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Giant Bomb News


Fallout 3's Version Of Pittsburgh Is A Scary, Scary Place

Bethesda shot out some media of the next Fallout expansion, and man, it looks rude.

One complaint I've heard lodged against Fallout 3 since its release last October was the broad sameness of its landscape and visual design. "Everything's brown and dead," you all cried. Well, yeah. It's a wasteland. Sweeping nuclear destruction probably has a way of flattening everything out, you know?

At any rate, you can't claim that Bethesda's been riding the same artistic pony through Fallout 3's downloadable expansions. Operation Anchorage did a good job of envisioning Alaska's arctic, pre-nuclear landscape, and it looked markedly different from the base game. Now we've got some new media of the second add-on, The Pitt. It's set in Pittsburgh, natch, and man, Pittsburgh does not look like a place you want to go on vacation.

I'm loving the dirty, yellow, industrial color palette in these shots. (Some of them are old, but this is everything that's out so far.) Makes me a lot more excited for The Pitt, all of a sudden; I just hope it focuses less on combat than Anchorage did.

Speaking of which, if you didn't see our Quick Look of Op: Anchorage the first time around, have a look!


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