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DayZ Now Becoming Its Own Game

Development on the mod will continue as the standalone version suits up.

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In what seemed like an increasingly inevitable move, popular zombie survival mod DayZ is becoming its own game, creator Dean Hall announced today on the game's blog.

Moreover, ArmA developer Bohemia Interactive will actually be partnering with Hall to create the game. Hall will server as the project lead on this more ambitious take on DayZ.

“This is the fairy-tale outcome for a mod that many would have said impossible four months ago,” said Hall.

Development on the mod will continue, as well. Hall said the big questions about how this splintering will impact each project will be answered in the coming weeks.

The official website for the new game is

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Edited By impartialgecko

I wonder how they wrangled that. Bohemia Interactive must be getting a significant cut if DayZ isn't being directly tied to Arma.

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Edited By Jackel2072

@Kaiserreich said:

This thing has been a plague upon the actual ARMA II community/servers since release. Goodbye and good riddance.

Thats ok, you can keep the house in the divorce. we really dont mind...

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Edited By craves

@adam1808: It's being developed at Bohemia, with the assistance of their core engine team to create features designed specifically for DayZ. I'm super pumped about this!

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Edited By banishedsoul1

good i wont have to buy a game i don't want

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Edited By DG991

I'm really excited to have this as a standalone.

@Daiphyer said:

Console release? PRETTY PLEASE

I think this would be a really good game to finally have a cross platform experience between consoles and PC.

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great news. cant wait to try this out :)


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Edited By Amaru25

Left 4 Dead, I love ya, but you started this insane zombie craze. Damn you.

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Edited By Cirdain

Hall will server

Hall will serve*

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Edited By deox

Well, I'm glad I held off on buying Arma2 then. I was tempted to download it a couple times for no other reason than to try out DayZ.

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Edited By Clonedzero

thats fantastic, i saw a video thing of the creator playing and explaining the game on youtube with some youtube guy. he seems like a cool dude, so best luck to him in the future!

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Edited By lethalki11ler

I hope they can do something with steam at least. Such as a "Bought Arma 2 even if you did only buy it for Day z. you get 50% off the standalone version!"

Cities XL does that. So I hope they do such a deal.

That's exactly what I'm hOping for
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Edited By probablytuna

Cool. Maybe I'll check it out when the new one is released.

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Edited By dennistm

Very excited to hear this. Waited just long enough for ARMA to go on sale during the steam sale just to try this out and I was not disappointed. I agree that a friend finding system would be helpful to find what server someone is playing on but I think they should keep the in game experience roughly the same. Just figure out some morse code with salutes or something to identify each other.

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Edited By NekuCTR

@Amaru25 said:

Left 4 Dead, I love ya, but you started this insane zombie craze. Damn you.

I thought Resident Evil basically started the zombie craze in the video game industry, and Zombies have always been popular in other media. Zombies are as old, and pervasive as time itself my friend.

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Edited By Corvak

I'm about done with zombies, at this point.

DayZ looks interesting - open worlds are usually something I prefer in games, too. Though it seems like so often, zombies don't factor into it much - many players simply shoot anything that moves, like any other FPS game, it just takes longer for it to happen, as the world is so big. While it's likely an accurate depiction of what really would happen in the real world, following the breakdown of society, it makes for a ten minute walk only to be shot in the head by a sniper on a hill a mile away.

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Edited By MrKlorox
@LethalKi11ler said:


I hope they can do something with steam at least. Such as a "Bought Arma 2 even if you did only buy it for Day z. you get 50% off the standalone version!"

Cities XL does that. So I hope they do such a deal.

That's exactly what I'm hOping for
That's certainly the right way to do it. But they didn't seem to opt for it when Operation Arrowhead/Combined Ops came out.
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Edited By Akyho

@MrKlorox said:

@LethalKi11ler said:
That's exactly what I'm hOping for
That's certainly the right way to do it. But they didn't seem to opt for it when Operation Arrowhead/Combined Ops came out.

Thats a different thing. Ones a stand alone expansion and the others a pack of both full games. The emphasis on Expansion.

However, Dayz had no marked future beyond a mod. So everyone who bought into Arma 2 solely for Dayz has already paid for a fraction of the game and more its popularity.

Think of them as the founding investors. They are owed a little kick back for supporting the idea and rocketing it to a full game. A little discount isnt much to hope.

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Edited By Uberjannie

Well, they had no other options, now that The War Z have been announced. More than 100 000 have signed up for The War Z beta. DayZ should have kickstartered this a long time ago.

Edit: Also, why not make a game out of a "crappy" simulation engine? Don't get me wrong, the engine works fine for war simulation.. But fighting zombies is not it, I should know having put about 18 hours in the mod. Even if they seriously mod the engine, I doubt Bohemia could make anything good out of it, game engine wise.

