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    Game » consists of 9 releases. Released Jun 29, 1998

    Play as lovable goofball Banjo the bear and his bird pal Kazooie in the first of many adventures as they collect valuable "Jiggies" in order to face the vile witch, Gruntilda and save Banjo's sister Tooty.

    glockstararmani's Banjo-Kazooie (Nintendo 64) review

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    Birdy Num-Nums

    This is like THE quintessential N64 adventure game. I miss those carefree days of yore when Rare would make games like this (DK64, Conker). Those were happier times! And speaking of happy, that's exactly what Banjo-Kazooie makes me feel. Just a great, fun, splendid all-around game with so many moves and collectibles and levels to explore that playing it once isn't enough. Also, Stop N' Swop? BRILLIANT.


    Other reviews for Banjo-Kazooie (Nintendo 64)

      Banjo-Kazooie - The best game ever created! 0

      Banjo Kazooie is such a classic, it's perfect in every single way imaginable, it came out some time after Super Mario 64, the formula was pretty much the same, but this game has several improvements making it even better! The worlds were vast and colorful, there's a whole lot of them, the main characters got to become unforgettable right in the debut, due their undeniable charisma and their funny dialogs, by the way, overall the dialogs are great because each character of the game has a distinc...

      1 out of 2 found this review helpful.

      Banjo-Kazooie follows in the footsteps of Super Mario 64 0

      Banjo-Kazooie is a platform game released in 1998 for the Nintendo 64 by the British developers Rareware, who at the time made games exclusively for Nintendo. Banjo-Kazooie follows the same formula as Super Mario 64, someone has been captured, in this case it's Banjo's sister Tooty, and it's up to Banjo and his best friend Kazooie to save her. Banjo and Kazooie are an odd pair to put it politely; Banjo is a lazy bear that doesn't like hard work and who sleeps all day, and Kazooie, well she is a ...

      0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

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