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Let's Talk About the Future of Call of Duty

Sharper graphics. Branching campaign. Open-ended level design. This isn't the Call of Duty sequel you were expecting.

Downtown Los Angeles in 2025 looks... well, pretty much the same as 2012 LA, really.
Downtown Los Angeles in 2025 looks... well, pretty much the same as 2012 LA, really.

Mark Lamia is starting to freak me out.

He's telling me about the future--or, specifically, he's talking about the future of warfare and how that plays into the scenario they're building for the campaign in Treyarch's next release, Call of Duty: Black Ops II. After talking to P.W. Singer, an author and director of an institution that gets paid to worry about such things, the team at Treyarch is building a plausible version of the year 2025. By spinning out from today's ideas about how wars are fought and the resource struggles likely to be causing problems by then, much of the next Call of Duty game is concerned with China's hold on rare earth elements, the 17 elements that go into making all sorts of modern devices, from your iPhone to the batteries in today's hybrid automobiles to, well, all sorts of high-tech military items. In fact, it's not hard to conduct a headline search or two and discover all types of talk about China's stranglehold on these increasingly vital substances, and it's even easier to find people talking about the eventuality of a new Cold War rising out of all this. And that's today. By 2025? Well... like I said, Treyarch's argument sounds pretty convincing.

It's funny, because I was prepared for this trip to be a sad confirmation of my expectations with regards to the future of the Call of Duty franchise. Or, more specifically, my interest in the future of the Call of Duty franchise. Over the past couple of years, Activision has published Call of Duty games that are positively competent. Fine games if you're into that sort of thing, but the last couple of years have really left me wondering if I was still a part of that group. It wasn't until I started thinking about writing this story, for example, that I decided to finally toss Modern Warfare 3 back in to download all the maps and stuff that had come as a part of the Call of Duty Elite subscription that I definitely wasn't using. And as far as the actual gameplay and multiplayer is concerned, I suppose I'm still on the fence. But after hearing Treyarch's pitch for its story and the sorts of things the studio has planned for Black Ops II's campaign, I'm definitely excited enough to look forward to seeing how the next chapter from Frank Woods, Alex Mason, and Jason Hudson. Their story, though, will play out in the 1980s.

The bulk of Black Ops II will put you in the boots of David Mason, son of Alex Mason, who ran the show in the previous game. The younger Mason is hunting down a bad guy by the name of Raoul Menendez, who first started stirring up trouble when Reagan was in office. The game will open with David Mason heading to a CIA facility known as "The Vault," where the agency keeps people who are too important or crazy to be walking around the streets. It's here where Mason finds Frank Woods and confronts him about his and Alex Mason's past with Menendez. This sends the game flashing back to "old" Cold War as you'll see 1980s Afghanistan and other hot spots that show you what the original Black Ops crew did after Vietnam. Rather than giving you all of the '80s stuff up front, the game will flash back and forth between the past and the future, where Menendez has become the type of action movie villain that would take control of the entire US drone fleet and turn it against both us and China.

Protecting the President.
Protecting the President.

So what will warfare look like in 2025? Well, for starters it'll look a whole lot nicer. Treyarch has put in a lot of work on the renderer, and overall, the whole game looks a lot sharper and more detailed, while still running at 60 frames per second. Facial animations looked especially nice, better showing off some of the performance capture that the team has been doing, which includes mocapping horses for that '80s Afghanistan level. But there are plenty of more futuristic things to deal with, as well. In 2025, unmanned drones will apparently rule the battlefield, giving you more targets to shoot at that aren't just your standard soldier. In the downtown Los Angeles level that was shown, Mason went up against the CLAW (Cognitive Land Assault Weapon), which looked like a big, bear-sized robot with a turret mounted on its back. You'll be able to get in on the action, too, by deploying quadcopters with extra-mini miniguns mounted on them. You'll be able to order your drones around a bit with new squad controls. Grenades also look a little different, so in Treyarch's future you'll be launching grenades out of an arm-mounted cannon.

