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Giant Bomb News


Apple Unveils Faster, Taller, Thinner iPhone 5

The long gestating rumors about Apple's new device were basically true.

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The endless rumors about Apple’s next iPhone bore fruit this morning, with the company finally confirming the iPhone 5.

As expected, the iPhone 5 comes with a larger screen--it’s now 4-inches. It’s also 18% thinner, 20% lighter, and, defying belief, comes with 44% greater color saturation. Ryan is still blown away.

The extra space makes the device 16:9 when turned on its side, and allows for another row of Apps on the home screen. For existing Apps that haven’t (or won’t) be updated to the larger size, the App is centered on the screen, with black bars on each side.

The iPhone 5 sports LTE network technology, which debuted on the iPad earlier this year.

More importantly for games, the device has an A6 chip. Apple claims it's twice as fast as the A5, which is already pretty great. At today’s press conference, Apple claimed this would translate to “console” quality gameplay, whatever that metric means anymore.

Electronic Arts showed off Fire Monkey's Real Racing 3 on the iPhone to demonstrate what the new technology is capable of.

Besides an upgraded iPod Touch for those sporting another phone already, no other announcements--new iTunes, iOS 6 features, revised iPad Nano--had any real impact on games. That'll come if they move to the TV.

Apple said the phone would go on sale on September 21. Pre-orders start on Friday, September 14.

Tomorrow, it’s Nintendo’s turn in the spotlight.

(And the real question is: white or black?)

Patrick Klepek on Google+


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Edited By JSwan13

I'll be upgrading my 4, can't wait!

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Edited By McShank

@MstrMnyBgs said:

@McShank said:

Iphones are complete crap. More expensive then any other device that does the same thing. Screen is as fragile as a new born. Batterys pretty much always shit. Apple refuses to cover their own items for any kinds of damage besides the occasional cracked screen and even then they still will fight with you. Radio inside gives it piss poor range on its reception. Why is this crap on here? At least put something that hasn't been released multiple times and looks and works the same.

I've never had any issues with mine. Seems you are just bitter. I swear the anti-apple people are noisier than the apple people.

I have never had one and never will. I build pc's and use android phones. They have their own faults but iphones are just shit. Pay more for less. Screen is small, Phone is more expensive then any other phone out even at the lowest Gig model. Insurance that apple provides is complete crap. Cannot have it worked on at any store but apple stores. I work with phones as a job, and I can tell you this as not just my opinion but as a fact. Iphones are shit and unless your one of the very few who dont have any problems like a cracked screen, stolen, lost or never dropped your phone then gj and welcome to the minority of users.

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Edited By akira_22

This is basically a thinner 4s. I really think apple is losing its mojo. I do like the black aluminium antenna though, much more sleek. But the edges still piss me off, when in my pocket.

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Edited By green_sky

@iAmJohn said:

I'll stick with my 4S, thanks.

You say that like you are using a really old phone. Ofcourse you'll stick with it. It has been less than a year.

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Edited By Bell_End

@Bombzinski said:

this is certainly videogame news!

see... because you clicked on the story you count as traffic. and the more traffic a story gets the more popular it is seen to be and more stories on apple products will be run ,

so even if its to post a great post like yours. if you hadn't clicked the story the news story would be less popular and GB would be less likely to run stories on apple shit.

so just ignore the stories you dont fucking like

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Edited By Bombzinski

this is certainly videogame news!

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Edited By Elazul

Long iPhone 4s is long.

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Edited By Bourbon_Warrior
@crusader8463 said:

@PlasmaBeam44 said:

@thefriend said:


>Still buying Apple products

What areyouahipster.exe?

Seriously, with the android out, why would anyone still get an iPhone? Maybe provider is an excuse, but I doubt it. L2Phone people.

But what if I despise everything about Android?

Buy a windows phone.

How can you possible despise Android?
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Edited By Bourbon_Warrior

Big Fat Meh... 

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Edited By asantosbr

Galaxy S 3 still the best phone.... Android the best mobile os by far.

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Edited By Rowr

After seeing the amazing size and screen of the samsung note, i'm not as impressed with this announcement as i might have been.

