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Giant Bomb's 2011 Game of the Year Awards: Day Four

Are you a bad enough dude to rescue our awards for Best Story, Best Remake, and Most Disappointing Game?

The end of the week nears, but our dubstep-fueled awards train keeps a rollin', with mores results from our Game of the Year discussion. To see how we arrived at this set of games, make sure to listen to today's companion podcast.

Best Download-Only Game


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The rise of the downloadable game may be this generation's crowning achievement, especially in light of a bummer world economy that's forced everyone to stretch every dollar. Just because the downloadable games are cheaper, however, doesn't mean they're any less worthy or our time or admiration. The downloadable market has allowed smaller, focused and more experimental games to thrive, games that would be destined for niche, cult status if they were forced to appear on a shelf with so-called AAA games.

Bastion is a game most of us would have happily paid much more for. The game represents just how much the industry has expanded to include so many more kinds of games through new distribution, and humbles us with the risk some take to bring us something different. Bastion raised eyebrows with its unique take on narration, a hook that would have earned the game accolades all on its own, but it's that Bastion is sublime in every other way that places Bastion above other terrific highlights from 2011.

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Runners-Up: Renegade Ops, Iron Brigade

Best Co-Op

Gears of War 3

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In the eternal quest for the video game "total package," Gears of War 3 might be the totalest of all packages. There's just so much crammed onto that disc, it feels like Gears 3 really covers all the bases. It's got far and away the best campaign in the series to date, offering explosive highs, quiet character moments, and genuine closure for the trilogy's storyline. It's got a competitive multiplayer mode that will keep you busy for months or years as you try to complete its dozens of unique challenges, provided you can hang with the franchise's ultra-hardcore fanbase. And perhaps most importantly for those overwhelmed by the skill of Gears diehards in deathmatch, the game's cooperative gameplay modes and options have been expanded to such a degree that they touch just about every aspect of the game.

Gears had already come close to perfecting the format of the campaign co-op thing in its first two installments. The only thing left to do was expand the story-mode co-op to four players, and Gears 3 does that. But more than that, its campaign actually feels built with four active players in mind, offering levels built widely enough that you have the room to flank enemies and take alternate paths to reach your objectives. Outside the story, the Beast mode is an interesting (if fleeting) way to turn the tables with your friends and play as the Locust hordes. But it's the Horde mode, with its wealth of new defensive mechanics and its immensely demanding boss encounters, that offers one of the most cohesive team-based exercises we've played in years. At the upper difficulty levels, Gears 3 Horde mode requires team coordination and strategic thinking like few other shooters, and when everyone is on point, it can provide some of the most memorable moments of any game this year. Gears popularized the wave-based survival thing with its original Horde mode in the first place, so it's extra great to see Gears 3 come along and basically redefine that game type with its latest iteration.

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Runners-Up: Dead Island, Trenched Iron Brigade

Best Story

Portal 2

The original Portal is often acclaimed for being one of the funniest, smartest-written games of the last decade, and that's not an incorrect compliment to give. That said, there was an air of surprise to Portal's campaign that perhaps helped prop it up in the minds of its players. The game was an unknown quantity in its earliest days of existence, a cool-looking puzzle game crammed in with bigger, more immediately noteworthy games in Valve's The Orange Box collection. Then everyone played it, and suddenly it morphed from a neat little bonus into the darling of the whole package.

Portal 2 didn't get that benefit of shock. Everyone had expectations all of the sudden. Could the writers at Valve some how up the ante on one of the most unexpectedly entertaining games of the last several years?

Credit to writers Erik Wolpaw, Chet Faliszek, and Jay Pinkerton for not only achieving greater success (heh) this time around, but making that success seem so damned effortless. In picking up many, many years in the future, with series heroine Chell once again trapped in a new, decidedly more ramshackle Aperture Science labyrinth, the writers behind the game were given carte blanche to explore the many facets of Aperture's utterly baffling infrastructure, not to mention its very origins.

