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Giant Bombcast 576: I Sometimes Play the Switch

This week we die more than twice in Sekiro, pop back into The Division 2, and play more of BaBa Is You. We also share stories about Jan's time on a farm, whether or not Jason's eye is fine, and fondly remember "YOUR SOUL IS MINE".

The Giant Bombcast is the world's most beloved video game podcast, and now it's available in video form.

Mar. 26 2019

Cast: Jeff, Brad, Ben, Jason, Jan

Posted by: Jan

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I don't know if Abby finished her playthrough, but she streamed most of that game on her twitch. Alex was harsh on David Cage, but i've definitly seen a sizeable bunch of people agree with him. None the less, the game sold well and is generally a success. The writing might not be amazing, but it's hard to not get very invested in the game and have an enjoyable time with it. It was definitly not a game that made me think that this studio should never get the same kind of funding or be able to make a game again.

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Edited By Onemanarmyy


I'm not sure if Abby finished her playthrough, but she spent quite some time streaming Detroit on her twitch. Like 3,4 sessions if i recall correctly.

Alex was very harsh on David Cage, but i've definitly seen people mostly agree with him that the writing was the weakest part of the game, so he's not a huge outlier when he criticizes that. That said, the game was overall pretty enjoyable & engaging i thought. Stop giving this man money & Stop letting this man make his games are sentiments i can't agree with. Especially when his games sell quite good too. All in all, it seems like Quantic Dream games are generally successful.

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Good to see she liked it enough to keep playing even with Alex's "dislike".

Yeah I thought it was fine and fun. There games have never been AAA system sellers. But always decent exclusives to have. I've liked most of their games since Indigo Prophecy.