All my mobile gaming is now done on the vita, I'm finding it hard to go back to games on what now seems like a tiny screen on the iphone 4. The lure of more powerful processor does nothing for me as i'm sure it still wont match up to the vita, and despite there being some interesting games on the app store, there really still isn't anything that can compete with the deeper and richer titles and controls available on the vita - as limited as they are at the moment.

The iphone 4 super ceded my PSP and was my main gaming on the run for the last two years, i've probably spent around 400 dollars on games on ios.

There have been the odd high points, but now aside from checking out the occasional interesting title from the app store for cheap, it's mostly freemium focus tested garbage at this point, and i'm not convinced it will ever be a competitor game-wise aside from mindless casual grinds/distractions.

I guess what i'm saying is i was cautiously excited to see what they announced since i'm in the market to upgrade from the 4, but am just now realising everything it has to offer me i can get somewhere else.

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Edited By radion_null

All i can think about is how people are going to praise it for it´s gaming potentiall, and later quickly complain about the lack of physical buttons for the console-style games. Later they get reminded that the Vita does this but then they'll say thay don´t wanna play console-style games on the go. Then they turn to the 3DS but point out it is not as portable or versital as the iPhone. ....and it will go on. I think it's a good phone though. Worth the purchase but one can go with the HTC one line of products or the Galaxy 3 and be just as happy.

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Edited By adambyrney

@Anund said:

Why would anyone buy this over an Android phone? I just don't get it. It's the same phone again, except upgraded to barely compete with the top tier Android competitors and with a pricetag ~$200 above them. Unless you like the design of the phone I guess. And you're locked into iTunes... x.x

Pretty much this. All of the modern phones are in the same league (and have been for over a year), basically buy whichever you like most.

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Edited By Saltank

Can't wait to pick one up. No need to reinvent the wheel with each new phone release. All you haters shoulds stop whining.

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Edited By penguindust

@wewantsthering said:

@PenguinDust said:

So, no 7-inch Ipad tablet revealed? Is that what I can take from today's event?

The rumor is that it's a separate event.

Okay. I was wondering if the internet rumor mill was letting me down.

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Edited By Ninja_Welshman

Think I'm going to stick with my iPhone 4. Does everything I want and is a great phone. Not sure what I was expecting from iPhone 5 but it was more than this.

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Edited By Dan_CiTi

I was thinking of getting a Windows Phone 8 if there was a Lumia for it, seeing as how I don't like the Galaxy S3, but yoooooo this phone looks godlike. 

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Edited By The_Big_Rough

So the screen is still smaller then my Galaxy S2? haha

No thanks apple and you can keep your shitty Itunes program

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Edited By Nomin

Not much to get excited about, really. Not an anti-Apple guy, just there wasn't 'one more thing'.

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@mderbs311 said:

@wewantsthering: I too am a win pho 7 user, a happy one at that, and Im just curious as to why people still use this as an argument or reason against getting a win phone. I currently am using an android phone (HTC amaze) due to an accident with my HD7, and i transferred over to my win pho from an iphone 3g, so ive had all and I think windows is the best OS out there, and they all have their perks and pros and cons, whether it be more exclusive apps and games, slicker UI or more customization, and I agree that windows app market is small compared to the other big 2, but other than a few "big" games on android and iOS, i was able to get windows versions of pretty much ALL the apps i had on my iphone, and a lot of games as well. my Bank of America app, twitter, reddit reader, TED talks, soundhound, FML, IMDB, amazon and kindle, flixter, netflix, i mean other than instagram ( which is coming to win phone 8), theyre all there and if not an acceptable facsimile can be found, even with some missing games too. Plus, since win phone 7 wasnt compatible with the Unity engine and microsoft used a closed environment, it was very difficult to port your games to win pho 7. since 8 uses an entirely different kernel, and the Unity devs have said that it will be on win pho 8, the disparity of apps that dont come to the windows marketplace should shrink enormously, as its very simple to port your app to the win ecosystem, and wouldnt be such a risk. I am absolutely not ragging on you for your opinion, and this is not meant to be a hostile post at all, i really am just curious as to why you feel there are "no" apps in the marketplace, what do you think is missing app wise that made you dislike it enough to recommend not getting it? functionality wise? I personaly cant wait for win pho 8 (obviously), will be getting the Ativ s or 920, depending on which comes to T-mobile.