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The introduction of new A.I. helper/antagonist Wheatley (voiced by Stephen Merchant) and the voice of former Aperture head honcho Cave Johnson (perfectly captured by J.K. Simmons) lend a great deal of comedic oomph to the proceedings. These two characters are your primary guides through the various trials and traps laid throughout the game's eight-hour campaign, and each are such perfect sounding boards for the insanity around you that scarcely a minute goes by without at least a minor chortle. And yes, Ellen McLain is back once again as the passive/aggressively murderous GLaDOS, though many of her best moments come during the game's wonderful co-op mode, which is fantastically written in its own right. No matter how you played Portal 2, the writing and quality of storytelling always shone through, making it the easy choice for this year's Best Story award.

Runners-Up: Mortal Kombat, Bastion

Most Disappointing Game

Dragon Age II

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Disappointment can blossom from a number of different sources--your own personal expectations based on the previous entry in a series, or the developer's previous output, promises made during the game's pre-release PR cycle--and no game disappointed quite as thoroughly on all fronts in 2011 as Dragon Age II.

Primarily, though, let's consider the legacy of Dragon Age: Origins, a massive, ambitious role-playing game whose very existence was predicated on creating a classic fantasy RPG experience in the BioWare mold, which ultimately meant incredible levels of player agency at every turn. It was designed as a love letter to stalwart BioWare fans, and as a rebuke to the notion that more crowd-pleasing business like Mass Effect had made the developer soft.

Dragon Age II undoes all of that hard work with an overwhelming sense of half-assed-ness. Even without the BioWare name, or even the relatively freshly minted Dragon Age name to live up to, Dragon Age II is an RPG that feels half-finished, its attempts at scope undermined by pervasive sense of a crushing development deadline. Where they could cut corners, they did. It's hard not to be disappointed when a series goes from so high to so low in just one iteration.

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Runners-Up: Need for Speed: The Run, Red Faction: Armageddon

Best Remake or HD Update

Ico and Shadow of the Colossus: The Collection

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The recent tendency among publishers to update the last decade's more memorable games in high definition and then rerelease them on current consoles could be viewed in a more negative light, if publishers were handling the ports less respectfully and charging more for them--if, in other words, those companies were churning out quick-and-dirty cash-ins for a fast buck. But it's easy to feel good about dropping some more cash on a few of the same games you've already played when they're as lovingly restored as this year's rereleases of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and Halo, just to name a couple.

Even in that respectable company, Ico & Shadow of the Colossus: The Collection is especially noteworthy if for no other reason than you're getting not one but two of the most hallowed PlayStation 2 exclusives in one $40 package. So it's a great value proposition right off the bat. But the quality of the two ports is also top-notch, since you're getting both games looking nice in 720p and with bonus 3D support. Most importantly, Shadow of the Colossus now runs at a smooth frame rate, which is especially significant when you remember what a notoriously poor performer the original game was. Throw in multiple video features including interviews with Fumito Ueda and a peek at The Last Guardian, a smattering of concept art and test footage, and even a couple of dynamic XMB themes for your PS3, and this collection is practically a new blueprint for the right way to deliver old games in new packaging.

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Runners-Up: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D, Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary



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Edited By PerfidiousSinn

Vinny running towards the screen was amazing. He could be in real FMV games.

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Edited By tsuchikage

Dragon Age II had good combat that improved upon the original's, but everything else about it was dumbed-down to the point of being terrible. The ICO and Shadow of the Colossus Collection is amazing; how can you possibly beat $40 for the best looking and best playing versions of two of the greatest games of all time?

As for The Witcher 2--I think it's a tad bit overrated, particularly the story/setting. It's very much The Lord of the Rings with more sex and a bit more violence. As far as it being hard to get into--yeah, a bit. The tutorial (I played version 2.0 of the game) scared the heck out of me by throwing the entire combat system at me at once, but once you actually get into the game proper it's a bit more simplistic since you don't start out with a million different traps, potions, and combat abilities. The game is tough overall, but I was playing it at the same time as Dark Souls and let me tell you this--the hardest part of The Witcher 2 is easier than the opening hours of Dark Souls, plus The Witcher 2 does a better job of explaining the game's systems than Dark Souls does. The Witcher 2 is actually a very polished and well-made game considering it comes from a small European developer.

