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    X-Men Origins: Wolverine

    Game » consists of 18 releases. Released May 01, 2009

    X-Men Origins: Wolverine is a game based upon the movie of the same name that tells the early story of Wolverine.

    kratos187's X-Men Origins: Wolverine Uncaged Edition (PlayStation 3) review

    Avatar image for kratos187

    Xmen Origins:Wolverine

    First this game is not like any other movie based game as in other words it does not suck this may be one of my favorite games this gen but if you are not a fan of games like Ninja Gaiden or God Of War you may get a bit tired of the repetitiveness the game will take you on a 5 acts of kicka$$ness and its is extreamly gory this aint the wolverine you remember from the cartoons he jus does all kinds of F!@# up things but all in all an enjoyable game 

    BUY IT


    Other reviews for X-Men Origins: Wolverine Uncaged Edition (PlayStation 3)

      God of Warverine. 0

      IntroductionI wasn't wowed by the Wolverine movie, but I didn't think it was completely useless either, and it certainly didn't deserve the almost universal panning it received from the critics. I wasn't even considering buying the game, given the history of movie franchises as games. But then Sony put the demo on the PSN. I downloaded it, played it through and thought it was pretty good. I deleted it off my crammed hard drive and promptly downloaded it again a few days later, remembering how go...

      0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

      A bloody action game with not much adventure. 0

       For Wolverine’s first stand alone game in a long time, Wolverine holds nothing back. It’s action packed, gory, and full of generic Wolverine humor. It almost feels like a God of War or Devil May Cry clone, but falls short in few factors.  If you’re followed the movie, you’ll pretty much know the story. Wolverine has a dark past set in Africa, where his crew of United States mutant marines are looking for “something”. The game follows close to the movie, enough where it borrows part of the scrip...

      0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

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