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Playing With a Ball Called HOMER.

Hello, everyone!

First off, I have got to give a hearty thank you to both my Gamespot and Giant Bomb readers! After buggering off for a year and coming back with what could only be described as an “emo” post, I didn't expect much in the way of feedback. I got, instead, some really nice, well-thought-out and considerate posts. Just when I'd written off the internet, you guys come along. Thanks.

However, the biggest contribution to my decision didn't come from you all. It came, instead, from the person who'd sent me the game. I showed him the blog a couple days after posting it. Didn't feel comfortable talking behind his back, you know. Anyway, here's his comment, with names withheld for privacy concerns. Please note that anything said before my first entry was prior to my login.

Name Redacted3/18/2010 1:46 PM That's pretty cool too ^^ And finally...the yakuza 4 hummer..limousine.O_o;

Name Redacted3/18/2010 1:55 PM

Mother fuckers, my box for Command & Conquer 4 DOES say "internet connection required for product activation"..O-o; NOT (like the other box I saw) "On-line required for product activation and playing the game"...O_o; WTF, if it's on the box that's one thing, but I feel sorta scammed now ^^;

YukoAsho1:35 PM

Sounds like EA's being hella respectful to PC gamers.

YukoAsho1:36 PM


Name Redacted1:36 PM

Well, for some reason they had the wrong text up on the collector's edition though it is on the back...but very hard to read, the print on the metal isn't good.^^;

The system requirement are actually impossible to read.^^:

Oh and get this..

Collector's edition with soundtrack...

Name Redacted1:37 PM

but not on cd...get a coupon for the download.^^;

And hello ^^

YukoAsho1:37 PM

Hehe.  Yeah, I had that happen to me once with Prey. Took me forever to convert that out of the playsforsure format.

Name Redacted1:38 PM

Well, I would hope they have it in mp3 at least..O_o;

YukoAsho1:38 PM

here's hoping, yes.

Name Redacted1:39 PM

I'm currently actually playing Dragon Age Awakenings, even replayed the ending of Origins so my character wouldn't die and I could use her for the expansion ^^ Mattias was so kind to give me the game for no apparent reason ^^

YukoAsho1:40 PM

That is nice of him, yeah.   Hopefully he gives you stuff every so often to make up for the loss of time when he yaps on about nothing for hours. I... I didn't wanna show you this before, but I think you deserve to see it.

Name Redacted1:41 PM

Now now, yapping is a crucial part of conversations.

Err..let's see.^^;

Name Redacted1:44 PM


YukoAsho1:45 PM

I dunno what to say, I don't expect anything you say to fill me with much confidence, but it'd be wrong to hide it. ^^;

Name Redacted1:47 PM

Geebus Yuko, it's a game, I'm blessing my good fortune I get to play it cuz honestly I had given up hope on ever seeing the next gen Yakuza games over here, but in the end it's a game which leaves me with only one question that really matters the product I bought and gave to you fun to play? And my honest belief is that the answer to that is yes.^^;

Name Redacted1:49 PM

And I couldnt cancel the order cuz I had already paid for it.^^;

YukoAsho1:49 PM

You know Amazon doesn't charge your card until ship, right? ^^;

Name Redacted1:50 PM

They charge your card once it shifts to being prepared, and for some reason that happened quite early this time, but I also didn't really see any reason to not send it..^^;

Name Redacted1:51 PM

My many times saying I dont'want to play Call of Duty games didn't change your mind to send me Call of Duty W@W and Modern Warfare 2. But I had fun with those and I figured you might have that too ^^;

YukoAsho1:52 PM

I didn't exactly send them after the company destroyed them for local consumption. But don't worry, I'll play it.

Name Redacted1:52 PM

Seriously serious, that's just theatrics, not even the most fervent censorship hater can claim that the product I bought is unplayable or devoid of any merit and enjoyment.^^;;;;

YukoAsho1:54 PM

But they can still claim it's censored. ^^;  Is it so bad that "it's still good" doesn't make me feel like supporting Sega on this? ^^;

Name Redacted1:56 PM

Ánd is it so bad that sega's stupidity shouldn't be the death of the franchise overseas ?^^; Obviously if Yakuza 3 fails, 4 will never come out, I'm just being practical here, the game shouldn't ever get another chance just cuz of this ^^;

YukoAsho1:56 PM

And if they do this with Yakuza 4?

Or go further with the cuts?

YukoAsho1:57 PM

At what point is it not worth it to Sega's battered wives?

Name Redacted1:57 PM

That's a possibility, but I'll see that if it comes out, instead of it never coming out.^^;

Because you can argue anything if you're speaking of what if's.^^;

YukoAsho1:57 PM

Save that taking an optimistic approach with Sega has proven fallacy. ^^;

Name Redacted1:57 PM

Here's my what if, what if Yakuza 4 comes out with absolutely no edits, but even with the additional downloadable content ^^ That's my what if.

YukoAsho1:59 PM

Here's mine, Yakuza 4 is releaed with almost no side content that could be considered "too Japanese" if this succeeds.

Name Redacted1:59 PM

Nah, that's not what's gonna happen.^^ Cuz I know what's gonna happen in the future too.^^

YukoAsho2:00 PM

Well, you go assume the best of Sega, I'll base my opinion on their post-Dreamcast track record.