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Edited By obscurefan

@KarlPilkington said:

@obscurefan said:

Really? No Duke Nuke'em for most disappointing?

Don't you have to expect it to be good first?

Touche, good point, good point.

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Edited By musubi
@obscurefan No because it should have been obvious that that game would end up exactly like it did. Not really a surprise.
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Edited By PatVB

I completely agree with Dragon Age II as the most disappointing game of 2011. The whole time I was playing it, I was just depressed as I sat there waiting for it to open up and get bigger.

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Edited By buzz_killington

For my money, Portal 2 had a decent story, and that's about it. And I was tired of the whole "person talking through loudspeaker" thing that game does all the way through. Like, jesus, is that the only way you know how to tell a story?

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Edited By hermberger

Everyone bitching about their game not getting picked makes me laugh. If you know enough to have an opinion and know your own tastes, this stuff really shouldn't offend you. Everyone plays games differently. Let it be.

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Edited By MysteriousFawx

@Tsuchikage: Dragon Age 2's combat was an improvement? That was the most dumbed down thing in the entire game!

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Dragon Age II is one of my favourites for the year, so I daresay I'm in for some frustration listening to today's deliberations. The game has its flaws, but I can't help how much I enjoyed its combat and more grounded and less generic story (it's just a shame late game events throw player agency out the window to some extent).

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Edited By nightriff

DA2 most disappointing game of the year for sure, I started cheering in my car when they came to that notion during the bombcast. They almost expressed every disappointment I had with that game but I'll take DA2 getting most disappointing game nonetheless.

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Edited By LevelRouter

Excellent choice GB, DA2 absolutely deserves it.

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Edited By Bestostero

Mortal Kombat definitely has best story for me! It must be the only fighter game with an actual story that advances too...

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Edited By viking_funeral

@Floppypants said:

Dragon Age 2 winning Most Disappointing Game (especially over bombs like RAGE, Dead Island, Brink, etc) just proves what the internet can believe when exaggerated hate builds on top of itself. I spent >40 hours playing through DA2 and enjoyed it, despite the few warts. It's no GotY contender, but the hate leveled at DA2 is ridiculous. Yes, they re-used environments, get over it; the core gameplay of DA2 is fun.

But did anyone expect Dead Island to be a good game, let alone great?

It's not about how bad a game is. There were much worse games out there. It's about disappointment. And Dragon Age II disappointed by far the most people this year. I mean, they explain the why of it pretty damn well right there in the description.

And it's okay to like a game that's most people don't enjoy. It's a sign of being an original human being. I love me the crap out of Zeus: Master of Olympus, but I can understand why some people outright hate it.

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Edited By StalkingTurnip

Umm, I would like to remind everyone that video games are a subjective experience and this is just their opinions.

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Edited By Draxyle

When I encountered the NPC in DA:O that peddled me DLC, I knew that Bioware was heading down a dark, dark road. Seeing them put an entire character as a pre-order bonus for DA2 sealed my opinion of them. So glad I wasn't tricked into buying that.

It depresses me. Bioware was once my favorite developer, and then EA happened.

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Edited By InfiniteGeass

While DA 2 might be dissapointing to some, I found it to be more engaging than DA:O.

Mortal Kombat for best story is pretty dumb

I think the Halo HD remake is really well done. They made it look amazing and re-did all the music and weapon sounds. Plus you can switch to the old graphics at any time.

These are just my opinions of course.

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Edited By MooseyMcMan

I strongly disagree with Portal 2 getting best story.

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@Floppypants said:

Dragon Age 2 winning Most Disappointing Game (especially over bombs like RAGE, Dead Island, Brink, etc) just proves what the internet can believe when exaggerated hate builds on top of itself. I spent >40 hours playing through DA2 and enjoyed it, despite the few warts. It's no GotY contender, but the hate leveled at DA2 is ridiculous. Yes, they re-used environments, get over it; the core gameplay of DA2 is fun.

Especially weird seeing how most of the GB crew didn't even play either of the DA games.

