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Giant Bomb News


StarCraft, Brood War, Blizzard Entertainment

This guy loves two things: StarCraft, and hip-hop. And he's all out of hip-hop.

There's certainly been a lot of talk about StarCraft lately, and with Blizzard 's plans to release StarCraft II in three , separate packages over the next few years, it probably won't let up anytime soon. But, as someone who has never played any StarCraft--I gave up on RTS games years ago, and before that I was more of a C&C man anyway--my sole connection to the Korean national pastime was this show-stopping, hard-hitting, touchdown-from-all-angles, slam-dunk of a rap song about one man's passion for, and proficiency at, playing StarCraft.

So, a little history here. Several incarnations ago, existed as a way for independent musical acts to showcase their wares. There were charts for different musical genres, and as someone who had some of my own ill-considered suburban joke-rap up there, I was constantly checking the hip-hop chart , which is where I first encountered UhMer 's white-hot club banger, StarCraft: BroodWar. To give you some perspective on the baseline of quality of the music being posted on, this song was #1 on the hip-hop chart for the majority of 1999. Needless to say, the internet was a lot smaller back then. Despite how much the game has changed, I'd really love to hear what UhMer has to say about StarCraft II, and I fully expect him to resurface with a sweepingly epic hip-hopera in three parts starting shortly after the release of Wings of Liberty .