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Giant Bomb News


Worth Reading: 10/26/12

A few thoughts on this week's journo drama, and a graphic we spent all week on. Plus, a large helping of games, stories, videos, and links to a bunch of ridiculousness.

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You know who we are, and we don't hide a thing. We hope that builds a trust with the audience, one that we work very hard to maintain every day.
You know who we are, and we don't hide a thing. We hope that builds a trust with the audience, one that we work very hard to maintain every day.

Games journalism is not the only form of journalism with problems. You need only pay attention to the horse race coverage of our election for a glimpse into what plagues other arenas of journalism.

That’s not an excuse for the problems in games journalism, just a reminder to keep the world in perspective. I’m not going to recount the series of events that lead to much of the Internet getting up in arms for the umpteenth time about the supposed widespread impropriety of the profession I dedicate my waking life to. I have, however, linked to a series of articles, essays, and reactionary pieces about what’s happened, and that’ll catch you up to speed.

In brief? The Eurogamer piece was on point--he took the words out of my mouth. I don't have a problem with calling out someone specifically. Unlike the iPhone fiasco with Gizmodo, this is a public figure. She's dug a deeper hole for herself by locking down her Twitter, and altering her resume. She should have just gotten in front of this, and taken her lumps. I believe she made a naive mistake, not one of cynical opportunism.

But I want to talk to you is about what matters: trust.

Do you trust me? I hope so. Because if you don’t, I want you to find someone that you do trust, and listen to them instead. Trust is the most important tool I have.The stories I file come with the built-in trust that I've reported them without compromise, or at least compromises that you, the reader, trust me to have made for the right reasons.

Doing good work in the enthusiast press has enormous challenges. Some of the fault lies with those who control access to games, and just as much has to do with other institutional issues. Some people come into games writing simply to have a way to play a bunch of games and talk about them, and they don’t want to engage in serious issues like the rampant, ingrained misogyny in design and our culture of violence. They may be found saying “game journalism is srs bzns” on Twitter. That's fine! Some people like writing about games, but they’re mostly looking for a way into the industry, and want to move into development. That's cool, too. I’m not either of those people, but I’m okay with both being around, and it’s healthy to have different, sometimes radically different, perspectives. Not every writer has to be all things to all people, and expecting anything more from a single writer makes no sense.

I take games deathly seriously, probably too much! You don’t have to. That’s okay. I don't shy away from the journalism moniker, in the hopes it will inspire me to have higher standards for my own work. I want other people to hold me to that standard, too, even if it means constantly being reminded of my own failures. It gives me something to aspire towards, a marker that I can look back on and say “yes, I’ve made progress” or “no, I’ve been lazy.”

Earning the trust of the audience is--and should be--difficult. It’s what allows me to operate in the unideal environment that is the enthusiast press. Is it a perfect place? Nope, there are problems on all sides, but people have to make it better from within, and I’m happy to be part of that fight. The moment trust is lost, drop me like a rock. That’s at the center of this firestorm that’s wrapped everyone up this weekend: a loss of trust. To say that the actions of one or a few accurately reflects on the whole is a simplistic view of the world, as there’s nothing I can do about the actions of one writer in the UK. I manipulate what’s within my control, and hope that maintains a trust with you.

It’s the beauty of Twitter’s intimate immediacy, and the level of interaction we have on Giant Bomb. You know what we’re thinking. Ask tough questions, and hopefully a bunch of really dumb ones, then make your own judgement.

Debating whether games journalism is broken is a fruitless discussion. It’s been done to death, and I’m tired of it. The best argument I can make is to continue trying to produce interesting work about the games, the culture, the people, and maybe illuminate just a little bit more on what remains a tragically undercovered, misrepresented medium. If I fail, I’ll fail because my work was shitty and I stopped putting in the proper effort, not because I threw up my hands about the limitations of my work environment. I knew what I was getting into. I’m not going to accept that it can’t get better, and I’ll try to do that one article at a time. Whether or not all of my colleagues do the same isn’t my problem.

I’m not sure how much of this ramble touches upon what actually happened this past week, but that’s how I feel about it. If you have any other questions about it, you know how to get in touch with me. Now, let's move on.