OK, what's the other big knock against the Call of Duty franchise? Seriously, when you're on a message board talking mess about it, what's the thing that everyone brings up? Right, the scripted part where it's totally on-rails and almost completely out of your control. That part is also being addressed in a few ways, which means that Black Ops II will have a branching campaign with multiple outcomes--or at least varying shades of a similar outcome. It's hard to get a read on how different things will actually be in the final game. Some of these changes are extremely simple--for example, the Los Angeles mission has two on-screen icons at one point, allowing you to either rappel down from a broken freeway to help cover the President as she makes her way through an increasingly-hot battlefield or you can choose to stay up on the freeway and snipe as the rest of your crew covers her escape. That sniper rifle, by the way, can see targets through walls and penetrate cover via a charged-up shot that expends more ammo than a standard shot.

That's a minor change, obviously. But it gets bigger. Things you do in the game will impact the overall state of the United States' cold war with China as well as the level of success that Menendez achieves. Some of these changes will be choice-based, but others will hinge on player skill. The clearest example of that on display to us was a Strike Force mission, which takes the campaign in a pretty different direction. These missions are attached to the story, but put you in the role of a team of SEALs who are out to capture a set of objectives. How you achieve these objectives is sort of up to you, giving the game a bit of a sandbox vibe, but overall it looked like a multiplayer sort of map overhauled to give it a set of single-player objectives--points that need to be captured, and so on. If you like, you can stay in the role of a soldier and run around, just like any other Call of Duty game. But you can also pop out of that soldier and get above the battle in "overwatch" mode. From above, you can order your forces around the map like a mini-RTS or pop into any unit to take direct control. This means you can directly control quadcopters, assault drones, and other non-human units. If the unit you're controlling is destroyed, you'll have to find a new unit to control and play continues as normal. But here's the catch: if you run out of units, you fail the mission and the action continues on. Those SEALs didn't capture that objective, and that will have some sort of impact on the overall story. You'll certainly be able to take multiple attempts at the Strike Force scenarios in case you want to ensure a specific outcome, but the idea of hitting a fail state and continuing onward is pretty exciting. At the very least, it's definitely not something I was expecting to find in a Call of Duty game.

An unfriendly robot.
An unfriendly robot.

When you finish the campaign and see "your" ending, the game will give you some sort of indication as to the points in the game that put you on that course, with the goal being to drive people to play the campaign more than once to see what changes if you play it differently. Again, this isn't the sort of thing that is completely foreign to video games, but in the context of a Call of Duty game, it sounds pretty cool. That Los Angeles level also has you freely flying a VTOL jet in jet mode above downtown LA as you attempt to keep the hacked drones off of the President. It doesn't look like the sort of thing that turns the action into a full-on flight simulator, but it definitely looks more dynamic than some of the diversions that have popped up in previous COD games.

So what about the multiplayer? Other than confirming that all the MP will be set in 2025, they're not really talking about that right now. But the goal for the multiplayer team is to revisit every single system and rebuild any that need rebuilding. This sounds like it could be more than the typical annual shift in how the progression works and what sort of perks you can equip, but it's hard to say. The team is attempting to build a multiplayer game that allows the people who just want to get in and shoot stuff up with their friends to have a good time without alienating the budding professional crowd that wants to shoot people in the face at MLG events. Combat Training will return and Zombies will also return as its own full mode.

Without more hard details on how the multiplayer mode is coming along, it's hard to know if Black Ops II will recapture the hearts and minds of lapsed fans like myself. But I can definitely say that I'm very interested in seeing how Treyarch's campaign ideas play out. Unsurprisingly, we'll all be able to find out in November... assuming that some fiendish villain hasn't taken over or our own unmanned Predator drones and bombed us all back to the Stone Age before then, of course.

Hear more about the game and my trip to Treyarch in this podcast we recorded!

Jeff Gerstmann on Google+


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Edited By FluxWaveZ

@RoxasXIII said:

Maybe I remember incorrectly... But don't you watch Frank Woods get executed in Black Ops?

That's not Frank Woods, that's Bowman:

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Edited By Deranged

Hmm, sounds like Treyarch is actually attempting to break off from the main formula. Sounds promising.

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Edited By veektarius

Rare earths are not actually rare. The only reason China has a monopoly is that they produce it so cheaply that it's not commercially viable to compete. If they were to attempt to leverage their 'stranglehold' by raising prices or cutting supplies, it would cause a period of economic damage while other countries got their mining operations up to speed. It wouldn't, however, force us to attack them for their resources, and it wouldn't be a long term economic advantage, either.

