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Giant Bomb News


More BioShock 2 Viral Marketing Hits Our Desks

Here's another example of the suble-but-not-so-subtle ways publishers try to get us hyped about their forthcoming releases.

This oh-so-mysterious packet arrived in our office today, indicating 2K Games has extended BioShock 2's viral marketing campaign from the web to the United States Postal Service.

It looks like they actually took the time to singe the edges of the second picture with real, honest-to-goodness fire, considering the paper sort of crumbled and fell apart when I took it out of the envelope. A for effort, guys. The crayon drawing of the Big Sister is kind of neat, and it's at least cool to see 2K developing the background fiction of this sequel--even if we're not entirely sold yet on the direction that fiction is going. See the following video for more.


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