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Giant Bomb News


Rocket Riot (Finally) Hits XBLA This Week

After a long wait, Codeglue's 8-bit-lookin' Live Arcade shooter will be out in a matter of hours.

Rocket Riot is a goofy, pixel art-styled shooter for Xbox Live Arcade out of the Netherlands that we've been seeing and hearing about in some capacity for, well, what seems like a long time now. Today we shall stop scratching our collective heads about when it's coming out, because THQ has announced it's coming out tomorrow. Here's a trailer that does a good job of communicating what Rocket Riot is all about.


So, what took so long? Gamasutra has an interview up with the developer, Codeglue, which addresses that very question.

The game appeared to be finished for quite a while now – how long has the waiting period been for you? Do you have any say on when the game will be released?

PDJ: The waiting period for us has approximately been 9 months, which certainly is a long time. But this hasn’t been due to the notorious certification process with Microsoft only.

We have developed Rocket Riot using Microsoft’s XNA 2.0. This has been a great technology for us to make the jump to a console platform like the Xbox 360, but we knew we were taking a risk when choosing this technology, as it hadn’t been fully developed yet.

And because our game uses all the Xbox 360 features so extensively, we had to wait from time to time for the XNA team to catch up with our own development. That said, the XNA team has always been very responsive to our requests and we’ve always had their full support during the development of Rocket Riot.

Keep your eyes peeled for the game to hit XBLA tomorrow, and perhaps we'll be back with some quick look action in the next few days, too.

Brad Shoemaker on Google+