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Edited By sworen

I was surprised how easily dismissed portal 2 was for co-op. I would say it's probably the most true co-op there is where you really have to think/work together. I'm not sure what bad experience they had with it, but I had none of what they had. I've been agreeing with every choice for an award up until that one.

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Edited By Xeteh

I can see how portal 2's co-op would be dismissed in comparison to other games on the list however I was surprised by how quickly they did it.  My reasoning would've been that once you've played Portal 2's co-op there really wasn't going to be any replayability there.  You'd know the puzzles and their solutions and it loses that.  I disagree with Jeff, I think there is definitely a lot of humor in the co-op but to each his own.

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Edited By Zanthox

Dragon Age II is better than the original, IMHO. But I know that is partially because I am willing to overlook some of the actual flaws (like terrible companion loot and super lazy level design and reuse). I do not deny its flaws, they just don't seem so glaring when you compare it to all the things DA2 does better than DA:O, such as characters, character development, story originality, story telling, gameplay/combat, and class design/leveling.

I really loved the unique story of a single hero through time that, while a really awesome character, was not 'the destined to be the only possible salvation for all the world that must unite all the guys that don't really get along all that well be really actually like each and will work together for the great good when you do some random quest for them to convince them it is worth in for everyone" thing. It grew a small hero from a nobody in a believable way, OVER TIME. It would have been nice of everything around him changed over time too, I agree...

Anyway, I guess I'm just disappointed you guys at GB couldn't appreciate the good parts of DA2 as much as I did.

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Edited By Svenzon

Surprised to see Brink absent from Most Disappointing runner-ups. I had such high hopes for that game and I think Splash Damage managed to crush pretty much all of it. Like my co-worker said: "Even if they patched it to be the greatest game ever, I don't ever want play that again!".

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Edited By elcalavera

I enjoyed DA II, but it is no doubt in my mind that it is the most disappointing game of 2011. What could have been!

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Edited By bkbroiler

@Nightriff said:

DA2 most disappointing game of the year for sure, I started cheering in my car when they came to that notion during the bombcast. They almost expressed every disappointment I had with that game but I'll take DA2 getting most disappointing game nonetheless.

I was surprised to hear Brad making the case for it, but I thought he did an excellent job of it. What Bioware did with DA2 worries me for ME3.

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Edited By Goblin

Doesn't "Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes HD" count as a HD update? An extremely good one too, IMO. Re-balanced, much nicer graphics and solid local and/or online multiplayer modes. Just saying, if you're looking for loopholes... :P Also, at least some mention of Beyond Good & Evil HD would have been sweet.

Oh, and Magicka TNT? Best idea ever! Let's get a dunka dunka rädda midgård fest going in here - that would be superlök!

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Edited By jkuc316

@TripMasterMunky: That's because no one plays fighting games for the story. If story is what makes it a good game, then I don't think that means its a good FIGHTING game.

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Edited By nightriff

@bkbroiler said:

@Nightriff said:

DA2 most disappointing game of the year for sure, I started cheering in my car when they came to that notion during the bombcast. They almost expressed every disappointment I had with that game but I'll take DA2 getting most disappointing game nonetheless.

I was surprised to hear Brad making the case for it, but I thought he did an excellent job of it. What Bioware did with DA2 worries me for ME3.

Completely agree. As good as ME2 was, it took some stuff away that I really liked about ME but the rest of the game is fantastic but I started to question Biowares decisions then and DA2 came out which just confirmed what I feared. DAO was almost perfect in my opinion and I was super excited to pick DA2 up, even skipped my college classes to go get it and I think it was around hour 7 or 8 I began to question what I was playing/doing in the game. And by the time I finished and the credits began to role....What the fuck? That was it? For a little bit I tried to defend the game to myself but I came to the conclusion that every change they did to DA2 was the wrong change for me. I will not even open my wallet till I hear DA3 is a complete return to DAO style and ME3 I will get it just to complete the ark of my Shep, he needs to have sex at least 3 times in his life.

I didn't hear the bombcast when the game was released so I don't know what the conversation was like at all for you to be surprised about Brad making the case for the game. But it sounded like (hints here and there from the past several months) Vinny didn't like the game at all and I was surprised that he seemed to not want to give it the title of most disappointing game for a while there on the bombcast today. Thought that was the most interesting part of the discussion.

