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Worth Reading: 01/25/13

A short week comes to a close with your usual dose of weird games you ought to play, articles you might want to read, and plenty of other nonsense.

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Wild week, huh?

I didn’t plan for back-to-back features on zombies, that’s the way it worked out. I also don’t usually publish an article separate from Worth Reading on a Friday in an effort to cleanly spread that material out. Thankfully, my ability to outsource a rough draft of my interview transcripts (I always double check ‘em) means I’m able to turn around features much faster than ever before, and this reflects that. I’ve already got a few that should be out the door next week.

“Eight Women, Eight Responses, and One Dead Island Riptide Statue” generated quite the firestorm, which anyone could have predicted that a mile away. When a story generates a forum thread before it’s even gone live, it’s going to provoke a reaction. Hopefully, my commitment to spend 30 minutes responding in the comments was worthwhile, as I’d like to do that more often, even for features that aren’t going to explode. With my ZombiU feature, for example, there was plenty of material that didn’t make it into the piece, and that's a place where I reveal more than what was published.

Many of you suggested some feature ideas last week, too, and I’ve taken notes. Someone proposed a look into the speedrun community. It reminded me how I went down really deep down that rabbit hole an afternoon at the office, and never followed up. There's something really compelling about watching people straight up break games.

All that said, let’s turn down the heat a bit and enjoy the weekend. See you guys next week!

Hey, You Should Play This

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The first time someone told me “hey, pay attention to the games Adult Swim is producing on its website,” it was hard to take them seriously. Then, you start running down the seriously bizarre, interesting, and seriously fun list of games (full list here) they’ve commissioned, and it’s a different story. It's...crazy. Westerado is one of the more ambitious games I’ve seen Adult Swim commission, an overhead, relatively open world 2D western action game. Our expectations for what is possible with web games grows every single day, and Westerado is a game I’ll be returning to over the weekend. Great visuals, fun soundtrack, weird story, and a lovable ability to pull a gun on anyone.

And You Should Read This, Too

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It’s over for THQ as a publisher, and it’s hard to imagine how much of that is Jason Rubin’s fault. It was just too late. The now former THQ president has only given a single interview about his tenure at THQ since the asset sale took place this week, and while the interview is hardly exhaustive, you get the sense Rubin truly does regret what happened with Vigil Games. Darksiders II was not the hit THQ needed to financially stand on its own, and Vigil Games was years away from releasing a new game. The other studios and franchises picked up in the sale had games ready to roll, while purchasing Vigil would be purchasing potential. Here’s hoping folks land on their feet.

The best example of this is Vigil’s title, codenamed Crawler. When the teams got together recently to show each other their titles, Crawler dropped the most jaws. It is a fantastic idea, and truly unique. The fact that nobody bid for the team and title is a travesty. It makes no sense to me. If I weren’t barred from bidding as an insider, I would have been there with my checkbook. I’m sure that’s little consolation to the team, but that’s a fact.
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The media is, too often, laser focused on what’s ahead. There are plenty of reasons for that. One, the audience is also excited about what’s ahead. Two, the relationship between game publishers and media is one that necessitates talking about what’s ahead. Three, there’s more potential in generating traffic for what people are interested in right now. But there’s so much for us to learn about what’s already happened, and I’m really curious to see how Jeremy Parish’s “Anatomy of a Game” project pans out, in which he’s dissecting tons of old games stage-by-stage.

The seventh block along Castlevania III‘s alternate path brings us to the end of Sypha’s route, and the game marks your arrival at Castlevania proper by swapping out the standard regional map for a castle floor plan patterned after the first game’s stage map. In case you had forgotten about the way the journey diverged several levels back, the new map shows hints, partially obscured, of a route down beneath the castle. “You’ve missed something,” it declares. Another neat detail to nudge the player to explore the game in greater depth.

If You Click It, It Will Play

Kickstarter Has Promise, And Hopefully Developers Don't Screw It Up

Yeah, Greenlight Still Has Issues, But Some Games Look Pretty Cool

  • Rocketgirl just might be the most absurd thing I've seen on Greenlight so far (in a good way).
  • BoneTown just might be the most absurd thing I've seen on Greenlight so far (in a bad way).
  • And Project Temporality just looks cool.