So I hope the game handles that realistically. Obviously, the rare earths thing could cause a serious short term disruption in the supply chain for most tech.

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Edited By Ramone

@FluxWaveZ said:

@RoxasXIII said:

Maybe I remember incorrectly... But don't you watch Frank Woods get executed in Black Ops?

That's not Frank Woods, that's Bowman:

Poor Ice Cube. He fought well.

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Edited By Adaptor

Damn it, just as I was getting ready to kick the habit, they make it sound interesting again. Nothing groundbreaking but for a CoD game this is practically a revolution.

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Edited By Yanngc33

@FluxWaveZ said:

@RoxasXIII said:

Maybe I remember incorrectly... But don't you watch Frank Woods get executed in Black Ops?

That's not Frank Woods, that's Bowman:

Woods does die though, he takes out the right hand man of the main bad guy. He jumps out a window with him while the dude blows himself up with a grenade. Woods gets blown up.

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Edited By FluxWaveZ

@Yanngc33 said:

Woods does die though, he takes out the right hand man of the main bad guy. He jumps out a window with him while the dude blows himself up with a grenade. Woods gets blown up.

Oh, I totally forgot about that scene. Yeah, apparently he did "die" (though, off-camera so they can circumvent it that way):

Then again, apparently there was proof he was still alive in the original Black Ops:

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Edited By ali_d

Got to give Treyarch props for at least realising that they need to move COD in a slightly different direction to keep it fresh. But then again, you risk alienating the COD fans who are quite happy with all the previous games and will you really bring in more gamers (like me) who are really tired of Modern Military Shooters?

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Edited By hermes

I might be in the minority here, but I enjoyed the single player of Black Ops more than the same mode in the Modern Warfare series. Not sure if it will be enough for me to start caring about the franchise again, but I think Treyarch are doing a fine job there...

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Edited By AlexW00d

@Reznov said:

am I in this one?


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Edited By begilerath

So..zombie robot dogs confirmed?

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Edited By teh_destroyer

Horse back riding and flying jets in the same game? What god did I please?

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Edited By Bollard
That sniper rifle, by the way, can see targets through walls and penetrate cover via a charged-up shot that expends more ammo than a standard shot.

Glad they decided to ground this shit in some kind of realism /sarcasm.

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Edited By TheSouthernDandy

This all sounds kinda awesome if they pull it off. Here's hopin.

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Edited By justinsimonin

I for one am actually excited for this although I felt the first black ops was the weakest in the series

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Edited By Corvak

While it tends to be fashionable among a lot of gaming communities to hate on CoD, these changes make me interested in this one, though I enjoyed the cold war era in the first black ops.

MW3 just didnt do it for me. Maybe I should just stick to the Treyarch iterations, heh.

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Edited By Killaman996

You know from what they showed in the trailer it looks like the campaign will be quite refreshing if they keep taking it the way it looks to be going, I know we will still have the set pieces and all but I am quite intrigued by what i saw. I hope they make significant changes to the multiplayer though because to be honest i am really worn out with it so hopefully they do something with that to.

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Edited By gaminginpublic

Oh look... another COD game. *yawn*

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Edited By D_train_lives

Theres Horses ok im in... just kidding i have had enough COD for 3 lifetimes

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Edited By grilledcheez

They're beginning to sound like the Madden guys...IT'S GOING TO BE DIFFERENT THIS YEAR GUYS, FOR REALZ.

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Edited By cikame

Good stuff, hopefully the replay editor returns untouched, best replay feature in any game ever.

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Edited By RoxasXIII

@Yanngc33: Haha ok, well I'm glad I'm not crazy then. That was the most surprising thing out of this whole article to me.. Is that sad? I kinda hope they come up with some stupid reason as to how he's still alive haha.

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Edited By graboids

I am surprised how interested I am in this game now after reading/listening to Jeff's thoughts, because i didn't want to like this game! lol Every year I swear I wont buy the next CoD and every year they get my money... I wish someone could create a non "military FPS" game that could match the feeling you get playing CoD/BF... I am tired of military shooters, but nothing else has come along to replace that nightly "rush" of playing a couple hours of MP, until that happens I guess I will just keep buying CoD every year.

