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CES: Primetime Coming to 360 This Spring

Robbie Bach demos 1 vs. 100 and sets a release for the Primetime channel.

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Primetime was one of the NXE features that was touted at E3 2008, but failed to make the dashboard update's Fall 2008 launch, and Microsoft talked about this social gaming program at CES tonight for the first time since its delay. The idea behind Primetime, according to Microsoft's Robbie Bach, is to create scheduled programming on the Xbox 360--an idea that, on its own, doesn't resonates with me particularly, though the prospect of participating in a live game show is definitely intriguing. Bach ran a quick demo of 1 vs. 100, the first bit of programming for Primetime. Though sadly lacking in the Bob Saget, the quiz show demonstration highlighted the fact that it was all live with highly topical questions about the movie The Curious Case of Benjamin Button and a college football game that happened just a few days ago, and with a host that would make some fairly specific comments on different players' performance. The demo closed out with the announcement that Primetime would be coming to the 360 this Spring.

It wasn't the most thrilling of demonstrations, though that might have more to do with the fact that the game being played was 1 vs. 100 than the inherent concept. Here's a tip, Microsoft; if you want to get me excited about your live game shows, forget this post-Millionaire format nonsense and give me something classic like Card Sharks or Family Feud or Match Game.