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Edited By Thiago123

@jkuc316 said:

@TripMasterMunky: That's because no one plays fighting games for the story. If story is what makes it a good game, then I don't think that means its a good FIGHTING game.

What!? Why do they have to be mutually exclusive? MK was a good fighting game with a good story.

If BF3's campaign had been the best ever made, but most people bought it for the multiplayer, the story wouldn't have necessarily made the multiplayer poorer, and the popularity of the multiplayer would not have invalidated the quality of the campaign...

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Edited By MeatSim

Trenched isn't a runner up for best Co-Op but at least Iron Brigade is.

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Edited By bkbroiler

@Nightriff said:

@bkbroiler said:

@Nightriff said:

DA2 most disappointing game of the year for sure, I started cheering in my car when they came to that notion during the bombcast. They almost expressed every disappointment I had with that game but I'll take DA2 getting most disappointing game nonetheless.

I was surprised to hear Brad making the case for it, but I thought he did an excellent job of it. What Bioware did with DA2 worries me for ME3.

Completely agree. As good as ME2 was, it took some stuff away that I really liked about ME but the rest of the game is fantastic but I started to question Biowares decisions then and DA2 came out which just confirmed what I feared. DAO was almost perfect in my opinion and I was super excited to pick DA2 up, even skipped my college classes to go get it and I think it was around hour 7 or 8 I began to question what I was playing/doing in the game. And by the time I finished and the credits began to role....What the fuck? That was it? For a little bit I tried to defend the game to myself but I came to the conclusion that every change they did to DA2 was the wrong change for me. I will not even open my wallet till I hear DA3 is a complete return to DAO style and ME3 I will get it just to complete the ark of my Shep, he needs to have sex at least 3 times in his life.

I didn't hear the bombcast when the game was released so I don't know what the conversation was like at all for you to be surprised about Brad making the case for the game. But it sounded like (hints here and there from the past several months) Vinny didn't like the game at all and I was surprised that he seemed to not want to give it the title of most disappointing game for a while there on the bombcast today. Thought that was the most interesting part of the discussion.

From what I understand of the podcasts, Vinny liked the game but just thought it was far too repetitive. I'm not even sure Brad played it or the first one, which is why I'm surprised he argued for it winning the category. I think it is deserving of it, though.

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Edited By Just_Endless

Love you guys every year for these.

One note I have to complain a bit for:

MGS Collection, yo.

A) Probably the best value proposition this entire year (in terms of esteem, hours of content). MGS2, MGS3, and Peace Walker for $50.

B) Online modes, on 360, for Peace Walker? There's tons that they could have half-assedly ignored, but didn't.

C) For many purchasers, Peace Walker was more or less a new game, that was both important to the series, and previously unavailable to them. For me, it was a straight up new game, plus two of my favorites ever, EXACTLY as I wanted them, (360, online play, 2000 achievement points :), for less than the price of a new game.

A thousand frowns for it not being mentioned.

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Edited By rjayb89

Oh, Dragon Age II. I know I do my very best to denounce that game in the live chat and the forums, but I never found it bad. But as someone who was a fan of the series as a whole (book and game-wise) before Dragon Age II came out, my love for the lore washed away once I played through that game twice in a row (first because it was new, second to reaffirm my disappointment with the game). Even with the aid of a mod that increased the movement speed (out of battle, mind you) the environments just became so boring. I'd like to say I stop every once in awhile to take in the view in every game, but Dragon Age II didn't even try to mix things up outside of the main story.

Aside from that, they did introduce one character I liked and that was Aveline. I'll admit that I don't think she's physically attractive at all, even though that's beyond the point, but compared to the rest whom are either complete sluts, Tyrion-wannabe, "magist," terrorists, or some fragile girl who's practically begging to get herself killed, Aveline's storyline involved her wanting to get some and not from me like everyone else. I don't want butt sex, terrorist. Fuck, man.