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Edited By cikame

Kind of weird they'd be ok telling everyone that Frank Woods is still alive, considering he exploded in the first game.

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Treyarch always did make the more interesting CoD games

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Edited By Razputin

I'm... I'm... I think I'm excited, guys. Is there something wrong with me? Should I see a doctor?

Well, I DID really enjoy Modern Warfare 3's campaing, though. But all this sounds really cool and even fresh for the franchise.

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Edited By AhmadMetallic
@Reznov said:

am I in this one?

Being confused by your post then looking at the avatar, followed by the name, was magical! 
I doubt you're in it, Reznov! You were a middle-aged man in the 1940s and an old man in the 1960s, you're six feet under in 2025 bro..
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Edited By Nicked

I played a TON of Call of Duty 2, and a decent amount of Modern Warfare, but nothing in the franchise since then, so it hasn't gotten stale for me yet. The multiple playthroughs thing seems kind of dumb to me though. Linear stories interest me more than branching ones, though I'm probably in the minority on that. (There's a difference between "on rails" and "linear".) Choosing between a sniper rifle and a machine gun sounds like a completely uninteresting decision to make. And like I said, I don't like story decisions because you can just go back and do things the other way if you feel like, and the story gets robbed of its drama.

I hope the campaign changes make the multiplayer feel fresh. Even having only played Modern Warfare, every iteration has seemed like more of the same. And the unfortunate thing is that no matter how fresh it feels, the Call of Duty brand can't escape its audience of racist, homophobic 13-year-olds and frat boys. The game might be great, but those types of people make me less interested in it.

Overall, it sounds like they're making compelling changes, though at the end of the day it's all about the multiplayer, for me.

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So have we confirmed Rambo III references?

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@cikame said:

Kind of weird they'd be ok telling everyone that Frank Woods is still alive, considering he exploded in the first game.

Just a flesh wound, sir.

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Edited By r3dt1d3

Maybe this one will be worth picking up on a sale which is saying a lot since the previous games since CoD4 haven't even been worth the free weekend download.

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Edited By AgnosticJesus

Sounds as if Treyarch has been listening to the complaints of stale, yearly COD installment and are looking to change it up. In my opinion BLOPS was better than MW2 and 3, both campaign and MP. I wonder if it is too late though. I've always been a big COD fan but I'm probably going to hold off on this one. I'm thinking Halo 4 will be my MP game of choice this winter.

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Edited By Kierkegaard

@MarkWahlberg said:

@Kierkegaard said:

I like that breakdown of Treyarch's approach. Although they play around with some rank shit, Treyarch seem like they are having so much more fun with storytelling. IW proper is gone, but the self-seriousness that worked okay in the dramatic COD4 became self-indulgence in MW2.

I haven't played one of these damn games since COD4, so color me impressed that I'm even interested. Still, I don't like the imagery of non-western people in these games. People of color are usually bad guys at the end of a gun. I hope this game changes that and, even as its having future fun, crafts a more equitable interpretation of society. Big bad China and a dude with a Latino-sounding name seem like more of the same jingoism from here....

Still, those gameplay changes and the desire to go on a more meaningful adventure make me intrigued. Good job at least doing that, Treyarch. And good writing, Jeff.

Modern Warfare and BLOPS had kind of interesting takes on jingoism, though. BLOPS was less subtle about it (the final shot is so ironic it borders on satire), although it had a better story, but what made those games so bizarre was the quiet reminders in the background that you're not good, you're just less evil than the guys you're shooting. Woods' line in the trailer about 'we who can do what others cannot' is overtly jingoistic, and in with any other game I'd be put off by it; but he's actually just the continuation of what these games have been doing with Capt. Price and Reznov (and yes I know they're from different creators, it still holds). I don't want to turn this into a big long thing, but if they can continue with that same crazy take on anti-war, anti-patriotism stuff, I'm totally fine with whatever else they do.

