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Giant Bomb Review


Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons Review

  • XBGS
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  • PC

Starbreeze's fairytale adventure is so finely crafted, you'd be hard pressed to find many better games this year.

Large stretches of the brothers' journey are less than friendly.
Large stretches of the brothers' journey are less than friendly.

The airy, heartfelt Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons isn't the sort of game you'd expect from Starbreeze, the purveyors of grit and grime that previously brought you sordid fare like Syndicate and The Darkness. Unlike those grimly onerous games, Brothers operates with a beautifully spare efficiency in every aspect of its narrative and design, propelling you through a striking storybook landscape in which gameplay mechanics and thematic storytelling thread together more tightly than most games can manage. The resulting journey is so singularly devoted to creating a specific tone and atmosphere that you won't likely be able to stop thinking about it until long after you've seen it through to the end.

The simple premise has two brothers traipsing across a brilliant fantasy world seeking a mystical cure for their ailing father. The characters speak in a made-up language, allowing the game to paint its emotional hues with a broad brush. That makes it easy to get caught up in the nuances of the individual personalities; the younger brother was present for the drowning of his mother, for instance, so naturally he's afraid of swimming himself and relies on his older brother for help. But his size comes in handy in places only he is small enough to fit. The moment-to-moment journey revolves around the ways these two use their relative strengths to support the other through each of the obstacles their quest subjects them to.

It's the game's uniquely simple control scheme that makes you fully appreciate how much the two characters rely on each other while navigating the harsh landscape in front of them. You move each brother with one of the analog sticks, and perform a single context-sensitive action with the respective trigger. Brothers is a puzzle-driven adventure game, if you want to pigeonhole it, but this isn't a game about brainteasers. The solutions to any given scenario are usually pretty obvious; the challenge comes in managing two distinct characters at the same time. You might find your hands refusing to obey your brain on occasion, but even then, this isn't a difficult game to make your way through. Rather than challenge your manual dexterity or puzzle-solving abilities, it's a game that asks you to focus on the emotional context of the actions you're performing, and you won't be able to play for long without doing exactly that.

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Though the core of Brothers is its character-driven story, the game would have lingered in my mind for no other reason than the incredible design of its world. You start your journey in a sleepy seaside village, but before you end your quest you'll have encountered numerous, fantastically imagined landscapes and characters plucked from all sorts of classic mythology. And you never linger in one place too long; the game moves you so expeditiously from one location to the next, showing you so many marvelous sights, that it assumes a dreamy, fairytale quality. There's an incredible mastery of distance, scale, and perspective in the way the environments are built and framed; though it naturally looks better on a PC, it's also one of the best-looking games I can remember on consoles as well and performs perfectly fine on those machines too. For a "small" downloadable game, it's stunningly impressive.

(It's tempting to rattle off a dozen specific examples of memorable moments in this game, but this feels like one of those rare games where the less you know about it, the better a time you'll have. Discovering each new environment, and all the imagination and detail contained within, is one of chief joys of playing it.)

The world is so rich, it's tempting to sit down and just gaze at it from time to time.
The world is so rich, it's tempting to sit down and just gaze at it from time to time.

Given the economy of its pacing and storytelling, Brothers is another of what I've come to think of as single-sitting games. Similar to short, emotionally charged experiences like Journey and Gone Home, Brothers isn't especially long but packs such meaning and quality into each scene that it never feels like it's wasting or padding out a single minute. Like those other games, it's designed to follow a specific narrative trajectory, and build up a certain emotional pitch, such that you'd get the most out of it by absorbing it holistically from start to finish. And this is coming from someone who never, ever marathons their way through video games.

Brothers isn't necessarily an uplifting game; to compare it to a fairytale is to evoke the original meaning of that term, the one designed to scare small children. Some grim things occur in the course of the brothers' quest. But the brothers' commitment to their goal and to each other is so strong, the various parts of this game so superbly crafted and woven together, that it's hard not to feel deeply touched when you finally reach the end of the road and see how deftly this game marries its gameplay to its themes in a way few have before. If you're the sort of person who thinks video games are capable of not just entertaining us but also making us think and feel, you owe it to yourself to play Brothers.

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@pie: It's never too late to review an amazing game - and for only $20, this is an easy game to recommend for someone who might want to try an artsy game, but doesn't quite feel comfortable digging head-first into something like Journey.

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I have to admit I was very skeptical about this since it was compared to Journey which I found to be an extremely overpraised game. But I just finished it and can safely say this is absolutely worth the 5 stars. It's an incredibly clever game all round and how they make you care so much while they don't even speak a real language is pretty amazing.

Striking game. Should be on any top 10 GOTY list.

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@assinass said:

Thanks for the review, Brad Shoemaker!

It'll be hard for me to order my favourite games of this year:

  • Papers, Please
  • Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
  • Gunpoint
  • Kentucky Route Zero
  • Proteus
  • Zeno Clash 2
  • State of Decay
  • The Swapper
  • Depression Quest

....still need to play Gone Home and finish Rogue Legacy and Metro Last Light, in my backlog.

What a neat list. I haven't played a single one.

Golden age of gaming, man.

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Edited By mintyice

Damn @Brad, you are a great writer

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Edited By NelsonKaiton

Brothers was a great game. Perfect, compact 4-hour experience. Loved it.

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Edited By csl316

Brilliant game.

Wanted to play something this weekend, didn't feel like shooting stuff. So after a couple months I finally downloaded Brothers. An amazing experience that I couldn't put down. From the art, to the music, to the most creative puzzles in years. It felt like something that could only come from that part of the world, in terms of tone and the realization of the setting.

First time my eyes teared up since Snake's salute in MGS 3. Good work, Starbreeze. And thanks @brad for bringing this to my attention, despite thinking you were just throwing out ludicrous claims.

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Edited By CByrne

Finally sat down and played this through. It was very good, I'm quite satisfied with my experience.
I'll agree with it being in the top 10 of this year, but story wise I like gone home, because it hits home more with me.

One thing that this game should be commended for is achievements, well at least on steam, 12 achievments and they are all pretty obvious and don't distract from the story at all. The bird one is the only one I had to look up. It's novel to have a game that doesn't give you an achievement for just finishing a chapter or the game. Refreshing. (It's the only game I 100%ed in achievements besides the Stanley parable demo)

What a great year for non traditional games, I picked a great time to get back into games.

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Edited By drjvicente

I just finished it, and i don't know what to think. Well, graphics are very beautiful, but unique like Journey or Shadow of the Colossus (back in its day). Gameplay interesting, nice idea, avoids repeating itself during the game. The tale: interesting, not exactly predictable, but not mind-blowing (even the end). The whole package is interesting, but i felt similar by the end of Rain: its ok for the price i've paid, but it could have been better. Rain has more repetitions, and both games won't make go for a 2nd run.

The idea of making minimalistic games, based on simple premise (save your brother, save the girl in the rain) is nice, but doing this after Journey is hard if u wanna make an impression.

Have you guys played Rain? I think even graphics are simillar. How do you compare those 2 games?

PS: 10 better games this year? maybe not, maybe...

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It was no Ico. It was no Limbo. The puzzles were too simplistic and the ending was too predictable. And I thought that Last Guardian owl/bird/dog died...?

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Great game thanks for highlighting for me Brad, it nearly jerked a tear and the art is beautiful. Although I think the best experience I got from it was the Quick Look

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This game, wtf, it's boring as hell, the end.

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How long is the game? (I'm currently in the 2013 GOTY podcasts..)