Patrick's Watching TED Talks As Part of a New Years Resolution, So Here You Go

Oh, And This Other Stuff

Patrick Klepek on Google+


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@leebmx: Enough with you.


Please stop posting.

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Edited By mrfluke

wow and here i thought i was crazy ranting in the comments.

some of you people are nuts.

ultimately everyone has a different perspective, one can find the statue sexist and not rocketgirl sexist (which imo thats still fucking crazy lol)

and one can find both sexist, or one can find rocket girl sexist and the statue not sexist.

which based on the comments here, it seems to be the majority consensus that we find patrick crazy for thinking rocketgirl is not sexist to any degree.

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Edited By Neon25

@leebmx said:

The arrest rate is 25% and the conviction rate on arrest is around 58%. So a very small number of cases actually end in conviction.

91% of rape victims are female and 99% of rapists are male.

Do you mind giving a source for these claims? Because from where I'm standing it seems that when it comes to rape women are 44% of the perpetrators. The data is from 2010, in United States.

Quote from the data:

We find through the above statistics that 1 003 464 males and 1 245 870 females were the victims of rape or attempted rape by the opposite sex over the 12-month period previous to this study. We can conclude that over 44% of the perpetrators of rape or attempted rape during the 12 month period previous to this study were FEMALE

When it comes to domestic violence the data is not clear, but it strongly suggests the violence between male and female are more or less the same:

And yet, more than 200 survey-based studies show that domestic violence is just as likely to strike men as women. In fact, the overwhelming mass of evidence indicates that half of all domestic violence cases involve an exchange of blows and the remaining 50% is evenly split between men and women who are brutalized by their partners.

As you can see, it's not as clear as you make it out to be.

Also if you want to talk about Taxi Drivers not being believed - check out the case of John Warboys - a rapist who drove a taxi in my home town. He raped over a 100 women from the back of his cab but police refused to be believe he could be guilty because of his proffession.

And that gives the women right to falsely report rape how exactly? If the man hadn't recorded the video he would have been rotting in prison, instead he has to prove his innocence, he's not innocent until proven, but the other way around.

Also the reason that book isn't sexist when it is a man on the cover is because men, unlike women, haven't spent centuries being treated as possesions, and aren't regulaly compared to dogs to demean them. Who gets called bitch and dog all the time? Its not men.

Huh? So if people from Asia weren't that much enslaved throughout the centuries it would be alright to make a book called "How to treat 'em yellow folks right- rice collecting 101"? What kind of backward logic is that?

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Edited By ominousbedroom

@Neon25: Stop talking about it means it'll stop happening? You give people too much credit. Is everyone really that noble? There's a difference between being able to openly discuss things and glorification, pity-parties, and perpetuating guilt. The two don't have to be the same. Your point is lost on me.

@Neon25 said:

@ominousbedroom said:

I'm glad sexism is being discussed over, over, and over again. Same for racism, violence, and tons of other things that we may be sick of hearing about. All of these issues actually still exist and there can never be enough open discussion about it.

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Edited By WMWA

@ominousbedroom said:

I'm glad sexism is being discussed over, over, and over again. Same for racism, violence, and tons of other things that we may be sick of hearing about. All of these issues actually still exist and there can never be enough open discussion about it.

Morgan Freeman does not represent the entire black community, dipshit. If you want to pretend these issues don't exist and aren't worth talking about, fine. There are plenty of other ignorant people in the world you can hang out with.
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Edited By Undeadpool

My distaste for Leeland Yee is approaching the point that it will soon only be able to be described by abstract mathematics.

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Edited By Sergio

@hintonblogs: Rocketgirl is yet another game that used the same old mechanics that countless mobile games have exhausted. The only thing that differentiates it from them is that it uses scantily clad women to attract attention. If it weren't for that aspect, I doubt Patrick would have included it in his blog post, and we wouldn't be talking about it at all. It is completely pandering and akin to those Breakout clones where they hide a scantily clad woman behind the bricks.

If a coworker were to spot you playing Rocketgirl on your own device during your break, the likelihood of you talking to HR is almost certain. I'll admit the statue would also have you talking to HR, but mainly because it's grotesque and they'd wonder if your mental state is something to worry about in the workplace.

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Edited By leebmx

@Neon25: My stats on rape are from the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics

You interpretation of the stats you have are ridiculous. You think men never rape other men?

