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Giant Bomb News


Welcome Home, Richard Garriott

Lord British is back on Earth after a ten-day trip to space.

I get the sense that he's trying to send a signal of some kind... but what could it mean!?!!?
I get the sense that he's trying to send a signal of some kind... but what could it mean!?!!?
Famed game developer Richard Garriott has safely returned to Earth after a ten-day trip to the International Space Station. Garriott flew up there with some Russians for a crew change and paid around $30,000,000 to do so.

The trip was partially funded by sponsors, some of whom had him perform experiments during his journey. Twisted experiments, I hope.

According to the BBC, the crew reported that they were "feeling well" after the Soyuz space capsule landed.

I should go to space. I bet it's pretty rad. Anyone got 30 million spacebucks I can borrow?
Jeff Gerstmann on Google+