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Giant Bomb Review


Driveclub Review

  • PS4

Driveclub looks nice and has a couple of good ideas about handling leaderboard challenges, but the core of it--actually driving a car--drags the entire thing down.

Driveclub looks nice, but doesn't have a ton of options.
Driveclub looks nice, but doesn't have a ton of options.

Driveclub is a very rigid driving game, where the only tweakable gameplay option at your disposal is a choice between automatic and manual transmission. In an era where driving games on both ends of the arcade-to-simulation spectrum deliver car upgrades and a lot of other things that players can use to tailor the experience to their liking, Driveclub's complete lack of meaningful choices makes it feel like a weird throwback to the old, dark days of console driving games. The larger problem, however, is that the game's overly mechanical AI drivers and weirdly grippy car handling make the on-track action lackluster, at best.

The action in Driveclub is broken up into a small handful of events that you can play a couple of different ways. In the single event mode you can set up on any of the game's tracks using any of your unlocked cars in a simple race, a time trial that lets you race as long as you like to set the hottest lap you can, and a drift challenge that scores you based on your speed through the straightaways and your drifts on the curves. If you like, you can have those events fed to you in a more-or-less set order via the game's tour mode, which sets up specific events and classes while also adding some occasional side objectives that earn you stars. Stars are used in the tour mode to unlock additional events in the tour mode.

As you race in any event, you'll earn experience points depending on how you drive. Earning stars in tour mode is a solid way to earn them, but doing things like drafting behind an opposing car, drifting, and clean passes will also add to your total. You lose points for leaving the track, colliding with other cars, and the total at the end of a race is added to your overall score. You'll level up along the way, which is how additional cars are unlocked. The car options are weak, with an almost-exclusive focus on European manufacturers. The developers have plans to sell car DLC, so perhaps this will eventually get addressed, but launching without big names like Honda, Nissan, Toyota, or Ford? It seems almost insane. On top of that, you can't do much with the cars once you've unlocked them. There are no tuning or upgrade options and, aside from a loosely customizable "club" paint job set by the leader of your current car club, even the paint options are extremely limited. Even the "factory" paint job option only offers one color. At some point Driveclub's lack of options crosses out of barebones and into simply appearing to be unfinished. Furthermore, the idea of a set progression of car unlocks instead of offering some way for players to unlock the cars they're specifically interested in feels old and somewhat restrictive for a game that seems like it's trying to lean in the simulation direction of things.

The challenge system is one of Driveclub's high points.
The challenge system is one of Driveclub's high points.

But it's worth pointing out that Driveclub isn't an especially realistic simulation of driving, and apparently that's by design. The cars have an overly grippy feel on the track, letting you get away with some occasional shenanigans by braking at the last possible moment instead of gently braking or coasting into the curves. The developers claim this is an attempt to make the game easier and fun for everyone. But this doesn't make the game feel more fun or thrilling. It just makes what otherwise feels like an attempt at simulating real cars instead feel like it misses the mark by a mile. If this were on by default as an assist for new drivers that could be disabled, potentially along with a series of additional options to let people tailor the driving a bit, maybe this would make sense. Instead it makes the game feel inauthentic to real-life racing while also not going far enough in the "fun" direction to make it an exciting, arcade-style racer.

It gets even weirder when you throw in the game's occasional attempt at enforcing rules. It'll let you brake extremely late into turns and you can pull e-brake drifts and such, but if you get off the track at all it immediately throws up a three-second timer that compels you to get back on the track. If you cut a corner in a way the game feels is giving you an advantage, it gives you a "corner penalty" and reduces your ability to accelerate for a few seconds. Same deal if you decide to slam into another racer--or if the game's single-minded AI decides to slam into you. Though cutting corners isn't cool, the way the game handles it with penalties is the opposite of fun. This seems like the sort of thing that should have been handled on the track design end instead of slapping drivers with penalties.

The game has a proper multiplayer option in addition to the single events and tour, and this allows up to 12 players to compete. The menus are slightly confusing, with a series of choices that don't seem especially different, since the game moves you from one event to the next and one car class to the next as you finish one event and start another, but the online portion of the game is certainly functional. Considering the game's focus on creating groups of users via its club functions, it seems odd that there isn't a big focus on clubs in the multiplayer. It's just a never-ending hopper filled with one-off races. It's worth noting though, that on launch day, and as of this writing, the Driveclub servers have been offline, preventing players from competing against one-another directly or via leaderboard challenges. Without these features, Driveclub feels like even more of a husk, but one has to expect that these servers will work eventually. They worked just fine during the week prior to release.