Hey, You Should Play This

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While we patiently wait for Nintendo to release another Advance Wars, designer Michael Silverman has done all of us a solid with this politically-themed take on the beloved Nintendo strategy franchise. I’ve been doing research for an story (next week) about the intersection of video games and politics, and Strategery 2012 is what got the idea in my head. Strategery 2012 seems clearly designed by someone with a liberal-leaning view on politics, but is that just my own political philosophy bleeding through, blurring interpretation? It’s an idea I’m going to explore more in that upcoming feature, but I’m curious to hear what you guys think about the game, separate from its political setting.

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I’m not going to say anything about these two games, except to recommend you play both of them. Do it.

And You Should Read These, Too

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E3 2012 has long since come and gone, but there was a familiar refrain this year: what’s with all the violence? God of War and Splinter Cell took the brunt of the criticism, games with gore-soaked trailers that forced some to wonder where the line is. It’s hardly the first time the “too much violence?” question has been trotted out, but Tadgh Kelly does a better job of articulating the issues than I ever have. Kelly argues the move towards ultra-violence is a consequence of changing business models, a knee-jerk reaction by AAA publishers realizing their best defense is showcasing technologically deafening depictions of a head shot. Fortunately, he believes there’s a way out.

The real subtext of E3, AAA games and the swerve into ultraviolence is this: It's one last desperate throw of the dice to shock-and-awe players back into becoming premium customers. It's saying "Don't look at all that free gameplay out there on phones and Facebook. It's cheap, but we are premium." in a shower of gore. Just like the adult film producers they are feeling the need to punch through the fog of over-supply before the industry grows holllow. This is also why they want new consoles, a new platform story, and a new hype cycle to start. It's why they hate the very idea of the Ouya.
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It’s incredibly tough to convey the experience of playing a game, a job more difficult the more abstract a game gets. Michael Abbott tossed a bunch of game reviews for Journey, Papo & Yo, and The Unfinished Swan into a word cloud generator, and discovered how few words we have to say anything about what it’s like to play them. That’s not to say Abbott claims to have discovered the words we need to solve this problem, only that it’s an issue meriting discussion.

What emerges is a stark and narrow collection of terms, none of which goes very far describing the essence or, dare I say, soul of these games. There’s nothing wrong with words like "emotional" or "experience" per se. Most games do convey a "world" and deliver "gameplay," but too often these terms function as generic placeholders. They communicate a vague sense of something richer, more vivid and complex. In a mush of overused terminology, they’re essentially meaningless.

If You Click It, It Will Play

Noteworthy Pieces on That Journalism Thing That Happened This Week

I Don’t Know About This Kickstarter Thing, But These Projects Seem Pretty Cool

  • Shadowgate is the latest throwback game to try and reboot on Kickstarter.
  • Who knows if Interstellar Marines will get funded, but it takes balls to announce a damn trilogy.
  • The developers of Quest for Glory are also taking to crowdsourcing for a new game, Hero-U.

Valve Just Launched Greenlight, So Here’s Some Games That Don’t Look Terrible

Oh, And This Other Stuff

Patrick Klepek on Google+


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Edited By two_socks

Good write-up Patrick. Intriguing, to say the least. Thanks.

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Edited By CrossTheAtlantic

@zFUBARz said:

@CrossTheAtlantic said:

Well this is a totally crazy thing to read up on at the end of the week.

I can't believe Florence lost his job over the article. For me, that's more damning and telling than anything he could have rented.

I don't think he was fired, it seems like he quit because they altered his article. I may have misinterpreted though.

Hm. It's hard to say. I haven't seen anything that said leaving was of his own accord. Just that he "stepped down" which--considering the history of this very site--just rubs me as PR spin.

EDIT: Seems some at NeoGaf don't like Ryan's "not a journalist" response, but the article is going over well, Don't let this get ya down too much.

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Edited By ptys

Geoff Keeley puts the GEEK in gaming, and I think the way he is, propels that stereotype. The guys here are as cynical as hell, but know when to give credit where it's due. Not too many sties can boast their audience getting drunk with them or having a good laugh. It's a community that I check back with several times a day, that's why I pay my $50 a year, because I want to keep this thing going!

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Edited By happymeowmeow

Keep it up Patrick, I'm one of those readers that appreciates a game writer who takes their profession seriously.

