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On Kickstarter, There Are No Guarantees

Double Fine's adventure game and Wasteland 2 make for lovely success stories, but the Kickstarter gamble isn't always full of cheers.

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UPDATE: Auditorium 2: Duet hit its Kickstarter goal last night, building upon momentum from the past few days.


Crowd funding service Kickstarter has been good to games in recent months.

$3,336,371 went towards Double Fine's new adventure game, far above the $400,000 asking price. There's $1,600,465 and counting for inXile Entertainment to produce Wasteland 2, exceeding the original $900,000.

Philadelphia-based Cipher Prime wants $60,000 to help fund the creation of Auditorium 2: Duet, a multiplayer sequel to its well-liked music game. $60,000 is roughly half, maybe a little less, than the project’s total budget.

“We are mathematically not on track to make it,” said creative director Will Stallwood to me yesterday afternoon, only four days before Auditorium 2: Duet’s Kickstarter proposal comes to a close.

Stallwood is understandably anxious. Auditorium 2: Duet has not experienced the "Double Fine bump” that I've heard mentioned by other video game Kickstarter projects, and the studio is relying on a hail mary pass at the end.

“When we first started,” he said, “someone asked us and our analogy was ‘we basically have a month of waiting to find out if our girlfriend’s going to dump us or not.’ It’s totally how it feels.”

When we spoke yesterday, his Kickstarter was roughly $45,000--most of the way there. With Kickstarter, though, “most of the way there” isn’t enough. You need to reach the full amount, or all of that money disappears.

If Auditorium 2: Duet doesn’t reach $60,000, it wouldn’t be the first game to stumble on Kickstarter. Double Fine was not the first developer to utilize Kickstarter, but it’s definitely helped popularize the concept. Kickstarter was founded in 2008, and since, many have tried using it to get ideas off the ground. Not everyone's a success story.

Pixel Sand is one of several projects that attribute its funding success to Double Fine.
Pixel Sand is one of several projects that attribute its funding success to Double Fine.

Tony Hawk: Ride developers Robomodo tried to help fund Bodoink, a Kinect game for Xbox Live Arcade, and only raised $5,547 of $35,000. Before Borut Pfeifer was a designer on upcoming XBLA strategy game Skulls of the Shogun, he pitched a puzzle/action game set during the post-election riots in Iran. He figured it would take $15,000 to make that game--he got only $2,925.

“The biggest lesson was just that it doesn't actually solve the problems people originally (and still do but to a lesser extent) thought it would,” said Pfeifer over email.

Pfeifer pointed to how developers still have to really, really worry about presenting and pitching their idea, especially if there's not much to show for it, and they still have to answer to a group of invested individuals, which means creative autonomy is somewhat limited. It's not a perfect solution.

Plus, it’s easy to forget designers like Tim Schafer and Brian Fargo have spent a career building a reputation.

“The audience isn't necessarily any more likely to fund an idea because it's risky or innovative, it's really just if they trust you as fans of your work,” said Pfeifer.

As the hours wind down on Auditorium 2: Duet, as Stallwood begins to confront the possibility that his sequel will not get funded, his team has started to examine about what went right...and what went wrong. Even if the Kickstarter idea blows up in their face, Stallwood doesn’t necessarily regret trying it out.

“Definitely our biggest problem over here that we know, and I think we’ve always known, is getting any kind of attention is really hard, and we still don’t know how to do it,” he said. “Regardless of whether the Kickstarter fails or not, I do feel like a lot more people know who Cipher Prime is, which is really cool and super exciting.”

It’s early days for the relationship between Kickstarter and video games, however. While Cipher Prime didn’t see much help from Double Fine’s various financing spikes, another Kickstarter did.

Pixel Sand, a ridiculous physics simulation that involves dumping sand everywhere, probably wouldn’t have made it to its complete $9,000 funding without help from Double Fine, according to programmer Trevor Sundberg.

“We pretty much owe our success to Double Fine for bringing in so many supporters to Kickstarter,” said Sundberg. “All of that traffic seemed to hit right after the Double Fine project became popular.”

A week before Pixel Sand was due to cross the Kickstarter finish line, the project’s funding trajectory suggested it would only make around $2,000. 24 hours before funding closed, the game neared $12,000. 68% of its contributors came from individuals just browsing the Kickstarter website, a mix of people who’d meandered from the Double Fine Kickstarter and others poking around the games section, which Sundberg also attributed to Double Fine.

Pixel Sand's final total? $13, 616.

Between Double Fine and inXile, Kickstarter appears to be fertile ground for reviving long forgotten concepts, genres and franchises. It’s unclear how many more fans will continue to financially rally behind old games, but Big Finish Games will try to revive fumbling detective Tex Murphy starting in May.

Tex Murphy is the latest dead franchise seeking life on Kickstarter, but how long will this last?
Tex Murphy is the latest dead franchise seeking life on Kickstarter, but how long will this last?

Big Finish co-founder Chris Jones, who also happens to play the usually tipsy Tex Murphy, told me this presented itself as the best way to finally, possibly bring the character back. There were chances for Tex Murphy to return in the past, but it never happened, and eventually Jones felt like fans deserved closure. The last game ended on a mean cliffhanger, and fans have been waiting since.

