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    The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena

    Game » consists of 9 releases. Released Apr 07, 2009

    Both a remake and expansion to the critically-acclaimed Xbox and PC title The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay, Dark Athena features both the original campaign, an all-new campaign and new multiplayer modes.

    What did you think of Riddick the movie?

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    Edited By NTM

    Poll What did you think of Riddick the movie? (36 votes)

    I loved it; fantastic movie to me :D. 11%
    I liked it, wasn't the best, but still good. 39%
    It was okay. I wouldn't call it good, but I wouldn't call it bad either. 19%
    The movie was crap... 6%
    I didn't see it, but want to! 11%
    I didn't see it, and don't care to. 6%
    Other 8%

    As someone that is interested in the franchise mainly due to Butcher Bay, I'm just wondering if this is worth a watch. While I loved Butcher Bay, and go so far to call it one of my favorite games, I'm not a huge fan of the live action films. So, for those that saw it, what did you think? If it's not clear enough already, I'm referring to the latest Riddick film, this one:

    I'm not sure if I want to get it on Amazon Prime or not, which is where I'd get it. Is there anything revealing in the story, or is it just yet another "we're on this planet, bad shit happens, we gotta go." For instance, anything into Riddick's Furyan backstory? That's where I have doubts.

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    #1  Edited By GunstarRed

    When Riddick is in full on hunter mode it's probably the best Predator movie since the first. It's a fun movie with a nice atmosphere and a cgi alien dog. I dunno if my opinion can be trusted though. I have a huge fondness for Chronicles of Riddick.

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    #2  Edited By Dallas_Raines

    The movie turned to complete shit once characters and dialog came into play. Just watch the first act, then turn it off.

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    @gunstarred: You mean you were fond of the last film?

    @dallas_raines: Why would I buy it to only watch the first act? :P That seems silly.

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    #4  Edited By Dallas_Raines

    @ntm: It's not a movie worth owning, but a free rental from redbox would be fine.

    Also, there's zero development of the Riddick character, it's just a cheap, quick rehash of Pitch Black for the most part.

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    #5  Edited By GunstarRed

    I love Chronicles, but I liked Riddick. I'm kinda lukewarm on Pitch Black. The newest movie doesn't really go into his backstory all that much. It feels like they were trying to recreate the first movie, and other than the setup for him being left on the planet it feels a little like they're trying to pretend that Chronicles doesn't exist. Which is kinda a shame as its super theatrical sci-fi fantasy world is kinda unique in its craziness.

    It's far more violent than the other two.

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    @gunstarred: @dallas_raines: Alright, thanks, that's what I suspected, which is too bad. It's crazy how they could first make a movie, and then later on have a game which is way, way better than the films, at least to me. That's just unheard of, unless you consider Goldeneye, which is the only other one. It's a shame because it makes me want to be into all of it, but it's hard to be when the movies just aren't great in my opinion.

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    The movie turned to complete shit once characters and dialog came into play. Just watch the first act, then turn it off.

    Yeah, I agree with this. It's a rental, at best.

    I rolled my eyes a few times towards the end...hard.

    A shame because I enjoyed Pitch Black, and Chronicles was a guilty pleasure (probably because I watched it after buying and finishing Butcher Bay years ago).

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    I love Chronicles, but I liked Riddick. I'm kinda lukewarm on Pitch Black. The newest movie doesn't really go into his backstory all that much. It feels like they were trying to recreate the first movie, and other than the setup for him being left on the planet it feels a little like they're trying to pretend that Chronicles doesn't exist. Which is kinda a shame as its super theatrical sci-fi fantasy world is kinda unique in its craziness.

    It's far more violent than the other two.

    The emboldened sentence is one that I thought I'd never hear. What redeeming things are in Chronicles that make you like it so much?

    The only Riddick movie I've liked is Pitch Black. He's an awesome character in that movie and there's almost no detail about that movie's universe that isn't relevant to the movie somehow. It's pretty good.

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    #9  Edited By pyromagnestir

    It got off to kind of an intriguing, if also slow, start (although the almost palpable desperation with which it immediately tries to shed any connection to Chronicles is kinda funny), but then after lots of setup, it suddenly takes a hard turn and tries way too hard to be a play on the formula that made the first movie kind of a cult hit, but with a terrible batch of characters.