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Edited By fisk0  Moderator

@Uberjannie said:

Well, they had no other options, now that The War Z have been announced. More than 100 000 have signed up for The War Z beta. DayZ should have kickstartered this a long time ago.

Edit: Also, why not make a game out of a "crappy" simulation engine? Don't get me wrong, the engine works fine for war simulation.. But fighting zombies is not it, I should know having put about 18 hours in the mod. Even if they seriously mod the engine, I doubt Bohemia could make anything good out of it, game engine wise.

The point of Day Z isn't the zombies though, but the survival aspect with hunger, bleeding, body heat and that stuff, where a detailed simulation engine is probably pretty useful.

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Edited By ravage484

Oh man this is exciting. I hope it turns out well. The mod is one of the most unique experiences I've ever had in a game. Especially considering it's mod. But then again I haven't played any Arma II..

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Great news, I just hope they bring it to console.

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Edited By JeffGerstFan

@Gunslinger0130: This is never going to happen. Would be cool though.

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Edited By DoctorWelch

This news is like months old...

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Edited By Kilnik

@Akyho said:

I hope they can do something with steam at least. Such as a "Bought Arma 2 even if you did only buy it for Day z. you get 50% off the standalone version!"

Cities XL does that. So I hope they do such a deal.

Yeah. I stopped playing CS when Source came out. I didn't want to pay for what I already had. Also: I hated Steam. What can I say? I was an angry child.

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@BeowolfSchaefer said:

Honestly I almost think we need a different word than 'game' for stuff like this. I love the game, I loved Minecraft and I loved EvE Online. None of which have a defined goal. Some people seem to need to be told what to do in a game. I and a lot of other people are not like that. We regularly set objectives for ourselves within the game. Perhaps something like 'virtual world' would be more accurate and guys who need to be told exactly what to do could quit whining and just move on to something else that is more structured.

No, I think he has a great point.

Seriously, once you're geared up in this game, that's it. You've done everything the game has to offer you. You have a car, roaming around with great weapons, a ton of gas, food and water, what is there to do in this game after that? It just gets very boring, very quickly.

Minecraft has WAY more things to do, it has a crafting system with hundreds of recipes, you can build practically anything you want, seriously, the projects you set for yourself in that game can take weeks, and it's a blast.

EVE also can't be compared in the same way, because in some form you're always advancing in that game. You're always leveling up your skills (in and out of game). Not to mention that it's an MMO, and you can do way more things in it than you can currently do in DayZ.

DayZ is a great idea, and for the first few days of play, it's REALLY fun, because there's really nothing like it and you're completely new to the experience, but after a while you learn what to do, and how to do it. Run into Cherno in the beginning, get good gear, run to the airfield up north, get better gear, try to find a vehicle, go back to the airfield to get hopefully even better gear, rinse and repeat. There's absolutely nothing interesting to do once you get to a certain point.

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Edited By k4el

DayZ was a great idea realized in a bad engine with bad design to back it up. Pass.

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Edited By kyrieee

@Random45 said:

Seriously, once you're geared up in this game, that's it. You've done everything the game has to offer you. You have a car, roaming around with great weapons, a ton of gas, food and water, what is there to do in this game after that? It just gets very boring, very quickly.

Camps get raided, vehicles stolen, helicopters shot down, people killed in PvP.

If your GOAL is just to accrue stuff then you can do that, but if you're actually playing the game in a way where you put yourself at risk (which is fun) then other people will get in your way and you won't reach a place where you have everything, at least not for too long.

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Edited By MrKlorox
@Akyho: No, it is the same thing if you bought Arma2 expecing to be able to buy DLC for it and keep the game updated. Then BI pulled a bait and switch as to which game was to be considered the "base" game that the others would plug into as add-ons and continue to support for a long time with beta patches. Operation Arrowhead became the actual base game that Arma2 plugs into (not the other way around like reason would suggest) and they never offered some kind of buy-in discount for those who made Arma2 successful enough for the "expansions" to be made in the first place. BI isn't smart enough as a publisher to make the right decision, as one might be able to gleam from their current (lack of) handling of Take On Helicopters.
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Edited By neverdeed

throw mindless AI zombies into anything, and the casuals just eat it up.

its the diablo/zelda effect of mass appeal

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Edited By Splid

YES! great news! Looking forward to seeing what this could turn into.

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I'm incredibly excited to play this. From what I've watched on YouTube, and what I've read around the internet, this seems to be one of the most immersive zombie games ever. It also looks like a hell of a lot of fun, too. Glad I don't have to buy Arma II just to try it out.

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Edited By deepsidhu943
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Edited By chronos446

Glad to finally hear that, at last it will be considered a full fledged game not just a mod.

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@neverdeed said:

throw mindless AI zombies into anything, and the casuals just eat it up.

