really liked this game, but playing through twice for the Platinum was a task. Took a break for a few months before I finally finished it up.

  • (PS3) I had a looooong delay inbetween playing it, but after the announcement of Arkham Knight, I just had to give it another go. Also wrapped up the Platinum while I was at it.

  • This was a really fun game, had a great time going for the plat.

  • The tests were challenging, but I loved this combat system.

  • Another one that was a fun platinum. They had some really interesting trophies that made you experiment with the games systems.