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Giant Bomb News


Giant Bomb At Penny Arcade Expo This Weekend

Or "GB @ PAX" if you're "with" "it."

 This panel is not officially endorsed by this Star Trek lady. 
This panel is not officially endorsed by this Star Trek lady. 
OK, in a few short hours, we're all going to pack up a bunch of crap and drive it to the airport, where we're hopping on an air tube and flying it all the way to Seattle for the Penny Arcade Expo!

We'll be there Friday and Saturday, but the realest sixty mention of the entire extravaganza will take place between 7PM and 8PM on Saturday night. And it will take place in the Serpent Theatre.

And it will be called...

The Giant Bomb Re-Reunion Tour: Tour Legit Tour Quit! 

Show up early and show up often for this exciting, one-night only event. We will be presenting an all-star panel filled with such gaming luminaries as 38 Studios' Rich Gallup (who I understand is going to be announcing his intent to run for Ted Kennedy's Senate seat), longtime QVC product model Alex Navarro, and J.R. "Bob" Colayco, who will be on-hand to discuss the car he recently purchased.

And, of course, the usual cast of characters will be in attendance, including Vinny "Vincent" "Invasion" Caravella, Brad "I Need This" Shoemaker, Ryan "KewLd00d81" Davis, and me, Jeff. Drew will also be on-hand, but as he has not yet completed his mandatory 12-month media training (where he is beaten until he learns to never tell anyone that we beat him), he will not be allowed to speak.

 There is no truth to the rumor that Dogstar will be performing at PAX 1994 or PAX 2008. But what about 2009?!?!!? 
There is no truth to the rumor that Dogstar will be performing at PAX 1994 or PAX 2008. But what about 2009?!?!!? 
We will discuss the nature of the site, what meeting Joan Rivers is really like, we will view something that was recorded during the dark ages, and we will also conduct a Rainy Day Beef Bowl Challenge, in which three contestants will attempt to eat something that almost resembles a beef bowl in an attempt to win amazing prizes.

(If you will be attending the panel and are interested in participating, please leave a comment on this here post and we may call your name when it's Beef Bowl time. Make sure that all elements of your personality have been built up to level five before signing up. Giant Bomb is not responsible for the cleaning bill should you soil yourself or the venue during this event.)

What else am I selling? All kinds of shit. But I don't have to sell this and you know it, 'cause this kind of shit here sells itself. If you are at the Penny Arcade Expo, come to our panel. 


The rest of the time we'll be running around with cameras, shooting interviews and generally acting dumb. So say hi!
Jeff Gerstmann on Google+