    I wouldn't go so far as to call it bad... But I'm probably letting my affection for the first movie and my affinity for Vin Diesel as Riddick, which I think is just a hell of a character/actor combination, sway me a bit.

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    I liked it more than any other Riddick movie. It kinda combines elements from both Pitch Black and Chronicles of Riddick. I also thought it was fun how it was like an old school slasher horror movie, but instead of horny teenagers getting murdered who you might feel sorry for by Jason or Freddy Kruger, its a bunch of shitty asshole bounty hunters getting stalked by Riddick.

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    Chronicles was so interesting as a sci-fi setting and universe. Even the ships and tech was interesting with the black smoke and gravity fields or whatever. But characters, story, ... meeeeeh.

    That last Riddick movie was god damn terrible and a real shame. It's sad to see the cool ideas and heart from the first two movies dead and gone.

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    Riddick was really fun. What else could you want? It's made to be a silly, fun movie.

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    The movie turned to complete shit once characters and dialog came into play. Just watch the first act, then turn it off.

    I agree with this. The first part with him figuring out how to survive after being stranded on the planet is a lot of fun to watch. Then the bounty hunters show up and everything gets stupid.

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    #14  Edited By Oldirtybearon

    I think the budget constraints were obvious. It sucks that the only time we got a real, hard look at Riddick's world came through a bloated blockbuster that was hamstrung by executive meddling. As far as Riddick 3 is concerned, yeah, it was good. If you can look beyond the cheap look of it, the so-so acting and the fact that it's essentially a retread of Pitch Black, you'll probably enjoy it.

    It won't blow you but it won't pop a surprise thumb in your ass either.

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    Riddick runs in slow motion towards a tentacle monster while holding a space puppy, that's all I remember.

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    #16  Edited By BabyChooChoo

    I loved Riddick. I knew exactly what I was getting into and I could not have been more pleased. I certainly won't try to defend it as being the best movie ever or anything, but, goddamn, it was so much fun.

    The scene where they had convinced themselves that Riddick had broken into the locker was probably my favorite part of the movie because it shows how other people view Riddick in that universe and it shows the viewer just how smart Riddick is.

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    It was good, if not a little disappointing. I kinda expected that going in, though. I wish it had tried to push the story forward more by going to the Underverse, which was going to originally be the sequel to Chronicles, but I get why they made this movie. It's basically just a lower-budget bridge between that movie and Chronicles, and it's there to remind people that Riddick is still a thing. I don't understand why they cut the original ending, though. The Director's Cut extended ending directly sets up the next movie instead of just suddenly cutting it off like the theatrical version. There's also a couple more minutes of Karl Urban in the beginning. I think this is a way better version of the film.

    I liked a lot of things about it, and I liked how Jonhs' father came into play. I think the middle act was easily the weakest part, mainly because some of the dialogue between the mercs is fucking awful. The first act was fantastic and completely unexpected. Him just learning how to survive on this desolate planet for a good 30 or so minutes was really interesting. The final act is basically a retread of Pitch Black with more action. Still enjoyable though. There's a lot of variety in the movie, that's for sure. Also, Riddick kicking the machete through the merc leaders head was badass. Definitely my favorite part.

    @gunstarred said:

    I love Chronicles, but I liked Riddick. I'm kinda lukewarm on Pitch Black. The newest movie doesn't really go into his backstory all that much. It feels like they were trying to recreate the first movie, and other than the setup for him being left on the planet it feels a little like they're trying to pretend that Chronicles doesn't exist. Which is kinda a shame as its super theatrical sci-fi fantasy world is kinda unique in its craziness.

    It's far more violent than the other two.

    The emboldened sentence is one that I thought I'd never hear. What redeeming things are in Chronicles that make you like it so much?

    It's not that uncommon. I've heard it plenty, and I actually feel the same way. Pitch Black is excellent, but Chronicles is legitimately one of my favorite sci-fi movies. I love the grand scale of the whole thing and world-building it does. It makes it seem like a really interesting and expansive universe. The action is also pretty solid, and the special effects were amazing when it first came out. I didn't think they aged too well, but I watched it on blu-ray not too long ago and they looked decent on there. It's just a really fun movie with a lot going on in it.

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    If you want to see Vin Diesel be a badass for 2 hours and hate the Fast and Furious series then watch it.

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