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Hey where did most of my friends go??

well I have been out of the country for a while and i have come back to this site and have noticed that quite a few of my freinds have taken me of their lists!! Hey come on guys add me back now. I love reading and watching your blogs. So ive been away on business but now im back. Well I hope you guys read this. What a shame. :(



My new 360 red ringed so I took it in for a replacement. I took that one back home but it just would not connect to my network, it had a faulty network. So i took it back again, I got  full refund and bought a Wii. I have super  smash brothers brawl, mario galaxy, mario cart, wario ware smooth moves and i ma having a blast. So i now own only a ps3 and a Wii.  The 360 is an excellent machine, very power full and displays amazing graphics but is let down by some poor hardware design in some cases.

Well i've just finished work im out for a few drinks and some food with freinds. This saturday i will be going to see Hellboy 2, im also quite interested in that film the strangers.

toodle pip


turn to the dark side, oh go on.

Today’s blog is going to be a bit of a rant. Ok then I’ve played the Star Wars TFU demo. I can safely say that after many play trough’s I love the demo I cant wait for the full game.

But I have noticed a lot of bad press and bad remarks about the demo. Ok so everybody is entitled to his or her opinion and I’m entitled to mine. Quite frankly
I don’t know why I have been reading comments that describe the game as, “just like any other generic star wars game” or “terrible camera”,”basic hack and slash”. “Bad voice acting” and my favourite “a bland looking game”. I mean come on!! The game is not that bad, and  to say it’s just like any other star wars game is a little cheap in my book. I mean what do you expect? It’s a third person star wars game in the star wars universe it cant be all that different can it. I mean all the action is right there at your finger tips, you get to play a super bad ass Sith and you know what, its about damn time.

I mean cast your minds back to other games look ant Ninja Gaiden for the Xbox and devil may cry the resident evil games, they all had bad camera angles well apart from resi 4, but nobody really knocked the games back for that. Heck I loved em
A lot of people tend to think of KOTOR as one of the best start wars games out there and I agree it is, but  the combat in that game? Didn’t you ever really just want to pound your lightsaber moves into your enemy , rather than just watch as you selected a move for your character and watched them do it?

Do you remember when the burnout paradise demo came out lots of people where saying how bad it was, but the full game is amazing, a little different but amazing.

This is just a demo for force unleashed, I feel that the people that have been giving this demo a hard time expect to much, because it is a star wars game. There have been some turkeys out there, but people who are negative about this game, give it a chance.  That’s it rant over. Oh and may the force be with you.


Blog and some guitar

Well hello there I hope you are  all keeping well. I have been quite busy this week, work has been hectic and i have been ignoring my consoles. Shame on me, still never mind, I will get to them in time. I'm trying to think of a good xbox gamer tag to give myself, its funny everyone that I think of is taken. Man its hard to choose one.

 I'm just getting into learning about Macs now, im fine on pcs but for some reason ive just got the Mac bug, so i have borrowed my friends Mac, I ran it up from scratch and i can say that I prefer windows. But at the same time i am enjoying the Mac who knows i might even buy one, Well i'm typing this blog in celibration of running up this mac from scratch.
I'm not doing to much on the gaming front just yet, but i will get there,
I bought WATCHMEN today im looking forward to getting into that, i hear the book is very good. Ive also ordered some STAR WARS books from amazon so i'm really looking forward to those books getting here. (thanks again for your advice DBOY greatly appreciated).
I will leave you all with a tune from a guitarist i saw play here in good old London town a few weeks back. He just blew me away with his guitar skills. I hope you all enjoy. Ladies and gentleman I introduce to you Andy Mckee


Both Consoles are comming way

Thats right as i said in my previous post, I was undecided on which console to buy. I still am. So im getting both. Thats right im going for it!! They have been ordered  and paid for. They should be here this week. Then my weekened  will be all about getting some quality games purchased. I have a lot of catching up to do. Right back to work for me, only and hour to go then its home time, i feel im at school or something. Waiting for the last bell to ring so that i can go home. Can you remember that? Maybe I'm just feeling a little bit excited about my recent purchase. I will have some freinds to help me set it up, well thats what they tell me. They mean, I have to set it all up, get the beers in and they can just play. Aww heck I dont mind its all good. 
Im not much of an online gamer im more into single player, my multiplayer is more about having freinds and family round to play. So why didnt i buy a Wii you say?... hmm yeah why didnt i buy one?!!  Well i dont know. We shall see. Have a great day.


PS3 OR 360 ?

I’m trying to decide on what console to buy. Yes that’s right I don’t have a 360 or PS3 or Wii yet. I’m not sure about the Wii just yet; I’m looking at the big two at the moment 360 and PS3. I realise that both consoles are fantastic and both offer great games and graphics. Looking at the games for them a lot are available on both and the consoles don’t have that many exclusives. But what they do have as exclusive are top notch. Metal Gear Solid 4 on PS3, Halo 3 on Xbox 360 to name but two. I am a fan of FPS, racing and RPG games I’m open and will try most games and give them a good try out. I have sampled gaming on both consoles and it must be said that both are on par with each other, I’m not too interested in the other applications that they offer like blue ray and downloadable movies, just the games.  I love films but I have my pc and cable for watching them on. My friends tell me I should get both, I could do that, I work hard and I save and invest my money as best as I can. But the thing is I don’t know whether I can justify owning both.
 If I’m honest I am leaning slightly more to the PS3, from what I have seen and read about both consoles the PS3 seems to have better hardware reliability, that is a big factor for me. Any advice would be most welcome.