For me I need Chase Bank and Google Voice, neither of which work well on WP7. I have to use the browser for Chase and there are a couple terrible Google Voice apps. Obviously a WP7 would be a step up from a iPhone 3G! Haha. Outside of barebones apps like Facebook and Twitter, there aren't really a lot of stand out apps. Also browser/discovering apps is a nightmare. It's also behind on other feature sets like airplay, maps, etc. I just don't really see a reason for sticking with WP at this point because both Android and iOS are just too far a head, especially in the app department.

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Edited By Bell_End

@Neox said:

I was watching the Iphone reveal at my Bell store while i was buying a galaxy S 3

the S3 is a nice phone. it does feel really cheap in the hand though, like its made from the plastic the make cheap DVD remotes out of.

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Edited By sempiternal

...but it's got a new hat!

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Edited By chan05

All I want to say is that the screen size is weird. they have to center old apps and put black bars around it....what??? I'm going to buy a HTC One X. And no I'm not an Apple hater if got my fair share of apple devices. But all this hype is really starting to annoy me...and even Giantbomb is contributing to it...I mean yes it's also a gaming device but I have never really seen Giantbomb review or even talk about iPhone games...but I guess at one point they have to

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Edited By chriscalla

Always bet on black.

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Edited By Andorski

Battery and camera upgrade are minimal, but it's better than nothing for me. My current iPhone 4 is sucking in both these departments. I need to charge my phone twice a day and the camera is terrible for taking pictures of things over 1000ft away.

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Edited By Iodine

Why whenever Apple announces a new phone there's so much anger against Apple? It's just a phone...some people will buy it because they like it. Why does it matter what someone decides to buy? It kind of annoys me that so many people hate on a company seemingly just so they can make themselves feel better about themselves. I think there's a jealousy there. I never see people talk about a new LG and lambaste anyone who dares think about buying it. I mean I constantly see people on message boards calling people who buy iPhones "Sheep". Really? Because someone wants to buy a product they enjoy they're just blindingly following? I just don't get the anger...and I'm not talking about the Giant Bomb community, I mean in general. And no, I don't own an iPhone.

You... You I love
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Edited By jblp

You disappoint me Giantbomb.

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Why whenever Apple announces a new phone there's so much anger against Apple? It's just a phone...some people will buy it because they like it. Why does it matter what someone decides to buy? It kind of annoys me that so many people hate on a company seemingly just so they can make themselves feel better about themselves. I think there's a jealousy there. I never see people talk about a new LG and lambaste anyone who dares think about buying it. I mean I constantly see people on message boards calling people who buy iPhones "Sheep". Really? Because someone wants to buy a product they enjoy they're just blindingly following? I just don't get the anger...and I'm not talking about the Giant Bomb community, I mean in general. And no, I don't own an iPhone.

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Edited By august

Don't give me that dithering.

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Edited By BisonHero

Seems like a pretty meh upgrade. None of those new features(?) are really drawing me in, so I'll hold onto my current phone until iOS games reach a quality level where my current phone performs like total garbage.

To rephrase, there basically isn't any new feature that matters, so the only thing that will get me to replace my current phone is when the processor becomes near obsolete.

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I was watching the Iphone reveal at my Bell store while i was buying a galaxy S 3

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Edited By snattu

Who gives a shit?

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Edited By jasondesante

@Corvak: haha that was the one year they did specifically nothing at all but let you buy it in white. Thats the one year nothing happened and youre saying its the one year they did something significant. haha

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Edited By Th3irdEye

@JJOR64 said:

I'm going to finally get my first Smart Phone on Sept. 24th, 3 days after this comes out. If this is in stock I'll pick one up, if not I'll just get a 4S.

