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Blog and some guitar

Well hello there I hope you are  all keeping well. I have been quite busy this week, work has been hectic and i have been ignoring my consoles. Shame on me, still never mind, I will get to them in time. I'm trying to think of a good xbox gamer tag to give myself, its funny everyone that I think of is taken. Man its hard to choose one.

 I'm just getting into learning about Macs now, im fine on pcs but for some reason ive just got the Mac bug, so i have borrowed my friends Mac, I ran it up from scratch and i can say that I prefer windows. But at the same time i am enjoying the Mac who knows i might even buy one, Well i'm typing this blog in celibration of running up this mac from scratch.
I'm not doing to much on the gaming front just yet, but i will get there,
I bought WATCHMEN today im looking forward to getting into that, i hear the book is very good. Ive also ordered some STAR WARS books from amazon so i'm really looking forward to those books getting here. (thanks again for your advice DBOY greatly appreciated).
I will leave you all with a tune from a guitarist i saw play here in good old London town a few weeks back. He just blew me away with his guitar skills. I hope you all enjoy. Ladies and gentleman I introduce to you Andy Mckee