They take a shaky line on it, though. For all the oooh the military white guy you're working for is actually evil stuff, there's still Price hanging a dude through a glass ceiling and the continual appearance of "enemies" as dudes of Russian, Middle Eastern, or, now, Chinese appearance. It seems like they're trying to be anti-war while using all the 'hoo-rah I hate foreigners' imagery, too. It seems like a cynical way to win middle America's money rather than have a consistent tone.

When your game becomes "killing is cool!" but, "sometimes it leads to eternal warfare, which is bad, but here's more killing, so yay!" I get skeptical.

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Edited By BrianP

@BigChickenDinner said:

Holy shit I feel like I'm losing my mind. A charge up shot that uses more ammo ?! WHAT THE FUCK?! FUCK ME!!!

Before I go take a hot bath and slit my throat (wrist cutting just ain't gonna.. I'd just like to point out that this "branching" bull shit they are talking about, well I'm gonna call it right now, Instead of going through an on rail scene, your now going to be able to pick WHICH rail scene you go through.


I'm glad I stopped giving a shit about these games after CoD2

Not trying to troll you here, but this post is like textbook "giving a shit"

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Edited By Tupacalypse

Hmm first time it looks like they're really doing something new....we'll see

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Edited By BigChickenDinner

@BrianP: Well, I see what you mean. But I'm just flippin on the ridiculousness of the mechanics. I haven't wanted to play, or hoped that a CoD game would be good since 2.

It just boggles my mind. These people don't have a military adviser or something? Maybe they were sick that day.

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Edited By vibratingdonkey

Hirshberg wasn't lying about that meaningful innovation then. May be the first CoD I buy since 4.

And though I didn't play it, I like bits of what I've seen and heard of Black Ops. namely the whole interrogation/terminal/Zork conceit and wrapping it around historical events. That sounds cool. I've got more faith in Treyarch than IW at this point to come up with something interesting.

Appreciate they're making the effort to ground Blops 2 in a similar manner. It can be difficult to care when things get too crazy. But you know, the scenario may be within the realms of plausibility and all scarytrue, but then you see a giant robot bear stomping around, controlled by Raoul Menendez, the mad, power hungry dictator seeking world domination. So that may be a challenge for one's disbeliefsuspension.

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Edited By yukoasho

@Smokey_Earhole said:

@YukoAsho: Insightful post. You're a cool dude.

Insightful, sure. Dude, not so much. :P

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Edited By yukoasho

@Yanngc33 said:

@FluxWaveZ said:

@RoxasXIII said:

Maybe I remember incorrectly... But don't you watch Frank Woods get executed in Black Ops?

That's not Frank Woods, that's Bowman:

Woods does die though, he takes out the right hand man of the main bad guy. He jumps out a window with him while the dude blows himself up with a grenade. Woods gets blown up.

Does he? I remember when Mason wakes up after Woods tosses himself and Krevchenko out the window. He sees Woods at first, but then the image changes to that of Reznov. Entirely possible it was actually Woods, who told the CIA to watch out for the rogue agent (remember, they KNEW Mason was there when they were on the island, were even trying to contact him).

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Edited By Smokey_Earhole

@YukoAsho: Dude or no dude (as it is), you're still cool :)

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Edited By downtime58

Here's my prediction - the bad guy in Black Ops 2 turns out to be old Alex Mason.

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Edited By subyman

I'm surprised Jeff is slightly excited. From what I have read and have seen, it doesn't look that much different. The graphics look the same, dated, the gameplay will surely be the same, and the setting has been done before. An entire robotic army by 2025? I'm sure it will be a decent game, but it isn't the major change I've been looking for.

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Edited By vibratingdonkey

@BigChickenDinner said:

@BrianP: Well, I see what you mean. But I'm just flippin on the ridiculousness of the mechanics. I haven't wanted to play, or hoped that a CoD game would be good since 2.

It just boggles my mind. These people don't have a military adviser or something? Maybe they were sick that day.

I don't know how that's the thing you get hung up on when there are ROBOT BEARS.

@BigChickenDinner said:

Instead of going through an on rail scene, your now going to be able to pick WHICH rail scene you go through.

The VTOL and Strikeforce parts to me indicate that they're actively looking to expand the game design beyond your typical shooting gallery. And if they feel like meaningful decisions in terms of how they affect the story and they're integrated well, then well, that's pretty much all you can hope for a branching story to add to the game.