If it's not in stock when you go to pick it up I think it's really dumb to get a 4S instead. That just strikes me as an example of extreme impatience. If you already had a 4S before this was announced and decided to pass, fine. If you couldn't afford the iPhone 5 and opted for the older cheaper version, fine. If the new one is already out and you were willing to get it in the first place, why would something like having to wait another week or so cause you to buy an inferior product? It doesn't make any sense. Now, there could be other factors involved that stipulate that you absolutely MUST walk into a store on exactly Sept. 24th and walk out with a new phone that day or else you can't get a phone. If that's the case I apologize for my rant.

Also, why are you not ordering online. Way easier, no lines, just wait for it to show up at your door. You could also order online and pick up in store if you really wanted to.

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So this is supposed to be underwhelming or something?

Not that I'm excited or will ever buy an iPhone, probably, but what did people expect? A hexagonal phone?

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Edited By Korosuzo

@killawogg: From what I've heard and read from AT&T if you have the old unlimited plan you will be able to bring that to the iPhone 5 LTE. It will be soft capped at 5GB a month which is more than I'll ever use so I'm sticking with AT&T now that I know I am still grandfathered in...otherwise that would have led me to look at different phones and carriers.

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Edited By xyzygy

@mderbs311: Holla HD7 user! The Ativ also looks like an extremely solid and sexy phone. I'm really hoping that most carriers will offer both the 920 and 820, but who knows. Honestly I'd be perfectly content with having the Ativ as well. I will have to decide when the reviews come in and when I can get my hands on one :)

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Edited By xyzygy

live tiles are fantastic. It's basically a wall of data and info which you can customize to your liking, and even more so with WP8 where you can change how much info you receive from each tile.

@Dan_CiTi said:

No Caption Provided
@gunslingerNZ: wasn't that in August?

@TheHBK said:

Still on the fence between this and the ATIV S shown here. Really hard to make up my mind and will be switching from my blackberry. I just like the idea of the live tiles.

Also, did anyone see the new ipod nano and touch? The touch looks great but what the fuck is up with the Nano? Looks like a sony rip off and the colors. Man, those are drab pastels.

Get the iPhone 5 and then just get the best Windows 8 tablet out there if you want W8 mobile. They have gotten the look for Android phones down more or less (besides when they look like weird battlestar galactica robots or w/e) but I feel most WP7 and 8 phones still are a bit rough, besides the Lumia which looks and performs great.

Rough? All Windows Phones perform extremely similar. With WP8 manufacturers can deviate and include more powerful hardware, and considering how buttery smooth and responsive WP7 is and the extreme restrictions they have in terms of hardware, they're marvelous. WP8 will change those restrictions though. One of the main goals with WP was to provide a similar experience across a multitude of phones, in order to avoid the problems you see with lower end Android phones. The ATIV S looks like a fucking beautiful phone, running hardware similar to the S3.

Also, why say get a W8 tablet (Surface FTW) and an iOS device when one of the main features being touted across Windows 8, Xbox, and Windows Phone 8 will be cross-connection and interoperability?

@LiquidPrince said:

@xyzygy said:

@Stubee said:

I don't understand why this story is here. iPhones don't even represent the majority of the market anymore and they certainly don't have the best tech or software.

I found it crazy that Apple only has 16-17% market share. It seems like so much more than that. I suppose it's just that my age group tends to have them and that it makes it seem to me that Apple has more of a market share.

Personally I'm sticking with Windows Phone 8 this time. I loved WP7 and the new style and features of WP8 devices are too attractive to ignore, especially the completely stunning Lumia 920. I've currently turned 3 people from iPhone/Android to Windows Phone and I might have convinced another last weekend at a party. All she needed was a few minutes with my HD7 and she fell in love. :P

I've done the same thing, except for Android, which I feel is easily the best operating system on the mobile market. You can literally customize your phone to look like and do anything on Android where as all the other phones are so closed down. And hey, even if you don't want to do any of that customization stuff, stock Android is beyond awesome now too. Oh Jelly Bean.

The level of customization is definitely one thing I love about the newer Android phones. I'm not ragging on Android at all (it just so happens that one of the converts had an S2), I think it's fucking awesome - I just really don't like iOS.

