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Here's What You Can Expect from Assassin's Creed: Unity Next Week

In short: Stabbing, co-op play, and French stuff.

Nov. 5 2014

Posted by: Alex

In This Episode:

Assassin's Creed Unity


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@shockd said:

@gaff said:

@shockd said:

Yup, they should totally make the next Assassin's Creed set in WW2.

Basically, The Saboteur 2?

I'd totally have more of that too.

Only if they have more graphic nude girl preorder DLC like the first Saboteur!

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@whatisdelicious: Arno is a ancestor of Desmond, much like how all the other Assassin's were, so it makes sense for the Animus to just translate it into English sans accent. If you want it to be authentic, just play it in French with English subtitles.

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Edited By saddlebrown

@liquidprince: And I will if they include the option. But again, every previous game used native accents, so it makes no sense here. There was nothing for them to "correct." Whatever the reason, listening to French people talk in British accents during the French Revolution is dumb.

Plus, Desmond ain't British. So by yours and @sasnake's logic, everyone should actually sound American. So there's that.

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No falling for any of that... no mention of mission types. WW2 bit probably looked best!

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Edited By LiquidPrince

@liquidprince: And I will if they include the option. But again, every previous game used native accents, so it makes no sense here. There was nothing for them to "correct." Whatever the reason, listening to French people talk in British accents during the French Revolution is dumb.

Plus, Desmond ain't British. So by yours and @sasnake's logic, everyone should actually sound American. So there's that.

That's not entirely true. The other games were inconsistent about how accents were handled. For example Altair had no accent at all in AC1. However the developers have already mentioned that the ambient dialogue in Unity will all be in French, and only the stuff that is relevant to you as the player will be in English. That helps the immersion quite a bit.

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Edited By saddlebrown

@liquidprince: I didn't realize they had already addressed that in an interview. Well, after reading, I have to say I simply disagree with their "artistic" decision and I don't understand how characters speaking in French accents would somehow "detract a lot from the experience.” They're French. Why wouldn't you then have all the incidental dialogue be in British-English then too? It's not gonna be more immersive to have incidental dialogue be French and then all the important dialogue be British-English; it's going to pull me out every single time.

I don't know. That decision makes zero sense to me. People walking around speak French-ass French. People you talk to speak British-English. For immersion. Okay. I'm going to turn French and subtitles on because that's insane.

Thanks for the interview link. It was an interesting read, if nothing else.

(Also, in Revelations, they swapped out Altair's old voice actor for one with an accent. Just something to note.)

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@liquidprince: I didn't realize they had already addressed that in an interview. Well, after reading, I have to say I simply disagree with their "artistic" decision and I don't understand how characters speaking in French accents would somehow "detract a lot from the experience.” They're French. Why wouldn't you then have all the incidental dialogue be in British-English then too? It's not gonna be more immersive to have incidental dialogue be French and then all the important dialogue be British-English; it's going to pull me out every single time.

I don't know. That decision makes zero sense to me. People walking around speak French-ass French. People you talk to speak British-English. For immersion. Okay. I'm going to turn French and subtitles on because that's insane.

Thanks for the interview link. It was an interesting read, if nothing else.

(Also, in Revelations, they swapped out Altair's old voice actor for one with an accent. Just something to note.)

It wouldn't make sense because the Animus is going through the trouble of translating all the dialogue for you from it's native French language. If a machine is translating something, why would it translate it with an accent? At the point, like the interview states, it makes it seem as though the characters are going out of there way to speak English to you, rather then what is actually going on which is that they are speaking French and then being translated. The incidental stuff isn't getting translated because it's just that, incidental. It's meant to create ambiance. I personally think this is the best way for them to handle the whole accent thing.

These characters are speaking their native language, and then the Animus is translating it. It's not that these people are speaking English which then leads to an accent.

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Love how their sell on the 'new' stealth is basically 'hey you can crouch now'. Environments look really nice, can't wait to jankily parkour through them.

Will probably get this on sale at some point next year when Assassin's Creed Unity 2: Electric Boogaloo is being hyped by more trailers like this.

Edit: To address the language issue they should just MGS3 it. Anyone remember "Your Russian is very good"?

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@liquidprince: I don't know, that sounds awfully contrived to me. But then again I always found the concept of the animus to be very contrived and silly. I would have been much happier if Assassins creed was just a story about secret societies at war with a real historical backdrop because I never cared about the near future stuff.

All of that being said, I'm with the previous duder in this one. Having French ass French guys like Napolean speaking with posh British accents seems really out of place to me and I'll probably be turning on the French voice over with subtitles as well.

How would it make remotely more sense for French ass French guy speaking English with an accent while the story takes place in French ass France? What you and other people are complaining about, or pointing out, makes no sense. Either you accept the reason that the Animus is translating things into English and be cool with it, or you just change it French and read subtitles.

I personally don't care one way or another, but as a matter of making "sense" then having French dudes speaking English with an accent while the story takes place in France makes less sense then the other thing.

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This visually looks really good, but I am REALLY tired of Assassian Creeds general mission structure. Maybe Coop will be enough to spice this game up, but right now I am not really excited for this.

A big problem I had with the AC games is the story is always so fucking weak. AC3 worked for me because they poked fun at the Animus stuff and basically said, "pirates" and let me have at it. This looks like a return to regular form of seriousness the series is usually known for, and I couldn't be more disappointed.

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So many good games!

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Edited By gutterkisser

I wouldn't mind experiencing the city in motion - particularly the number of NPCs - but nothing shown here suggests the game is departing from the hollow, mechanical feel of the series (and increasingly, Ubi's approach to open worlds in general). Interested to see where opinion lands after release.