Your car customization options consist of basic paint style changes and putting numbers and accolade icons on the side.
Your car customization options consist of basic paint style changes and putting numbers and accolade icons on the side.

If there's anything Driveclub can hang its hat on, its that it's a nice-looking game and that it does leaderboards well. Of particular note is the game's day/night cycle, which you can speed up if you want to see the passage of time happen in a more dramatic way. Driveclub's night driving showcases its pretty lighting quite well, though considering you're trying to set good times and win races, I found myself gravitating towards having all my races take place at noon once I had seen the night stuff a few times. Cars shine nicely, again showing off the way light hits them, and it all looks quite striking when you hit dusk. That said, sometimes the ground and wall textures look overly flat and undetailed, and you'll see some scenery pop into view as you get closer to it. Nothing major, it looks good.

The leaderboards in Driveclub are supplemented by a challenge system that lets you take any of your recent past performances and send the time around to your friends. You set a time to respond when sending a challenge, so you can give those friends (or, if your challenge is open, strangers) a few as 30 minutes or as long as a week to respond. The winner of the challenge gets more XP and the prizes increase as more players join a challenge. This also carries over to clubs. Car clubs in Driveclub can be open or invite-only, and clubs are ranked on leaderboards, as well. You can create club challenges to challenge other clubs to beat your performance, and this makes it so each club only gets one entry on the leaderboard. So you can put your entire club onto one challenge and have them all bang away at it in an attempt to win, if you like. Annoyingly, people can send you challenges for cars you haven't unlocked yet, but all in all it's a decent system that would be a lot more useful if it were in a better game.

And, ultimately, that's the real problem with Driveclub. It's a shame that there aren't more options to choose from and the challenge system has potential. But it just isn't much fun to play. The core act of driving a car feels off in a way that completely put me off of playing the game. Without that in place, the rest of it just falls apart. The PlayStation 4 has been without a serious racing option since launch, and Driveclub doesn't fill that gap.

Jeff Gerstmann on Google+


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Edited By FajitaBoss

@drockus said:

So everyone who disagrees with this review is now a Sony fanboy.

Would help if said people were commenting on the review points itself instead of using fanboy spiels like "Jeff hates SONY's first party".

Personally having played the game the issues pointed out in the review are hard to deny.

Now that there is personal preference... sure... I would call it that a preference, has nothing to do with being shortsighted, or not understanding some supposedly deeper meaning this game has, which honestly.. it doesn't, it is just a poorly done driving game.

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Edited By north6

This game looks like soulless butt on a stick.

@drockus said:

Why are people taking taking Jeff's word as the be all end all? It's a fun game in the vein of PGR and Grid. Not the best of the genre but not 40/100 by any stretch of the imagination. By all means, people should at least try the free version and make up their own mind.

Its not 4000/10000 either, its a 2/5. This game looks like half-baked, wretched-handling ass that could have probably used another year in the oven. No driving lines, no car customization speaks very loudly about the dev cycle here, theres no way those choices were intentional.

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Edited By drockus

@north6 said:

This game looks like soulless butt on a stick.

@drockus said:

Why are people taking taking Jeff's word as the be all end all? It's a fun game in the vein of PGR and Grid. Not the best of the genre but not 40/100 by any stretch of the imagination. By all means, people should at least try the free version and make up their own mind.

Its not 4000/10000 either, its a 2/5. This game looks like half-baked, wretched-handling ass that could have probably used another year in the oven. No driving lines, no car customization speaks very loudly about the dev cycle here, theres no way those choices were intentional.

Actually you're wrong, North. It's not a 2/5. It's a 65.12/162.8.

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@north6 said:

This game looks like soulless butt on a stick.

@drockus said:

Why are people taking taking Jeff's word as the be all end all? It's a fun game in the vein of PGR and Grid. Not the best of the genre but not 40/100 by any stretch of the imagination. By all means, people should at least try the free version and make up their own mind.