Game journalists obviously have an uphill battle in earning our trust. It doesn't really seem to be an issue with a lot of you guys, like theres an acceptance that everyone knows theres a certain level of disingenuousness and corporate shilling that goes with the profession, so why give a damn, just have fun and write about games. So it's refreshing to read an article like this.

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Edited By LegalBagel

Completely agree with your mini-manifesto Patrick, and I don't think your views are limited to games journalism in any way. Trust is critical, but in short supply, in tons of different areas. Political punditry and pretty much anyone who expresses political opinions are filled to the brim with hacks, people with a completely closed mind, or people that tell you what you want to hear. Straight political journalism is filled with its own problems. Sports journalism and punditry are just as bad.

Finding out bullshitters and identifying the people, companies, and organizations you should trust with your time and money is probably the most important skill someone can have in today's Internet culture. Cutting down your follow list to only those you can trust from a variety of viewpoints is extremely valuable. I don't agree with everything the GB crew says, but I know I'm not being bullshitted, either about how they run the website or their opinions on games.

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Edited By WMWA

@patrickklepek: good WR. That said, I do find it weird. Giant Bomb has the closest relationship with industry people out of all of the game sites, yet still enjoys a universal on-the-level status. This isn't afforded to ANY other site on the internet other than RPS, and they have a "we dont do shit with pubs" stance. I think a great story lies there. The dichotomy between how chummy you guys are with devs/pubs and maintaining integrity versus something like RPS where it's as minimal as possible, and the fans similar/disimlar reaction between both. Anyways, I trust you. Transparency goes a long way, and maybe you guys have an advantage being mostly video based, but it gives us more "peace of mind" than a simple mission/ethics statement.

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Edited By KaneRobot

I guess I'm missing something here...this is the first I've heard of any of this. I read the first three articles Patrick linked to (not Leigh's know) and get the general idea of what is being discussed, but where is the actual controversy/arguing/etc? Who was involved? Did Geoff himself say anything?

Also, what's the Gizmodo/Iphone thing being referenced?

As far as trust, I don't think I trust anyone completely to not have an agenda at least some of the time - but that said, this is the probably site I trust most for commentary on the game industry, so GB is definitely doing something right.


Sad to see City of Heroes shutting down. Aside from Ultima Online it was the only MMO I ever got into.

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Edited By zFUBARz

@CrossTheAtlantic said:

@zFUBARz said:

@CrossTheAtlantic said:

Well this is a totally crazy thing to read up on at the end of the week.

I can't believe Florence lost his job over the article. For me, that's more damning and telling than anything he could have rented.

I don't think he was fired, it seems like he quit because they altered his article. I may have misinterpreted though.

Hm. It's hard to say. I haven't seen anything that said leaving was of his own accord. Just that he "stepped down" which--considering the history of this very site--just rubs me as PR spin.

EDIT: Seems some at NeoGaf don't like Ryan's "not a journalist" response, but the article is going over well, Don't let this get ya down too much.

Well as a guy who is so focused on integrity It's not hard to imagine him leaving because they forced him to give up his integrity.

@WMWA: It is refreshing that they can have a dozen videos and even a former harmonix employee on staff, and still talk very frankly about how messed up Dance Cntral 3 is. I bet the Harmonix guys will still be back to. It's not like Johnny V stopped showing up after they knocked Tron. There's dozens of examples of this.

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Edited By ReaganStein
It’s the beautify of Twitter’s intimate immediacy, and the level of interaction we have on Giant Bomb.
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Edited By morkaithewolf

I appreciate everything you duders do. I really like how open and honest you guys are about anything and everything. It's refreshing when you guys give your opinions, even if you know they are not the popular ones and you guys stand behind them. Keep it up!

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Edited By comradecrash

This is a great read:

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Edited By CrossTheAtlantic

@zFUBARz said:

@CrossTheAtlantic said:

@zFUBARz said:

@CrossTheAtlantic said:

Well this is a totally crazy thing to read up on at the end of the week.

I can't believe Florence lost his job over the article. For me, that's more damning and telling than anything he could have rented.

I don't think he was fired, it seems like he quit because they altered his article. I may have misinterpreted though.