Without the elitest attitude, I agree.

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Edited By Synnosaurus

Good, cause maybe then the DayZ kiddies will finally stay out of ARMA. Quite frankly I stopped playing vanilla ARMA2 as of lately due to the TKs, Vehicle Crashing, and general lack of servers.

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Edited By Nerolus


for day z they could have something like, an objective, maybe a bit of story, where the point is to move from place to place, gather gear and equipment and food, and eventually get to a helicopter or something. they could be randomly generated and lead different groups of people to different parts of the map .

You basically just explained the game, though. This is exactly what is going on right now. The point of the game is to survive, yet you still see people making things to do. Granted it would be better if they were given things to do, but most of that is handed to them right now as is. You must find food, and to find food - you must find a weapon. If you want to more effectively find food, you must find a better weapon. By finding these weapons - you need ammunition. Since you're racing other people for these supplies, you are constantly trying to stay more defensive - by being offensive. Finding more effective weapons for hunting, better means of camouflage, etc. During this rat race for eeking out a survival, you encounter other humans, make alliances and enemies. You get roped into a very organic cycle of helping friends - or destroying enemies. Theft, robbery, subterfuge into other player's camps - etc. While most of the system above is in fact happening right now - I do agree that it is extremely janky on the Arma2 engine, but still quite amazing for what they have to deal with, seeing as they are a mod. I also agree that it would be cool to have a few more goals besides just the organic cacophony of survival that happens. Stuff like claiming land or buildings as your own and fortifying them with supplies and tools, setting up groups and alliances with group emblems or uniforms. There's a ton of potential here, but yeah - in its current experimental mod state, it is a bit chaotic and I suppose you could say pointless, then again we are talking about video games here.

@Kidavenger said:

Seems like this game has already been made: Fallen Earth

I've played Fallen Earth, and I've played DayZ and I can tell you they are VERY very different games. Extremely different, nothing alike.

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Edited By Tarsier

@Nerolus said:


for day z they could have something like, an objective, maybe a bit of story, where the point is to move from place to place, gather gear and equipment and food, and eventually get to a helicopter or something. they could be randomly generated and lead different groups of people to different parts of the map .

You basically just explained the game, though. This is exactly what is going on right now. The point of the game is to survive, yet you still see people making things to do. Granted it would be better if they were given things to do, but most of that is handed to them right now as is. You must find food, and to find food - you must find a weapon. If you want to more effectively find food, you must find a better weapon. By finding these weapons - you need ammunition. Since you're racing other people for these supplies, you are constantly trying to stay more defensive - by being offensive. Finding more effective weapons for hunting, better means of camouflage, etc. During this rat race for eeking out a survival, you encounter other humans, make alliances and enemies. You get roped into a very organic cycle of helping friends - or destroying enemies. Theft, robbery, subterfuge into other player's camps - etc. While most of the system above is in fact happening right now - I do agree that it is extremely janky on the Arma2 engine, but still quite amazing for what they have to deal with, seeing as they are a mod. I also agree that it would be cool to have a few more goals besides just the organic cacophony of survival that happens. Stuff like claiming land or buildings as your own and fortifying them with supplies and tools, setting up groups and alliances with group emblems or uniforms. There's a ton of potential here, but yeah - in its current experimental mod state, it is a bit chaotic and I suppose you could say pointless, then again we are talking about video games here.

this is all pointless though. i didnt explain the game, you tried to twist my words into a redefinition. i explained what the game COULD be.. all the scenarios you described are completely pointless. lets find guns, ok then we need ammo, ok then bla bla bla bla. these are not objectives and they do not lead to interesting gameplay or interesting progression. they lead in circles of nonsensical bullshit. there is no reason to play the game unless you really enjoy the shitty inventory management or the feeling of being in a wide scope multiplayer world featuring zombies. yes there are a bunch of things that happen in the game, are they intersting for a couple days ? yes. but when a person realizes how utterly pointless what theyre doing is, theres no incentive to play. unless youre a live streamer who makes money off casting it .

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Edited By gametrkr

Can't wait!

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Edited By Nerolus

@Tarsier said:

this is all pointless though. i didnt explain the game, you tried to twist my words into a redefinition. i explained what the game COULD be.. all the scenarios you described are completely pointless. lets find guns, ok then we need ammo, ok then bla bla bla bla. these are not objectives and they do not lead to interesting gameplay or interesting progression. they lead in circles of nonsensical bullshit. there is no reason to play the game unless you really enjoy the shitty inventory management or the feeling of being in a wide scope multiplayer world featuring zombies. yes there are a bunch of things that happen in the game, are they intersting for a couple days ? yes. but when a person realizes how utterly pointless what theyre doing is, theres no incentive to play. unless youre a live streamer who makes money off casting it .