Goddamit.......from the report you sent me it says 98.1% of women reported rape by a man and 93.3% of men report rape by only a man.

From the report on page 24:

Most perpetrators of all forms of sexual violence against women were male. For female rape victims, 98.1% reported only male perpetrators. Additionally, 92.5% of female victims of sexual violence other than rape reported only male perpetrators. For male victims, the sex of the perpetrator varied by the type of sexual violence experienced. The majority of male rape victims (93.3%) reported only male perpetrators.

I don't really know what else I can say. Can you show me where your original quote is in the report, because it seems to flatly contradict what they say on p24.

To your other points - I can't see anywhere where I said it is right that those women falsely accused a man of rape. Its horrible. Its just not sexual discrimination (and btw you have no idea what would have happened had it gone to trial) For a start they would have had no medical evidence and it is quite likely their testimony would be contradictory and weak but that's by the by). The point I was trying to make is that you can point to some women being bad to men. Whereas I can show you a whole institution, the male dominated police, oppressing women by denying them justice. They are both wrong but one is an institutional and societal issue and the other is not representative of anything larger.

As for the book - its all about the context. As it stands it is just a really bad joke and maybe a little rude. The other way round you are poking fun at a history of discrimination and abuse, where women were literally the possessions of men. - Its offensive. If you are offended by that book then you really are a very delicate little flower.

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@Carousel: Why? Because you disagree or are bored of the topic?

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Edited By fuzzypumpkin

That OwlBoy animation and music was fantastic.

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@leebmx: Both.

And no one is getting anywhere.

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Edited By leebmx

@Carousel said:

@leebmx: Both.

And no one is getting anywhere.

I have a solution for you. I'll continue posting as normal, you follow me, check what threads i'm and then avoid them. Job done.

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Edited By Carousel

@leebmx said:

@Carousel said:

@leebmx: Both.

And no one is getting anywhere.

I have a solution for you. I'll continue posting as normal, you follow me, check what threads i'm and then avoid them. Job done.

That's a poor solution, you goober.

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Edited By leebmx

@Carousel said:

@leebmx said:

@Carousel said:

@leebmx: Both.

And no one is getting anywhere.

I have a solution for you. I'll continue posting as normal, you follow me, check what threads i'm and then avoid them. Job done.

That's a poor solution, you goober.

Works for me. What's a goober?

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Edited By Carousel

@leebmx said:

@Carousel said:

@leebmx said:

@Carousel said:

@leebmx: Both.

And no one is getting anywhere.

I have a solution for you. I'll continue posting as normal, you follow me, check what threads i'm and then avoid them. Job done.

That's a poor solution, you goober.

Works for me. What's a goober?

It's another word for "Patriarchy Destroyer"

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Edited By mdnthrvst

@Ace829 said:

@mdnthrvst: Here's a link that proves how men are oppressed in society.

If that's not actually just a total parody, I'm not interested in reading some whiny white college student's desperate misogynistic ranting, which is probably what whatever nonsense arguments he makes boil down to. There are plenty of sites like these. They are not run by good people.

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How do you know that person is a man?

How do you know that person is white?

What does their gender or race matter anyway in relation to their argument?

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Edited By mdnthrvst

@Carousel said:


How do you know that person is a man?

How do you know that person is white?

What does their gender or race matter anyway in relation to their argument?

Don't be facile. It's fucking obvious, and just because I don't feel like crafting an impervious logical thesis doesn't mean it isn't true.

As a white man who'se encountered this idiotic sentiment far too often in the past half-decade, only white men would envision a world where the male gender is uniquely and unduly persecuted. Women and minorities have actual problems to deal with, not stupid shit like "Men are 99.999% of American combat deaths and casualties!!!" as if men fighting wars is anything but routine. If feminism didn't exist, this website wouldn't either - it's a foolish and petulant attempt to shift the conversation back to where it's been for human history, men on top, and it's blatantly transparent.

Oh, and pointing out someone's race as it relates to their philosophical world-view and how they express themselves isn't "racist". Saying African-Americans are lazy or Hispanics all steal shit is racist.

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Edited By squiDc00kiE

Lego's just might be making a comeback into my life after that

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Edited By KogX

There is a game called Unwritten on Kickstarter that seems interesting.