Its not 4000/10000 either, its a 2/5. This game looks like half-baked, wretched-handling ass that could have probably used another year in the oven. No driving lines, no car customization speaks very loudly about the dev cycle here, theres no way those choices were intentional.

I played a fair amount of it today and I actually like the handling quite a bit. If Jeff doesn't care for it then that's fair but if you haven't played it you can't really say anything specifically about the handling.

As far as customisation goes, you can make custom paint jobs which is enough for me since I want to focus on the racing anyway. The way it is written in the review is a bit unfortunate since you can change it to whatever color you like, you're just limited to a certain amount of custom paint jobs. I do think they should have made all the plain colors available just as an option when you pick the factory paint.

Overall I'm pretty happy with it though. Could it have used more content right off the bat? Probably. Does some of the menu navigation feel a bit clunky? Absolutely. If Jeff didn't have fun with the racing itself then two stars are completely justified since there isn't much else. As someone who really doesn't care for the shift towards open world racers (especially arcade ones) I like that you just pick your course and go.

Since I'd imagine that most people who own a PS4 are subscribed to PS+ I'd advise those even remotely interested in it to check out the free version (when Sony fixes the server mess) and decide for themselves.

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After listening to the Bombcast I figured Jeff's score would be 3/5 so this is a bit of a surprise. I have to say, I think he's absolutely right that in some ways the game is very barebones. Personally I like what I've played of the game so far. I haven't had much issue with the AI bumping me yet, but I'm still pretty early in the career.

That said, I patently disagree that the handling in the game feels off. I thought it felt great. Yes, maybe a little sticky/grippy at times, but all in all, solid handling. When I think of shit handling in a car game, I think of TDU. Things like that are really just up to the individual if they think they feel good or not, so I don't think Jeff is 'wrong', I just disagree. I don't mind that the game isn't open world (it'd be nice, but not a dealbreaker). I really have to disagree though about the look of the game. I think it's easily one of the best looking console racers I've ever seen, maybe the best. It's a bit weird the dynamic weather is being added in a patch, but as long as they don't take too long, I can live with it.

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Edited By YummyTreeSap

I haven't played this game yet and won't till the PS+ version comes out, but after listening to Phil Kollar speak about it for twenty minutes or so, I think I'll like it reasonably enough, though likely not enough for me to end up buying the full version.

Jeff's pretty notorious for being picky with games, so his not liking it, I don't think, should discourage anyone from trying it out for himself in one way or another.

However, even the positive reviews seem to be pretty much in agreement that it's far from a great game.

One thing that this review doesn't mention but which I'm pretty pumped for is a racing game with fantasy tracks that isn't set in an open world. This allows for some interesting settings, which I think is pretty fuckin' rad. Seems like everything these days has either the open world crap or, like, Leguna Seca and the Nürburgring and shit. I think open-world racing games are dogshit and the same real-life tracks have lost tons of their luster, so stuff like this excites me.

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God I love how you guys don't pander to ANYBODY.

Trustworthy reviews are the best reviews. Thank you.

Now, can't wait to try it on PS+. I love racing games so I'm pretty excited to at least try it out and see how it goes.

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Put out fasle information, then try and use it against the game.

"paint options are extremely limited. Even the "factory" paint job option only offers one color"

1.)There are in fact 128 different colors with 4 different paint finishes.

2.)All the patterns can be changed to any color that you want.

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Edited By AngeTheDude

@curtisj said:

Put out fasle information, then try and use it against the game.

"paint options are extremely limited. Even the "factory" paint job option only offers one color"

1.)There are in fact 128 different colors with 4 different paint finishes.

2.)All the patterns can be changed to any color that you want.

Uh oh, the devs of Driveclub are here!

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Disappointing GOTY?

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@curtisj said:

Put out fasle information, then try and use it against the game.

"paint options are extremely limited. Even the "factory" paint job option only offers one color"

1.)There are in fact 128 different colors with 4 different paint finishes.

2.)All the patterns can be changed to any color that you want.

Well, guess you better bump it up to 3 stars then, @jeff.

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"The PlayStation 4 has been without a serious racing option since launch"

Actually there is MotoGP 14

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The number of new accounts trashing the review and defending the game are pretty funny.

Patching in weather and replays at a later date is totally OK to some people?