Hm. It's hard to say. I haven't seen anything that said leaving was of his own accord. Just that he "stepped down" which--considering the history of this very site--just rubs me as PR spin.

EDIT: Seems some at NeoGaf don't like Ryan's "not a journalist" response, but the article is going over well, Don't let this get ya down too much.

Well as a guy who is so focused on integrity It's not hard to imagine him leaving because they forced him to give up his integrity.

Oh yeah, totally. Not insinuating that didn't happen or couldn't. I just hadn't read anything other, and my first reaction to such language is pretty shady. Either way, it's still a shame he got shafted the way he did.

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Edited By nights

OH MY FUCKING GOD, NIFFLAS IS MAKING ANOTHER KNYTT GAME? SOLD. Thank you for bringing this to my attention, Patrick.

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Edited By zFUBARz

@CrossTheAtlantic said:

@zFUBARz said:

@CrossTheAtlantic said:

@zFUBARz said:

@CrossTheAtlantic said:

Well this is a totally crazy thing to read up on at the end of the week.

I can't believe Florence lost his job over the article. For me, that's more damning and telling than anything he could have rented.

I don't think he was fired, it seems like he quit because they altered his article. I may have misinterpreted though.

Hm. It's hard to say. I haven't seen anything that said leaving was of his own accord. Just that he "stepped down" which--considering the history of this very site--just rubs me as PR spin.

EDIT: Seems some at NeoGaf don't like Ryan's "not a journalist" response, but the article is going over well, Don't let this get ya down too much.

Well as a guy who is so focused on integrity It's not hard to imagine him leaving because they forced him to give up his integrity.

Oh yeah, totally. Not insinuating that didn't happen or couldn't. I just hadn't read anything other, and my first reaction to such language is pretty shady. Either way, it's still a shame he got shafted the way he did.

Agreed, not saying you're not right either, I just didn't take it that way. initially

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Edited By WMWA

@zFUBARz: that's what I mean, though. GB has the closest friendship with people in the industry, and still retains a high trustworthy base. I feel like that's a good story worth exploring. Transparency in this industry goes a long way

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Edited By crcruz3

Yes, I trust you, man. Keep up the good job!

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Edited By Cybexx

I never thought about it before but I guess one of the main reasons they must have increased the size of the Raptor in Jurassic Park compared to the fossils they were finding at the time was because they actually had to fit a human into the suit.

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Edited By Phished0ne

@Zatoichi_Sanjuro said:


Yeah, i found it soon after posting that edit. I cant believe people are taking him to task over that. I mean, sure its not exactly great, but its not like it effects the work he has done. Wow, he did a sponsored interview. I understand there is a tinge of a conflict of interest with the Doritos/Mtn Dew/Halo crossover. But really people? He talked about Halo for like 40 seconds. Plus he makes great points in the interview. Games DO need cross-branding like that to break into the mainstream more, its a sad but true fact. I'll admit i dont really read his stuff that much, but the things i have seen/read seem good. Does he do reviews? I dont even know. If he does reviews i would maybe take him to task some. But shit, people in the interwebs are quick to rip out someone's throat.

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Edited By CrossTheAtlantic

@zFUBARz: @WMWA: They always seem pretty frank and open with stuff they get sent and often get games of their own accord. I would be interested, though, to see how often they get stuff like this (which the seller claims Giant Bomb got but who knows) and the press kits in this thread. Not even really for transparency's sake, but mostly because these packages are ridiculous and I kinda can't believe they exist.

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Edited By crcruz3

@Antipunk217 said:


I have been following, Jeff, Ryan, Brad, Alex, Rich, Greg, and others since their days on Gamespot. I read Jeff's blog before it became Giantbomb and was thrilled to hear Brad's voice on the first bombcast in which he appeared. I was happy that all of my "friends" were reuniting under a new banner and I could continue to read from people to whom I really felt connected. When Greg or Rich show up for a podcast I become overjoyed and I was thrilled when Alex became the "East coast correspondent." I quickly became a huge fan of Vinny helped in no small part by the Persona 4 endurance run. (after 100+ hours of Vinny, you are going to have an opinion).

