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Both Consoles are comming way

Thats right as i said in my previous post, I was undecided on which console to buy. I still am. So im getting both. Thats right im going for it!! They have been ordered  and paid for. They should be here this week. Then my weekened  will be all about getting some quality games purchased. I have a lot of catching up to do. Right back to work for me, only and hour to go then its home time, i feel im at school or something. Waiting for the last bell to ring so that i can go home. Can you remember that? Maybe I'm just feeling a little bit excited about my recent purchase. I will have some freinds to help me set it up, well thats what they tell me. They mean, I have to set it all up, get the beers in and they can just play. Aww heck I dont mind its all good. 
Im not much of an online gamer im more into single player, my multiplayer is more about having freinds and family round to play. So why didnt i buy a Wii you say?... hmm yeah why didnt i buy one?!!  Well i dont know. We shall see. Have a great day.