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Edited By bruno0091

I think Halo should have won HD Remake, because, in my opinion, it's the only one of these things that's actually done it properly, by keeping the game the same but also genuinely making the graphics up to modern standards.

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Edited By Chop

A bit disappointing that the MGS collection didn't even get a runner up spot. Between Peace Walker on a console and MGS3 in 60 fps... man, have you seen MGS3 in perfect 60fps? Kicks the ever living shit out of sotc as far as good looking games go D:

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Edited By swoxx

Man, I almost get choked up when they bring up DA2. What a shame BioWare, what a goddamn shame.

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Edited By Jedted

I can't believe they forgot about Beyond Good & Evil for best HD remake. Not even one mention for consideration during the deliberation.

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Edited By Winternet

I usually share the same opinions as the GB duders, or at least someone there has a similar opinion to mine regarding a certain subject, so it was a shock to see them bluntly casting away Portal 2 in the Co-Op award. Such a good Co-Op.

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Edited By Saltank

Witcher 2 is on top of my GOTY list. It's a fantastic achievement for the developers. On top of everything else that's good about it, the music is perfect.

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Edited By 1p

@sworen said:

I was surprised how easily dismissed portal 2 was for co-op.

Agreed. Portal 2 co-op is special and awesome for many reasons. But these awards are inherently based on opinion, and i'll respect that. I guess i'm just bummed that they didn't have a good time with the co-op.

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Edited By kefrentz

I always love the over dramatic reactions to the GOTY awards. "Come on guys, why don't you love my favorite games!!!!" So lame

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Edited By SleepyDoughnut

@Jedted said:

I can't believe they forgot about Beyond Good & Evil for best HD remake. Not even one mention for consideration during the deliberation.

Yeah HD remake is really not a meaningful category for me, but Beyond Good & Evil and Metal Gear not getting mentioned is probably the biggest oversight so far. People make mistakes and forget things though.

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Edited By sins_of_mosin

Portal 2's story is better then the epic of Gears of War 3? Not a chance. While I agree that DA2 was a bit of a let down, RAGE is easily the most disappointing game of this year. That game sucked in every way.

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Edited By Epsilon82

I don't really agree much with the Story category. It's pretty obvious that Jeff's bizarre affection for the MK series writ large (5 stars for MK vs. DC Universe, for instance) has caused him to be overenthusiastic about anything that even remotely exceeds conventional expectations, and that enthuasiasm probably rubbed off on the others, or at least his vehemence about how great it was convinced them not to bother arguing too strongly against it. Jeff was seriously putting forth a case for it to WIN this category, which is just crazy. Fortunately cooler heads prevailed on that one. I don't really have too much of a problem with Portal 2 winning, although I'm not really sure how I feel about whether what is essentially a slow drip of sporadic environmental anecdotes actually constitutes a story. But that's mostly just semantics; what was there was amusing and impressive, although I couldn't help but feel that the mechanics of the storytelling vastly outpaced the content of the story itself. But that's a distinction that doesn't necessarily have to be made in this award, I suppose. I think L.A. Noire, despite some serious issues, deserved a nomination. I was glad to see the rest of the staff properly dispense with Patrick's ridiculous complaints about the film reel puzzle, at least. L.A. Noire, in my opinion, did a commendable job telling a broader story within the confines of a highly stylized genre and the necessarily contrived processes required of an adventure game, and the post-credits scene was masterful, I thought, at putting a lot of the interlocking threads in context. It was unfortunate, however, that so much of the story could be missed if you weren't looking out for the collectable newspapers, but that's more of a design flaw than a fault of the story itself. In a stronger year, I think L.A. Noire wouldn't have made the cut, but this wasn't exactly a year for great stories and its absence galls especially when something like Mortal Kombat is included. It was pretty clear that they just wanted to raise eyebrows by including a fighting game in this category, especially with Ryan's comment about how cool the list was, and Vinny remarking about having a puzzle and fighting game nominated. Just one man's opinion.