When you came on board, I had never heard of you and I was worried. "Who is this new guy that is being injected into this perfect group of 4?" I asked myself. It only took a podcast or two for me to realize that you were serious. I fancy myself with a bit of knowledge about the game industry, but you absolutely blew me away. You seemed seasoned and for lack of better phrasing, capable of getting the scoops. I was watching "Spooking with Scoops" this week and realized that you have become part of that circle of trusted writers and opinions for me. I trust you. And damn you, just like Rich and Greg, no matter what you do, I will follow you and support you. I will click on your links and watch your streams because you have a valuable opinion that I trust.

There are "journalists" out there that feel that copying and pasting videos and stories from reddit is sufficient (I am looking at you Luke Plunkett from Kotaku) and I go out of my way not to read or click on their articles because I don't want to support that sort of trash.

So, thanks I guess are in order. I appreciate what have to say and again, I trust it and I certainly won't pretend to speak for the community, but I can't imagine that I am in the minority here. Good luck, no pressure.

Thanks to you I don't have to write a lengthy piece... my english is not that good. I just can write:


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Edited By RedNumberFive

Again, I like Patrick, and think he's actually among the best-of-the-best, but can you provide some transparency for Giant Bomb / CBS Interactive? What is your ethics, conflict of interest, and business conduct statement.

You ask us to trust you, which frankly I do, but what is your stance on gifts, free meals/drinks, junkets, etc.

A big component of conflict of interest (COI), is regardless of your actions, you should not exhibit a perceived conflict of interest. Perceived is the key word here. Patrick, I don't mean to pick on you, because bottom line I think you're one of the good guys, but letting your audience know Giant Bomb's professional vision on these issues would be more reassuring.

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Edited By Dr_Acula

The bigger the site the more likely to be a whore the reviewer is, but they don't really have a choice in the matter. Big sites have to maintain a working relationship with the biggest and evilist of game companies to stay afloat, to get behind the scenes interviews or exclusive info that the readers want even though they are 99.9999999% PR fluff. If they are not getting those exclusives the readers are leaving to find a site that will have them. By "working relationship" I mean succulent blow jobs in the form of good reviews.

CoD: MW3 has a metacritc score of 88%, while the much superior game Yakuza 4 has a 78%.

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Edited By MrOldboy

Ughh, another games journalism conflict. But this ones important you say?

I plead with the GB staff...Please fight the urge to have to give your take on these journalism disasters. We trust you, why the fuck would people pay money to get access to your content?

I would trust you more if you would just ignore these conflicts, they happen so often now that I could care less. I just ignore twitter and stop viewing sites that feel the need to comment for the sake of views. I dont want Giant Bomb to become one of these sites. I know that this story isn't huge in the grand scheme of things, but it is a story posted on Giant Bomb, a site we've all loved over the years. Not that this is another step pushing the site towards that future, but I cringe every time I see Patrick trying to bring up these types of issues. Yes, its news worthy. But so many others abuse it's quality to attract eyeballs that I dont want Giant Bomb to get sucked into that hole with them.

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Edited By Zatoichi_Sanjuro

@Phished0ne: It was really just the look on his face in the screenshot, in combination with the 'tweet for a free PS3' thing, that was used to illustrate the wider issue. - Rab's response.

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Edited By Phished0ne

@Zatoichi_Sanjuro said:

@Phished0ne: It was really just the look on his face in the screenshot, in combination with the 'tweet for a free PS3' thing, that was used to illustrate the wider issue. - Rab's response.

yeah, i knew that. It was more a comment about the ruthless nature of the internet than anything else. I could tell Rab was just using it for illustrative purposes. But a lot of the rest of the internet seemed like they were just waiting for the right spot to call Geoff a "corporate shill asshole". Blegh! BTW: Love your Username!

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Edited By WMWA

Geoff Keeley puts the GEEK in gaming, and I think the way he is, propels that stereotype. The guys here are as cynical as hell, but know when to give credit where it's due. Not too many sties can boast their audience getting drunk with them or having a good laugh. It's a community that I check back with several times a day, that's why I pay my $50 a year, because I want to keep this thing going!

That's a strictly "Hollywood" thing. Geoff is decently attractive so he got the first opportunity for being the "face" of the industry. Sucks, but it's true. If Jeff were to be in the position Geoff is, most people would rate Jeff as the most nerdy/less knowledgeable. That's how sad tv is. There are so many pockets of game journalism that there's something for everyone. That's a good thing
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Edited By AuthenticM

The Eurogamer article to which Patrick links is actually the edited version.