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Edited By hoossy

@Aaron_G said:

Went white with the iPhone 4S, definitely going black with this one.

You have the 4S? Why upgrade so soon? This phone really doesn't offer anything new...

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Edited By mderbs311

@xyzygy: Nice, I love my HD7 as well, just an all around great phone. I would LOVE to get the LUmia 920, but have a feeling that Tmo wont get it, but its younger sibling the 820, which is still sexy as hell. Between it and the Ativ s, I might actually go with the Ativ.

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Edited By PandaBear

All these either/or statements. It's strange... my iPhone 4S is the best phone I've ever owned but really I wouldn't begrudge anyone who owns a different device. You can like the iPhone and not be an Apple zealot hipster who hates Android/WP. At the end of the day Apple don't pay me to use their products so I have no reason to defend them. I just like what they're offering and I'm too invested in the App Store to care about the competition unless something major happens.

And for the ignorant people who don't think iPhone news belongs on Giant Bomb should look at the huge influence Apple has on video games. Beyond the games even - their approach to design, how their store is run, how they integrate different types of media... this stuff matters and will affect the next generation of consoles even more than the current.

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Edited By meptron

Omg. This new shape is so innovative. They better patent this revolutionary new rectangle before somebody else copies it.

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Edited By killawogg

Black. I've rocked this iPhone 3G long enough. My other question is if I should stay with att since I'm still "unlimited" plan

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Edited By mderbs311

@wewantsthering: I too am a win pho 7 user, a happy one at that, and Im just curious as to why people still use this as an argument or reason against getting a win phone. I currently am using an android phone (HTC amaze) due to an accident with my HD7, and i transferred over to my win pho from an iphone 3g, so ive had all and I think windows is the best OS out there, and they all have their perks and pros and cons, whether it be more exclusive apps and games, slicker UI or more customization, and I agree that windows app market is small compared to the other big 2, but other than a few "big" games on android and iOS, i was able to get windows versions of pretty much ALL the apps i had on my iphone, and a lot of games as well. my Bank of America app, twitter, reddit reader, TED talks, soundhound, FML, IMDB, amazon and kindle, flixter, netflix, i mean other than instagram ( which is coming to win phone 8), theyre all there and if not an acceptable facsimile can be found, even with some missing games too. Plus, since win phone 7 wasnt compatible with the Unity engine and microsoft used a closed environment, it was very difficult to port your games to win pho 7. since 8 uses an entirely different kernel, and the Unity devs have said that it will be on win pho 8, the disparity of apps that dont come to the windows marketplace should shrink enormously, as its very simple to port your app to the win ecosystem, and wouldnt be such a risk. I am absolutely not ragging on you for your opinion, and this is not meant to be a hostile post at all, i really am just curious as to why you feel there are "no" apps in the marketplace, what do you think is missing app wise that made you dislike it enough to recommend not getting it? functionality wise? I personaly cant wait for win pho 8 (obviously), will be getting the Ativ s or 920, depending on which comes to T-mobile.

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Edited By project343

@CaLe: You must be one of those crazy people who hangs blankets over their windows, orders food to their house, and cuts their own hair in the mirror. I hope my mental picture of you is somewhat accurate.

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Edited By Cybexx

See Jeff, shiny cars will always be the press conference graphics barometer.

Now I have another aspect ratio to figure out.

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Edited By MightyDuck

I'm still "rocking" my 3GS. My contract was up about a month and a half ago. Can't wait to upgrade.

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Edited By Beatus

I'm trying to figure out Apple's manuever on switching to the lightning charging cable. It's a change which deserves a comprehensive explanation. Many accessories will be left behind. I was amused by an Engadget live blogger at the event who made a snarky remark about how odd it was to hear a room full of people clap over switching to a new cable. Is this good for the consumer?

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Edited By zor

Hmm... does anyone know if there a way to opt out of a data plan? The only thing holding me back from getting a smart phone (e.g. iphones or galaxy) is the required data plans that carriers seem to require (at&t in my case).

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Edited By Aaron_G

Went white with the iPhone 4S, definitely going black with this one.