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@mrfluke: I think Destiny already won that award

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I'm really coming around on Jeff's opinion on games. From what little I played and even kind of enjoyed I didn't see this game getting anything but 2-3 stars, depending if you like what little is there or not. I'm still glad I got the game for almost free (thanks amazon).

Now he just needs to realize how Terminator is way superior compared to Terminator 2.

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Edited By Kagone

@razorblade79: I thought jeff did like the first one best. It was dan that thinks the second one is better.

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Another reason why GiantBomb has been my trusted review source and insight into games since they started. Driveclub is horrible, and I highly regret buying it. Feel totally ripped off. Should have waited to see what GB had to say before pre-ordering :(

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i noticed about halfway through the QL that all the cars were blowing flames out their tailpipes. Another example of not being able to decide what kind of game they were making.

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Edited By SupberUber

Ooof! That put a damper on my PS4 hype.

It's not like i'm getting one this year, but Evolution made Motorstorm, so naturally I'm hyped for their next racing game. Pity, really.

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If you play this game, and then play Forza Horizon 2, and actually think this is the better game? Hoo boy....

This game is easily my most regretted purchase on the PS4 thus far.

Seriously, if you have both an Xbox One and a PS4, get Forza Horizon 2 and forget Driveclub even exists.

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Edited By Khronikos

@fajitaboss said:

@drockus said:

So everyone who disagrees with this review is now a Sony fanboy.

Would help if said people were commenting on the review points itself instead of using fanboy spiels like "Jeff hates SONY's first party".

Personally having played the game the issues pointed out in the review are hard to deny.

Now that there is personal preference... sure... I would call it that a preference, has nothing to do with being shortsighted, or not understanding some supposedly deeper meaning this game has, which honestly.. it doesn't, it is just a poorly done driving game.

I disagree whole heartedly and actually wonder how much you have played the game if at all. From most people playing it the game is good to great to excellent. I don't just buy any random Sony game nor do I have any allegiance to Sony lol. I mainly game on PC. But yeah DC is an awesome racing game with a pure driving model. NO idea what you are even getting on with calling it poor lol.

I as well have played FH2 extensively and had a blast with friends. But it doesn't do everything I want it to do with racing in any way possible. DC fills that void very very well to me.

It is hard to come to this site and see these totally strange opinions on the game that seem to parrot everything Jeff says. One guys comes in and tells people about a factual error in his review and all the sudden he is a secret dev on GB? RIGHT. I think you guys need to take the inferiority complex somewhere else. People that have all the systems are enjoying this game a lot as well. I have so many games that NO, shocker right, I don't need to play this non-stop and yes I can even wait for weather to dig in. Crazy right?

Again for the actual people with both games they are HARDLY comparable lol. I love the exploration in FH2. The racing is not very good at all imo though. I look to sims first and games like DC second when it comes to racing. DC has the best driving model since NFS:HP for me in the semi-sim department.

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Hmm, this review surprised me quite a bit. I've personally had a ton of fun with this game. The visuals are stunning and the use of color and scenery in most of the tracks is amazing. I'm very interested to see what they're going to deliver in the DLC.

Need for Speed: Rivals was the game I was most disappointed with which is probably pretty weird coming from someone who got into the genre with Need for Speed: Most Wanted (2012). From there I started playing sim racers like GT6 and totally fell in love.

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@alex840 said:

I give this review a 2 star. I love Jeff and Giant Bomb, but he clearly hasn't done his research about the plus version and is comparing it to games that it isn't trying to compete with. I'm not saying it's the best game in the world, but to flat out call it a 'bad game' on multiple occasions isn't fair. Having played it, it's easily an 8/10. Fantastic graphics, great variety of tracks and cars, and really interesting social features. I do agree however that the lack of options regarding car upgrades is disappointing, but just because you don't like the way a car feel, doesn't make it bad.Also, another point Jeff raised was that you couldn't change the factory paint color. True, but you can cover the car completely with a single decor in any color you want, which is essentially the same thing.

This really makes no sense.

'Just because you don't enjoy playing the game, doesn't make it bad'.

Yeah... it totally does. Also, Jeff clearly stated that Driveclub hangs in a weird middle between arcade racers and simulation racers, where both sides have been done way better than anything Driveclub is doing. A comparison is therefor perfectly valid. If you are looking for a racing game, there are simply better options out there.