But yes, Patrick, I trust you.

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Edited By illmatic19

I trust Patrick and everyone else at Giant Bomb.

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Edited By Grimluck343

I trust Patrick about as far as I can throw him... which, actually, is probably pretty far.

Edit: the Eurogamer article is a decent piece, but the caption under the second image really bothers me, "If I was to accept any kind of bribe to promote a game, I'd take the bribe to promote the amazing Hotline Miami."

What if Geoff was sitting next to a table of Doritos and a giant poster for Hotline Miami? Would that be acceptable? Is the issue the writer really has the fact that he doesn't think game journalist are being paid to talk about the games he cares about? Why should the enthusiast press take any bribes at all?

Also, do we even know the context of the video? Is this an ad for Game Trailers with a Doritos sponsorship?

The whole second half of the article, once he gets done (justifiably) shitting on the GMAs, feels more like a "Fuck CoD and Halo, quit taking money from publishers for better review scores!" screed than anything else.

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Edited By r3dt1d3

The Political Advance Wars game wasn't really that biased. The opening to each battle seemed a bit stilted but the rest was alright.

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Edited By orlandodoom

Keep the good work Scoops.

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Edited By vinsanityv22
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Edited By Dunchad

Hah. I loved that Yakuza review.

And I guess this shows how I only visit GB for gaming related stuff, since I had no idea that all this shit was going down. It's a good discussion to have, but damn - video game media and its readers love their drama. When it isn't one thing, it's another.

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Edited By sirdesmond

@Kerned said:

I do trust you, Patrick -- and the rest of the GB crew. That's why I come here so much. It's obvious to me that you take your job seriously, and that you consider yourself a journalist. A lot of people in your field don't seem to do either, which makes your dedication all the more appreciated. Keep it up.

I agree entirely. That's why I've followed Patrick since first discovering him on G4's Feedback from a few years back.

I somehow missed this entire Eurogamer debacle but it is INSANE that the author of the original piece stepped down from his position. What a joke. He came out and said something that needed to be said (and is entirely true) and it comes to that in just a matter of days.

More reason to keep fighting the good fight, Patrick!

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Edited By EndlessMike

@Grimluck343: That line in the caption was clearly him poking fun.

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Edited By megalowho

More Knytt is awesome! Coming to Vita, too!

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Edited By Deusx

As a lot of you have said, I do trust Patrick and the crew. It's exactly why I love this site and will continue to follow it even if I don't agree with everything. It's the most mature kind of respect someone on the internet can have. I salute you Patrick, thanks again for the good content.

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Edited By Grimluck343

@EndlessMike: really? I thought it was used to support the rest of his article.

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Edited By bigevil1987

Great stuff as always, I look forward to Worth Reading every week. I believe in GB!

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Edited By Dredlockz

oh man, I'm too old for this, didn't even why all the drama after skimming through those links, can anyone give me a TL;DR?

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Edited By imhungry

Call Me Maybe is insanely hard to karaoke type.

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Edited By ArbitraryWater

Dear Patrick: If I didn't think you took your job seriously, I wouldn't read your articles. That's the long and short of it.

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Edited By umair56

Great stuff, Patrick. All the stuff you said about the journalism issue made me trust Giant Bomb that much more.

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Edited By larryrules138

...the guys knew you from a chat room, right? Jesus Christ

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Edited By Bartz

An story

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Edited By AngeTheDude

I really enjoyed that Yakuza story. Thank you, Scoops!

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Edited By beeftothetaco

Whats the spiel at beginning all about?

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Edited By Camsampbell

Great write-up Patrick. I just wanted to say that I have a great deal of respect for you as a journalist. You're a great writer: always interesting, on point and illuminating. You and the rest of the crew have impressed me since my first visit to the site and have never disappointed since. Even when you guys make the occasional fuck-up it doesn't shake my faith in the slightest. You've earned my subscription many times over and trust is a big part of that. End spiel.

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Edited By Zelnox

There is a lack of context to the first few paragraphs for someone not really following what happened. Anyway, I trust GB!