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Giant Bomb News


iPhone Games @ Macworld

Slide to Play hunts down some touchscreen fun at the big Apple show.

What the hell guy, put down the coffee cup when you're being interviewed!
What the hell guy, put down the coffee cup when you're being interviewed!
As much as I regard going to CES for the specific purpose of covering video games as a fool's errand, that sentiment applies to Macworld doubly so. Thankfully, our foolish friend Steve Palley over at Slide to Play took the hit last week and scoured Moscone Center for iPhone games with mixed results. He chatted with a couple of iPhone game developers (including the dude who made Twitterriffic, my #1 favorite iPhone app at the moment,) used iTunes gift cards to lure random, confused-looking show-goers to try and beat him at various iPhone games, and found himself speechless at the sight of a gigantic banner for iWork '09. Watch the video below and marvel at Steve's crazy hair, his incredible physique, and his fabulously teensy microphone!