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turn to the dark side, oh go on.

Today’s blog is going to be a bit of a rant. Ok then I’ve played the Star Wars TFU demo. I can safely say that after many play trough’s I love the demo I cant wait for the full game.

But I have noticed a lot of bad press and bad remarks about the demo. Ok so everybody is entitled to his or her opinion and I’m entitled to mine. Quite frankly
I don’t know why I have been reading comments that describe the game as, “just like any other generic star wars game” or “terrible camera”,”basic hack and slash”. “Bad voice acting” and my favourite “a bland looking game”. I mean come on!! The game is not that bad, and  to say it’s just like any other star wars game is a little cheap in my book. I mean what do you expect? It’s a third person star wars game in the star wars universe it cant be all that different can it. I mean all the action is right there at your finger tips, you get to play a super bad ass Sith and you know what, its about damn time.

I mean cast your minds back to other games look ant Ninja Gaiden for the Xbox and devil may cry the resident evil games, they all had bad camera angles well apart from resi 4, but nobody really knocked the games back for that. Heck I loved em
A lot of people tend to think of KOTOR as one of the best start wars games out there and I agree it is, but  the combat in that game? Didn’t you ever really just want to pound your lightsaber moves into your enemy , rather than just watch as you selected a move for your character and watched them do it?

Do you remember when the burnout paradise demo came out lots of people where saying how bad it was, but the full game is amazing, a little different but amazing.

This is just a demo for force unleashed, I feel that the people that have been giving this demo a hard time expect to much, because it is a star wars game. There have been some turkeys out there, but people who are negative about this game, give it a chance.  That’s it rant over. Oh and may the force be with you.