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Edited By bybeach

I'm glad somebody pointed out Mortal combat runner-up in story. Really, GB? I thought all you had to know was that Katina (wrong-Mileena) was born in the Foul Flesh Pits of Head Badguy-Asshole and that it was best to look at her boobs before you saw her face..and maybe I don't even have the right charactor (do now). If you don't see her face she looks like her sister or something. Oh and the description connotes she has 'a fragile mind'.. jeez. Hell, even Infamous 2 trying to have a story is better than Mortal Combat's, which is nothing more a well-realized fighting game that is not afraid to titillate with some of the violence, if not quite as much for boobs. But relevant for it's story, oh really??? As a runner up before ALL others? I enjoyed watching it on GB but actually keeping track of Who plus Why was ripping Someones spine out or slicing them in two mattered?

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Edited By gnitro

I was in my car during the discussion of Most Disappointing. My mind was blown when I heard Brad push for Dragon Age II and everyone eventually agreed and crowned it most disappointing. Outside of recycled environments, I absolutely loved the game. I felt the scale of the city fit the story perfectly. The story was engrossing with the way it handled politics and emotional family segments. I also loved the characters. They were so much fun to interact with. and to just listen to their banter with each other.

There were definitely disappointing elements, but I never would have thought of it as Most Disappointing game. There were plenty of more disappointing games this year, but with the way the Bombcast has been ragging on Bioware lately, I shouldn't be surprised. But hey, it is their opinions and it's nice hearing differing opinions of others even if it drove me crazy. lol

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Edited By Tophat666

@rmanthorp said:

Sonic CD HD not in for best remake/upgrade... BOOO

How about fucking Metal Gear Solid Collection HD NOT EVEN FUCKING MENTIONED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Really guys, it's the best of the Remake/HD by a mile.

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Edited By 2kings

I'm having a hard time understanding the Bastion love from this site or any other. I've found to game to be utterly confusing and pretty lackluster to be honest.

Can somebody tell me why, in the middle of combat, is a dude trying to convey story to me?? I'm having a beast of a time just surviving let alone trying to parse out what seems to be important dialogue.

The combat is also just kinda meh.

I have a few theories.

1. It might be one of those games that has a spectacular ending that changes peoples minds.

2. A former game critic is involved and therefore simply MUST be supported by his former comrades.

I have major issues with both scenarios as I'm sure so do most of you. But I gotta know. I keep trying to give this game a chance but man, I am just NOT enjoying it on any level.

Before anyone says "maybe it's not for you" let me remind you that I play EVERYTHING with exception of RTS. Also, this game is being championed by so many. HELP!!

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Edited By ocdog45

I downloaded Bastion so i will see whats that about. For me Portal 2 isn't the best story. I will have to play it again to remind me.

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Edited By fisk0  Moderator

Kind of disappointed E.Y.E. Divine Cybermancy got no mention at all in the Downloadable games category (it did get mentioned in Dave's easter bloc game of the year, despite being french though). It had some severe issues, but to me it's easily one of the most memorable games of the year, and kind of convinced me that Starbreeze's FPS take on Syndicate could actually work, as E.Y.E. pretty much was a crazy french take on Syndicate as an FPS.

Sure, it's the exact opposite of how they saw Bastion and L.A. Noire, which they said they wouldn't want any other games to be like, as E.Y.E. doesn't exactly succeed in all the crazy stuff it tries to do, but is a proof of concept that a crazy cyberpunk FPS with active time battlehacking, mind control, real time research and 16+ player co-op could work pretty damned well with a bit more budget and development time (and a localization team with some grasp of the English language).

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Edited By fisk0  Moderator

@Mystyr_E said:

I would've picked Brink for most disappointing. Even in all its flaws, I found DA2 entertaining in spots and even started replaying earlier this month. Brink on the other hand I really thought would be better with its single player/multiplayer mix, class based combat (which I always loved) and cool setting. Even when there wasn't any lag, game was just shit.

Yeah, Brink was surprisingly disappointing. I wouldn't go quite as far as calling it shit, but the single player AI certainly was terrible in every imaginable way, and the level design wasn't all that great, neither playing to the strengths of their S.M.A.R.T. system nor the Enemy Territory style class system. At least Red Faction: Armageddon had a fucking Descent level in it.