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Disappointing GOTY?

I think Destiny's locked that down.

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Edited By Wildali

@d0x said:

God I love how you guys don't pander to ANYBODY.

Trustworthy reviews are the best reviews. Thank you.

I'm with you there. Jeff's 2/5 review is how he feels about it. He made his points quite clear in the review, I think. But wishing death on all games journalism just because you don't like ONE game review is a little bit extreme, IMO.

We know Evo Studios can do better; the Motorstorm racing titles are great arcade racers, quite the lookers as well. Driveclub seems dull in comparison. That isn't to say that DriveClub won't be a serviceable racer to PS4-only gamers though. It's an over-hyped launch title, but there's solid racing to be had in there.

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Edited By Shindig

Having just reviewed this for Playstation Country, the game felt like a basic arcade racer. The way the cars handle and the way the AI sticks rigidly to the racing line urge you to go aggressive and penalties for doing so mostly relate to score. I was initially kinda sweet on it but, having reviewed it after the servers went belly up, its lost whatever momentum it had. On the plus side, it does look and sound neat.

I gave it a 6/10. Its not especially bad but its relying on a community to pull it through. A community that can't get on. You might get your money's worth seeing as there's a free version forthcoming and the upgrade itself is budget-ish.

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Edited By beanZfury

Theree are not many games I regret paying for. Ninja Gaiden 3 and Sub Zero MK Mythologies are 2 of them. Driveclub can be added to that list now. I wish I had waited for a proper review. I wanted it to be good so badly that I ignored the previews. It is a boring, bland, and uninspired game; and it feels like a game designed for the PS1. And since buying it day one digitally, I haven't been able to connect online. So for a game that touts social racing and clubs, I'm only able to do half of what the name of the game implies. And that's not even any fun. It almost makes me want to buy an Xbone for FH2. Almost. Driveclub is garbage. Stay away from at all costs.

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I got caught up in the hype about how pretty the game looked, and pre-ordered it with my PS+ discounted rate, not even realizing that there would be a free version for PS+ users. So I came home after work on release day, played it, didn't enjoy it, and now I threw away $60 :(

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I think I personally just don't understand who this game is for. I played an alpha build at EGX last year, and I didn't like it much. I guess I was hoping the game would've been completely different after release lol.

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Edited By Jazz_Lafayette

Was... there actually a hype-train going for Driveclub? The oft-delayed launch driving game with so little consistent information surrounding it? Weird.

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Edited By Toelessfoot

I've been playing Driveclub for a few days now and while my initial impressions were a little lukewarm I'm now really starting to like it.

The handling is fantastic, it sits somewhere between Forza and PGR in terms of realism and mostly provides the best of both worlds, the nuance of Forza and the sense of speed of PGR. The handling does allow for a bit more sliding without loss of energy than I'd prefer but overall I find that it straddles the arcade/sim line quite well.

The visuals are amazing... about half the time, the other half it only looks so-so, which is mostly a result of having such dynamic lighting and weather systems, no track environment will ever look the same way twice. Also the dynamic range of the lighting is unlike anything I've ever seen in any other game, the difference between dark and bright conditions is huge, when it gets dark, it truly gets DARK and things can become difficult to see. This might sound like a terrible thing but in practice the effect it creates when your race starts in the middle of the night that takes you trough the sun rising in the morning is immensely powerful and provides a unique sense of realism, I applaud the developers for being so bold.

The game can feel barebones and bland at times but I appreciate the focus on competition and racing. In games like Forza you never know if the guy kicking your butt is doing so because he is indeed a better driver or if he simply has a better tuning setup, or is using easier handling settings, or is using the suggested line. This is not a problem with Driveclub, there's no racing line, no tuning, no handling settings, you can only select manual or auto and that's it, truly driver vs driver.

Driveclub isn't for everyone, it's a racing fans racing game, it may not be the most realistic, nor feature laden but it nails the essence of racing and it does so while pushing technical frontiers in impressive ways.

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@gajbutler: I'd imagine that's because you don't actually OWN a ps4 lol.

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Reviewer's ranking was trash anyway. I'm skeptical of reviews from people who aren't actually very good at the games in the first place.