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Game of the Year 2017 Day One: Old, Disappointing, Shopkeepers, and Looks

It's time to get this show on the road with our first four categories, a batch of top 10s, and more!

Welcome, friends, to Giant Bomb's Game of the Year presentation for 2017. This year we've got our full podcast deliberations in both audio and video form, top 10 lists from your friends at Giant Bomb Dot Com and your other friends from around the world of video gaming, and a little extra fun to keep things moving. This is the first day of awards and we'll be going for five days, so be sure to check back tomorrow for another set of stuff.

We more or less put everything up around the same time so you can decide how you want to take this all in. This year we'll be breaking the video version of the podcast up into its individual categories, which might be handy if you want to skip around or miss categories about story or other things you might not be ready to hear. The audio version will send you straight through, as usual.

We'll also have top 10 lists up from Ben Pack, Jeff Bakalar, Mary Kish, and more.

Here's today funtime video for people who like to have a good time:

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Holiday Specialtacular 2017: East Meets VR

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OK, for those of you who would rather know what won before you get into any of these deliberations, we've included that info below. We're going to put some space between here and there, though, so that people who don't want to see the specifics before listening or watching the deliberations can get out now. Don't scroll past the following images unless you're here to read about the winners!

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OK, here we go!

2017's Old Game of the Year

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

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The original release of Mario Kart 8 was one of the best games to come out of the Wii U’s limited library, so it was no surprise when it was just as good on the Switch. With quality of life upgrades giving you the option to auto-accelerate and auto-steer, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is even more accessible for young folks first getting into the series, or more experienced players who are just tired of getting hand cramps.

The Switch’s portability makes it great to play for quick sessions on-the-go as well as longer sessions with friends. It’s still the same game that won us over in 2014, but the included DLC courses, the 200cc mode, and a newly fleshed-out (and dramatically improved) Battle Mode all offer a fresh challenge for players looking to hop back into their favorite kart racer.

Runners-up: Windjammers, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Best Shopkeeper

Emil (NieR:Automata)

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"Every day's a sale

Every sale's a win

Better buy now or you'll cry all night

Every day's a sale

Every sale's a win

Every day is great when you're me"

Blink and you might miss Emil. The young boy made his debut as a cursed ancient weapon in the original Nier, but in Automata he plays a different role--shopkeeper. He’s a bumbling chaotic robot scooter of sorts who haphazardly sells items and costumes to our android heroes. The combination of his smiling face and his theme blasting on repeat when he arrives to sell his wares offer a breath of fresh air in an otherwise dingy and dark overworld.

Runners-up: Falcon Ron (Pyre), Porkrind (Cuphead)

Most Disappointing Game

Mass Effect: Andromeda

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As defined, this category is based on the gulf between our expectations for a game and the reality of it, and there has never been and may never be a more appropriate game in that context than Mass Effect: Andromeda. Think about the impact the Mass Effect series has had up to now, all the stories told and themes explored. Think about the vast galaxy it created, full of fascinating aliens and intercultural struggles. Think about a story arc so grand that it was (mostly) successfully told across three entire games. Think about how deeply and personally every player embodied their own Shepard. Think about what Mass Effect has meant to so many people.

Now think about a game that misunderstands or discards most of the best things about Mass Effect, a game built on the worst tendencies of open-world design, a game that launched in a state so technically compromised that it felt like it was on the verge of collapsing in on itself; in other words, a game so disappointing that EA has now indefinitely shelved what was once the most exciting franchise in video games. While we're on the subject, "congrats" to EA for running the category this year. Heck of a showing.

Runners-up: Need for Speed Payback, Star Wars Battlefront II

Best Looking Game


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Cuphead looks like nothing we’ve ever seen before in video games. Sure, it’s paying homage to a bygone era of animation, but the team has also managed to make something exceptionally unique. It’s one of those rare examples that works so well it’s almost hard to believe and makes you constantly want to show it off to anyone who hasn’t it seen it in motion. All the bosses have multiple transformations that seem to be waging some internal war of creative one-upmanship to be the most visually audacious. Even through to the end of the game you are treated to a barrage of new and inspired characters and animations.

As a complete package Cuphead is truly a marvel to behold. Whether it’s the overly expressive animations on the bosses or the simple idle bopping of Cuphead and Mugman, everything feels cohesive, curated, and produced with the most extreme attention to detail. Even if you’re not a fan of the game itself, it’s hard to not stop and stare at the truly arresting visuals that Cuphead has on offer.

Runners-up: Horizon Zero Dawn, Destiny 2


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I still don't understand how Mario Kart 8 went from being a game only a couple of people cared about to suddenly winning "Old Game of The Year", specially when there were so many other games they talked about where everyone agreed on.

As for the Best Looking, I won't deny that Destiny 2 looks nice but the art style was better on Destiny 1 and overall I feel like there were multiple games released this year that looked much better. But I'm happy at least Cuphead won that category. I hope Cuphead wins Best Style as well.

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I really regret purchasing Battlefront 2, even on sale. All the progression fuckery aside, the campaign is abysmal and I think the 2015 game has better gameplay and map design. I'm also super burned out on Star Wars in general after The Last Jedi.

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Edited By Humanity

@johnymyko: I don’t get how Need for Speed, a game no one cared about that turned out mediocre somehow beat out Shadow of War which was a follow up to a game of the year that everyone played and universally thought was a worse experience, and overall a disappointment.

But that’s the magic of GB GOTY’s! They tangle themselves up so much that they all make sudden about faces on games and categories for no real reason and then ride it out seemingly to just keep moving.

