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    Zombies Ate My Neighbors

    Game » consists of 7 releases. Released Sep 24, 1993

    Play as Zeke or Julie through 55 deadly levels of Zombies Ate My Neighbors! Destroy zombies with a squirt gun full of holy water!

    cubano7649's Zombies Ate My Neighbors (Genesis) review

    Avatar image for cubano7649

    Swallowed up my whole 12th year of life. No joke

    Okay in hindsight this game is really poor quality to the games out today but for the time in which it was made it was my hands down favorite game. Everything from the idea to the game mechanics just felt very fresh for me as a kid who had only played Super Mario and Zelda so when I wanted something not so mainstream I went to my local game store, game stop which is like paradise for a kid like me, granted I felt very intimidated walking in there, i mean there were posters everywhere and guys in the 30s talking about games that I an 11 year old had played so it felt very....strange but in a good way. So I asked the guy behind the counter for a game that wasn't as mainstream but that had a bit of edge to it and I think he recommended to me doom at first and then wolfenstein but those felt too mainstream still so after I said that he was like okay how about "Zombies at my neighbors"? I kid you not just from the title I was hooked, i mean I spent sooo much time sharing this game with my friends and showing it off and literally lost a whole year to this game because I was convinced there was nothing like it out there and that I wouldn't be able to find anything as good. It wasn't until pokemon came out that I left this game behind but it has such great memories for me as a kid that to this day I have been dying to get a tattoo of the main characters in this game on my body like a massive tattoo with various video game characters and the blonde kid with the water gun and 3d glasses is definitely going to be on there for sure!.

    Other reviews for Zombies Ate My Neighbors (Genesis)

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