So you want set in stone objectives? As in, a questgiver? Basically it sounds like you want this to be an MMO of some sort and not the sandboxy creative experience that it thrives on so well. Of course they could expand on some features, but giving this game goals and shit like KILL X OF Y is a shitty repetitive grind that gives no room for creativity. The current "system", as janky as it is, does in fact lead to interesting gameplay - I'm not sure why you think it doesn't.

Have you seen people play this game on youtube? There are so many more hilarious and interesting experiences to be had even without any sort of focused goals at all other than surviving. As far as "there is no reason to play the game unless you enjoy the shitty inventory management" is purely bullshit. You do see how far up the sales rank on Steam this game as come. Have you played this yet? More importantly, have you played this game with friends yet? I'm not a live streamer and have no plans to make any money and DayZ, even in it's half-assed state, has given me some of the most fun experiences I've ever had in my 13 years of online gaming.

I'm not sure why you're talking shit about the game in its current state as a mod - because we all agree that it is a clunky unreliable bitch of a system. I'm not saying it is not those things, I'm saying that there is a ton of potential and even in it's current state, hundreds of thousands of people will agree that it is in fact a fun experience. I've been playing for months and it hasn't become repetitive. It has become a little enraging with the current plague of script kiddies shitting up the community, causing you to lose your gear over and over. But this is one of those games that is somehow fun to lose. Almost freeing, in a way.

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Edited By Tarsier

@Nerolus said:

@Tarsier said:

this is all pointless though. i didnt explain the game, you tried to twist my words into a redefinition. i explained what the game COULD be.. all the scenarios you described are completely pointless. lets find guns, ok then we need ammo, ok then bla bla bla bla. these are not objectives and they do not lead to interesting gameplay or interesting progression. they lead in circles of nonsensical bullshit. there is no reason to play the game unless you really enjoy the shitty inventory management or the feeling of being in a wide scope multiplayer world featuring zombies. yes there are a bunch of things that happen in the game, are they intersting for a couple days ? yes. but when a person realizes how utterly pointless what theyre doing is, theres no incentive to play. unless youre a live streamer who makes money off casting it .

So you want set in stone objectives? As in, a questgiver? Basically it sounds like you want this to be an MMO of some sort and not the sandboxy creative experience that it thrives on so well. Of course they could expand on some features, but giving this game goals and shit like KILL X OF Y is a shitty repetitive grind that gives no room for creativity. The current "system", as janky as it is, does in fact lead to interesting gameplay - I'm not sure why you think it doesn't.

Have you seen people play this game on youtube? There are so many more hilarious and interesting experiences to be had even without any sort of focused goals at all other than surviving. As far as "there is no reason to play the game unless you enjoy the shitty inventory management" is purely bullshit. You do see how far up the sales rank on Steam this game as come. Have you played this yet? More importantly, have you played this game with friends yet? I'm not a live streamer and have no plans to make any money and DayZ, even in it's half-assed state, has given me some of the most fun experiences I've ever had in my 13 years of online gaming.

I'm not sure why you're talking shit about the game in its current state as a mod - because we all agree that it is a clunky unreliable bitch of a system. I'm not saying it is not those things, I'm saying that there is a ton of potential and even in it's current state, hundreds of thousands of people will agree that it is in fact a fun experience. I've been playing for months and it hasn't become repetitive. It has become a little enraging with the current plague of script kiddies shitting up the community, causing you to lose your gear over and over. But this is one of those games that is somehow fun to lose. Almost freeing, in a way.

no you are mis construing my words to give yourself an angle to argue with. i didnt say i wanted SET IN STONE objectives, or a QUESTGIVER. and i also didnt imply it should be MMO like. like ive said, there arent TWO OPTIONS, there are many variables that can be done and happy mediums to be achieved with a game like this. its not a matter of no objective vs so much objective that it becomes boring.

also, we agree that the game has potential, we dont agree that its a fun lasting experience worth playing again and again in its current state. people who stick with day Z are a specific type of gamer. the type who is ok with jumping around aimlessly and goofing with their friends in a world that has no point or goal . im not that kind of gamer. as soon as i start to come to the realization that its exploration for the sake of exploration, zombie killing for the sake of zombie kiling, survival for the sake of survival, etc i lose almost all interest.

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Edited By prezabelincoln

Crap... bought Arma 2 for nothing.

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Edited By Shadowgamer

All I can say is that the developers of DayZ and Bohemia Interactive are going to make a buttload of money. I was over on looking at games and happened to find Arma 2 Free to Play, which in turn lead me to discover DayZ. I bought Combined Operations the next day off of ebay lol. Anyway, the mod is already amazing, I can't wait to see the depth and atmosphere that they add to the standalone version of the game.

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Edited By beta447

I wonder how long this'll take.