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Holy crap! Day one and Brad is already threatening to filibuster. Maybe in the future you guys should put a limit on that sort of bullshit. If everyone on the podcast was that belligerent they would get nothing done.

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Is there any chance of getting one large daily video like last year?

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Someone call the cops because Horizon got robbed.

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I've been on the phone since yesterday.

Someone call the cops because Horizon got robbed.

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There was nothing good looking about Destiny that I thought it was ridiculous to even be considered nevermind make top 3.

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Edited By sodapop7

As someone who likes destiny, the idea that it looks better than Zelda, Mario, Persona and Pyre is absolutely bananas. The lack of great looking weapons should have absolutely disqualified Destiny. Especially compared to the first one.

I don’t need Brad’s opinions of how a game looks anymore.

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Edited By NeverGameOver

Horizon is this year's Witcher 3 (for purposes of the GB deliberations)

@sam_lfcfan: HZD is easily the best looking game of the year and probably the best looking game of all time. And hearing people who haven't even reached Meridian or the desert zones or the Zero Dawn facility or played the Frozen Wilds dismiss it and claim that Destiny 2 -- a friggen sequel which borrows assets from its predecessor is kinda frustrating

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@mems1224 said:

Mass Effect Andromeda>>>>Mass Effect 3

No one who has played all of the Mass Effect games has this opinion. This comes off as someone who tried ME3 because EA tried to market it as an action game (for some reason...), jumped off at some point (probably because of how tied the story is to earlier choices from other games), and then went to Andromeda because it was a fresh start.

That or this person's getting a rise out of people. As someone who's spent a gigantic amount of time in the Mass Effect universe: Andromeda tastes like the brand new recipe of an ice cream that had its original, great tasting recipe shelved to try new flavors out... and boy did it taste like sour cream.

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Edited By mems1224

@mems1224 said:

Mass Effect Andromeda>>>>Mass Effect 3

No one who has played all of the Mass Effect games has this opinion. This comes off as someone who tried ME3 because EA tried to market it as an action game (for some reason...), jumped off at some point (probably because of how tied the story is to earlier choices from other games), and then went to Andromeda because it was a fresh start.

That or this person's getting a rise out of people. As someone who's spent a gigantic amount of time in the Mass Effect universe: Andromeda tastes like the brand new recipe of an ice cream that had its original, great tasting recipe shelved to try new flavors out... and boy did it taste like sour cream.

I have beat Mass Effect about 6 times, I've beat ME2 about 5 times and I only played through ME3 one and a half times because that game was shit and not worth revisiting. Id rather replay Andromeda before I replay 3.

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Edited By hotte

@gnomeonfire: Persona 5 is hornier than Nier. Even worse, it's hornier toward highschoolers.

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Edited By purpington

Best Styyyle must be Yakuza 0, I don't see it getting love any other way

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Brad literally saying they will be there all night if they try to cut Destiny 2 was the absolute worst.

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Im generally not someone that gets bothered by a game not being recognized but i have no idea what Horizon has to do to get some fucking recognition. Its the first game i have ever 100% and platinumed. Everything about it was amazing. Abby kept saying it wasnt really doing anything new and my mouth was just on the floor like what game has that kind of style or even graphical prowess. Im just stunned.

I have time and sleep between myself and this podcast now, but I still can't believe the negativity around Horizon. It is without a doubt the best looking game out there right now. When I want to show off my PS4 Pro and 4K TV to someone, I will show them Horizon every time. As others have said, D2 is just generally not very impressive, and its inclusion is doubly odd considering Uncharted (one of the greatest looking games ever) was removed because it looks too similar to its predecessor, which Destiny is certainly also guilty of. The way that conversation went really rubbed me the wrong way, not just for the opinions expressed, but how they were presented.

Don't even get me started on Horizon being mentioned in Most Disappointing. Like, "different folks" and all that, but the buzz around Horizon never reached a fever pitch. It didn't have time to sustain any momentum before Zelda dropped.

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I guess next year we can look forward to Destiny 3 in best graphics category. Apparently all they have to do is add a nice skybox that you see for 30 seconds and maybe a couple of new animations for the enemies that they'll be re-using from Destiny 1 and 2 (most of whom look like they came straight out of Halo).

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@mnzy: yeah, but it's got a nice shot of the sun that you get to see once for about 30 seconds.

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Brad badmouths Destiny in public to go along with the crowd. But you can tell that in private, he LOVES it!

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Edited By beatchef

Horizon was robbed! It got overlooked because of Ben's comment about Michael Bay Transformers. Edit: but at least he continued that joke and applied it to every single game on day 2 as well haha

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Gregg from Night in the Woods getting disqualified from Best Shopkeeper is a crime, and not a good crime like Gregg does. Alright Gregg doesn't actually sell you anything but he wears cups on his ears for heavens sake. And he gets really excited about smashing light-bulbs and smashing capitalism. How can you not love him?

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That Best Looking discussion was hard to listen to, man. I haven't even played Horizon but seriously, that it was even in discussion for being left off the list is baffling. And Destiny 2? Seriously. What the hell.

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I want to give some love to No Man's Sky for Old Game. They could have pulled an EA with Andromeda's reaction and just wiped their hands of the whole thing but they plugged on and made plenty of improvements that made the game much more than it was at launch.

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@gablekevin: Ben and Abby don't really like HZD and I feel they're just going to try and knock it down regardless of the category. I don't mind if they're against but they at least need to try and give a valid argument rather than making up half ass reasons because the game, as a whole, didn't resonate with them.