Kickstarter seemed like a way to gauge fan interest, and possibly elevate what Jones described as a “modest” design for another Tex Murphy game into something much bigger.

“When we saw the success of Double Fine [on Kickstarter],” he said, “what that really showed more than anything was there really is an interest in this genre, whether publishers believe it or not, there are a lot of people out there who really have liked this style of game, and enjoy playing the adventure style, and there may be a big enough group out there that would continue to support it.”

If there isn’t, it’s also the best way to find out if it’s time to move on, and possibly let Tex Murphy go.

A full day had passed between writing this and my conversation with Stallwood about Auditorium 2: Duet's fate. Since then, the Kickstarter has earned another $6,000, bringing the total to $52,801. There’s $9,000 to go.

“With the bump last night, we could possibly reach our goal,” he said. “We feel like throwing up in anticipation, but we're incredibly hopeful. Regardless of the outcome, I think we have some of the worlds best fans and an amazing support community in Philly. Getting close to our goal after all this time is giving us a ton of feelings both scary and happy.”

With three days left, here's where Auditorium 2: Duet stands. The countdown begins.

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Edited By MrMisanthrope

It really depends on what's being offered, who's offering it, and how they offer it.

Tim Schafer's project was a success because he's built up a ton of good will, and time and again proven himself to be trustworthy, friendly, funny, and dedicated to delivering quality products. He was also offering a type of game that otherwise simply couldn't exist. It was the perfect pitch.

Wasteland 2 kind of rode that success, delivered a pretty good -if partially vague- pitch for another style of game that otherwise people simply would not get. It was supported by everyone who missed the old non-FPS Fallout games.

Then the crowdsource shooter kickstarter was posted, and I just saw nothing to get behind there. The market is flooded with shooters, and nothing in his pitch made it sound unique. It didn't help matters that he insulted gamers (even if second-hand) by stating he'd been told Console Gamers were too dumb to buy his game. Or that he admitted in the description he put it up entirely because of the success of the Double Fine Adventure.

Honestly though, what's really hurting it now is that certain sites are now blocking discussion of it, perhaps feeling like they've become a platform for e-begging. Currently you will be banned on 4chan if you attempt to post a link to a kickstarter page. If the projects can't go viral anymore, they can't get support.

Oh, and the whole thing lost some legitimacy with the posting of the Your World project, not to mention indiegogo's Arkh Project, which has been an embarrassment for much longer.

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Auditorium <3

Can't wait to get my goodies, totally worth the money!

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Edited By Dalfiuss

Co-op Auditorium sounds like shit. Keep other people the fuck away from my Auditorium.

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Edited By Snowsprite
Kickstarter was founded in 2008, and since, many have tried using it to get ideas off the ground. Not everyone's a success story. Before Borut Pfeifer was a designer on upcoming XBLA strategy game Skulls of the Shogun, he pitched a puzzle/action game set during the post-election riots in Iran. He figured it would take $15,000 to make that game--he got only $2,925.



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Edited By mikemcn

All kickstarter did was flood the indie game market with money and create a bubble, tons of games are bound to get hurt by it, especially as big and fancy games with million dollar kick starters get all the attention while other, equally interesting games are kicked under the carpet.

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Everytime Patrick posts one of these stories, I get in trouble

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Edited By Enigma_2099

Attention Kickstarters... no one who doesn't know/trust you is going to donate to you. That's why Schaffer succeeded.

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Edited By mewarmo990

For me, Kickstarter is somewhat of a risk/reward thing. I'm not going to order a freaking iPod dock, for example, when it won't be delivered until July 2012 (by which time iPhone 5 will probably be out soon). Or a board game that only tries to sell its art and has exposed very little of the actual game.

Tim Schaefer, Brian Fargo, and other people with real reputations are the exception to the trule because people are just going to kickstart based on trust. But most other gaming-related projects look and sound really risky. You really have to know how to pitch a product; otherwise, you won't even be able to find a publisher.

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I'm entranced by kickstarter and it's potential as a financing tool, thanks for this article!

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@The_Boots said:

I think people might be being a bit too negative. I mean, think about what we're saying! I helped a single guy quit his day job as a lawyer and set out to do something productive for a change: make a cool looking video game! I think the problem is that after such incredible successes as Double Fine, we're losing sight of the fact that $60,000 is still a LOT OF MONEY.

That what I say, sure there a pitfalls and not everyone gets fully funded...but that is the point. People keep saying, "Well it’s not the little guy who gets funded." But I say, "Well that is maybe for the best." A rag-tag bunch of people in a basement with just a good idea are no ready to take money from people and get a product out in most cases. Unless you have made a game and sold it on the Apple store or some PC shareware site, they you probably dont have teh inferstucture or management to handle an Kickstarter game. And, such rag-tag groups are likely bad news, because when they don't produce anything decent having burn all the money... everyone looks bad.

On the investing side, I'd tell people to give $15 and then keep their expectations in check. If you cannot afford to LOSE (totally get nothing for your money) you should not be sniffing around a site like Kickstarter. If $15 is just a few cups of coffee to you and you like the prospect of a neat idea seeing the light of day then you have the correct mindset. If you are going to whine and cry when you don't get what you feel is $15 worth of value for $15 paid in -- JUST STAY AWAY.