Name Redacted2:04 PM

I'm trying to think of what to say now ^^

YukoAsho2:04 PM

I was wondering. ^^:  I'd really gotten worried there. ^^;;;

Name Redacted2:05 PM

I had a few ideas in my head but I couldn't pick one, or couldn't word it properly, I'm re-reading your post real quick ^^

Name Redacted2:07 PM

Yeah, that didn't help, though I did at least notice 7 constructive comments that suggest playing it.^^

Name Redacted2:09 PM

Hhhm, re-reading it too ?^^

YukoAsho2:10 PM

Naw, was watching a cutscene... Bah, I'll play the damned thing... At this point I've really no choice. ^^

Name Redacted2:10 PM

You know I really wish that everytime I try something like this it doesn't end in this kind of struggle.

Name Redacted2:11 PM

Everytime I do this it ends up with something happening that will already put oyu in a negative mindframe about it before you've even gotten started on it ^^;

YukoAsho2:11 PM

ONE - I can trade the game in at GameStop for credit toward another game.  That sends the message that I will dismiss anything this person likes out of hand, something he already accuses me of more often than I'd like.

Which you're doing here.

Name Redacted2:12 PM

I can back it up with examples though.

Name Redacted2:13 PM

And that's just a seriously awful thing to do with a present..^^

YukoAsho2:14 PM

Or with sarcasm, one or the other.

Name Redacted2:14 PM

I was not sarcastic in the last two posts, and this one too ^^

Name Redacted2:15 PM

But, there is one glorious example that I remember that is extremely similar to Yakuza to me, which is why I decided on it.^^

Name Redacted2:16 PM

Cuz you liked Shenmue ^^

YukoAsho2:16 PM

That I did, so how's Shenmue 3 comin' along?

Name Redacted2:16 PM

Yeah, but unlike Shenmue, Yakuza makes a profit ^^

Name Redacted2:17 PM

In fact, I say Yakuza 1==Shenmue 3, or in the spiritual sense at least.^^

YukoAsho2:17 PM

Ah well, don't worry, I'll trudge through it.   Might even blog a bit about the experience.

Name Redacted2:18 PM

Oh come on, did I blog about playing 50 cent: blood on the sand ?^^

Cuz I played it and finished it even ^^

YukoAsho2:18 PM

Did they take anything out that might be too American?

Name Redacted2:18 PM

Well, they took out working on-line co-op.^^

Name Redacted2:19 PM

They left in an obnoxious foul mouth black person too.

YukoAsho2:19 PM

Well, it'd be silly if they cut out 50.

That'd be like cutting out Japanese stuff in a game about... Oh, wait.

YukoAsho2:20 PM

See, I can be sarcastic too.

Name Redacted2:21 PM

No, the equivelent would be Kazuma..^^

He's still there last time I checked.^^

YukoAsho2:22 PM

That's probably the Western version of 4, they'll replace him with Mike or something.

At that point the conversation drifts from Yakuza and into other matters, so I'm not putting the rest up. The point, however, is made.

Before I levy my hypothesis, some background.

The game was released on the 9 of March, two days before I was admitted to the hospital. The Yakuza 3 cuts were exposed on the 24 of February and weakly justified on the same day by the charlatans at Sega. I know for a fact I made my position clear to him in a conversation either that day or the day after. He hadn't told me what game he was sending me at the time as it was supposed to be a surprise, but I do know that when this was exposed, he defended his decision to support the game as a message to send Yakuza. In short, we both knew our positions on the issue before March was at a close.

Assuming he pre-ordered the game before the news about Sega's cuts came out, he knew full well that there was no way I'd be gleeful to accept this “gift” of his. This is from's Credit Cards & Check Cards policy page (the item was sent via Amazon)

“ If the item you've ordered is sold by, we will not charge your card for any items until after they enter the shipping process.

Assuming the shipping process on an item is seven days along, and assuming it was a release day delivery (which it wasn't since I didn't even see until I got back), the game could have been recalled on March 2. This is of course assuming the shipping process is a full week. Given Sega announced their move on the 24 of February and we spoke of this the same day, this gives seven days to cancel, including the day of the 24 itself.

Now what does this tell me?

It tells me that this supposed “gift,” was simply his way of voting an additional time for Yakuza 4's release, and my consideration was secondary, if not tertiary. To put it bluntly, it was a case of someone buying a gift for themselves as opposed to the gift recipient.

Oh, and Name Redacted, before you DARE compare this to Call of Duty, you had PREVIOUS to this conversation simply said that you simply weren't picking them up. My logic was simply that they'd be good games to play co-op with you, a desire that has with this incident been burned from my mind. You never expressed any particular disgust or hatred at the games' releases. In other words, this was nowhere near the same situation. Didn't think I'd let that slide, would ya? Not after you tried to compare my gifts to your blatant act of disregard for my sentiment.

In other words, yours is the act of an inconsiderate asshat, and I'm left reconsidering our relationship. One isn't supposed to use his buddy as a stepping stone to his own agenda.

This leaves me with Yakuza 3. Given the, shall we say, dubious nature of how I got it, I should make a video of the disc burning and put it on Youtube, never mind trading it in. I'm not going to do that, however.

I'm going to play it on a guest account.

Why? Simple. Remember that one episode of The Simpsons where Homer buys Marge a bowling ball, and it's obvious that it was never meant for her by the fact it says “HOMER” on the damned thing? Remember how she played with the damned thing mostly to spite him and ended up meeting a cute guy? I'm going to be playing through the whole damned thing, and until it's done, he and I will not be in any form of communication. I'm not emailing him, IMing with him, nothing. Let him sit and twirl, says I. Well, let's see if this turns out to be an enjoyable enough experience that I'm not pissed off the rest of the year, shall we? Considering I'm interrupting Dante's Inferno and delaying FFXIII for this, you may decide the odds of that on your own.