Everyone should play The Walking Dead by the way.

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Edited By MarkWahlberg

@Kierkegaard said:

@MarkWahlberg said:

@Kierkegaard said:

I like that breakdown of Treyarch's approach. Although they play around with some rank shit, Treyarch seem like they are having so much more fun with storytelling. IW proper is gone, but the self-seriousness that worked okay in the dramatic COD4 became self-indulgence in MW2.

I haven't played one of these damn games since COD4, so color me impressed that I'm even interested. Still, I don't like the imagery of non-western people in these games. People of color are usually bad guys at the end of a gun. I hope this game changes that and, even as its having future fun, crafts a more equitable interpretation of society. Big bad China and a dude with a Latino-sounding name seem like more of the same jingoism from here....

Still, those gameplay changes and the desire to go on a more meaningful adventure make me intrigued. Good job at least doing that, Treyarch. And good writing, Jeff.

Modern Warfare and BLOPS had kind of interesting takes on jingoism, though. BLOPS was less subtle about it (the final shot is so ironic it borders on satire), although it had a better story, but what made those games so bizarre was the quiet reminders in the background that you're not good, you're just less evil than the guys you're shooting. Woods' line in the trailer about 'we who can do what others cannot' is overtly jingoistic, and in with any other game I'd be put off by it; but he's actually just the continuation of what these games have been doing with Capt. Price and Reznov (and yes I know they're from different creators, it still holds). I don't want to turn this into a big long thing, but if they can continue with that same crazy take on anti-war, anti-patriotism stuff, I'm totally fine with whatever else they do.

They take a shaky line on it, though. For all the oooh the military white guy you're working for is actually evil stuff, there's still Price hanging a dude through a glass ceiling and the continual appearance of "enemies" as dudes of Russian, Middle Eastern, or, now, Chinese appearance. It seems like they're trying to be anti-war while using all the 'hoo-rah I hate foreigners' imagery, too. It seems like a cynical way to win middle America's money rather than have a consistent tone.

When your game becomes "killing is cool!" but, "sometimes it leads to eternal warfare, which is bad, but here's more killing, so yay!" I get skeptical.

That's what I meant by it being bizarre. I wasn't referring to Gen. Shepard, actually, I was talking about Price. I'm not a huge fan of Zero Punctuation, but Yahtzee was spot on in his MW1 review when he described the SAS guys as violent thugs; Price may act as a wartime role model/surrogate father figure for Soap, but he's also wholly absorbed in a violent lifestyle, to the point that he's at least partially insane by the second game. Reznov in BLOPS was sort of a darker version of that. I do agree with you that they're shaky on it, though, especially in MW2 (can't comment on 3, never played it). Where the bad Russians (and Middle Easterners) in the first were a splinter group, and you actually worked with the good ones, in the second they were just all bad guys. And the big reveal about your boss was just stupid. MW2 was much more Bruckheimer/Bay inspired than anything else, so the snarky use of Rumsfeld quotes they put on the deathscreen doesn't really carry the thread they started in 1. The whole point of the first game was that modern warfare tends to be these smaller-scale combats between factions rather than between nations (i.e. nationalities), and so having Russia straight up invade just undercut that. At the same time, if you're going to have a war, you need to have an enemy, and I doubt any publisher would OK a story where you fight other Americans in a Civil War, or go to war against America, so it's kind of inevitable that other foreigners are going to be the bad guys.

Maybe it is just a cynical cop-out to ethically absolve themselves, but I just find it interesting the way they sort of use war to make an anti-war statement, at least in MW1 and BLOPS. That you still are entertaining yourself by killing people does undercut that, but it's still better than them not making any statement at all, I think.

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Edited By jakkblades

Game looks good. I'll be interested to check it out

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Edited By kindgineer

Great write-up Jeff, looking forward to the game a little more than I thought I would be.

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Edited By nail1080

4 stars

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Edited By meteora

Definitely sounds exciting, hope it turns out well. I think going into the future might be the right step, you can fit more craziness and not expect backlash if it doesn't take in a modern setting (i.e. realism).

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Edited By darkjester74

Ugh, I could have done without the Zombies mode. Otherwise, looks great! Looking forward to learning more!