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    BioShock Infinite

    Game » consists of 20 releases. Released Mar 26, 2013

    The third game in the BioShock series leaves the bottom of the sea behind for an entirely new setting - the floating city of Columbia, circa 1912. Come to retrieve a girl named Elizabeth, ex-detective Booker DeWitt finds more in store for him there than he could ever imagine.

    pauljeremiah's BioShock: Infinite (PlayStation 3) review

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    A Masterpiece Soaring Beyond Boundaries, Enhanced by Burial at Sea

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    BioShock Infinite on PlayStation is a testament to the power of storytelling, gameplay innovation, and artistic brilliance. From the moment you step into the awe-inspiring floating city of Columbia, you are immersed in a world that pushes the boundaries of what a video game can achieve. This highly anticipated instalment in the BioShock series not only lives up to its predecessors but surpasses them with its thought-provoking narrative and captivating gameplay. Furthermore, the addition of the "Burial at Sea" DLC further enriches the experience, adding a new layer of depth to an already exceptional game.

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    Let's start with the core game. BioShock Infinite weaves a complex and mesmerizing narrative that follows Booker DeWitt, a troubled protagonist with a mysterious past, and Elizabeth, a captivating companion with extraordinary abilities. The story delves into themes of American exceptionalism, racism, and the consequences of unchecked power, masterfully blending alternate realities, historical references, and mind-bending plot twists. The relationship between Booker and Elizabeth evolves naturally, deepening their connection and evoking genuine emotions throughout the journey.

    The city of Columbia itself is a visual masterpiece. The attention to detail in the design of the floating city is awe-inspiring, with each district and building offering a sense of grandeur and historical depth. From the vibrant colours to the intricate architecture, Columbia feels like a living, breathing world. As you explore its streets and ride the Sky-Lines, you'll find yourself constantly amazed by the sheer beauty and scale of the environment.

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    The gameplay in BioShock Infinite is equally impressive. The combination of fast-paced gunplay, supernatural Vigors, and environmental interaction creates a dynamic combat system that keeps you engaged at every turn. The introduction of the Sky-Hook adds a thrilling verticality to the action, allowing you to traverse the Sky-Lines with fluidity and execute devastating melee attacks. The game offers a wide range of weapons and Vigors, encouraging experimentation and strategic thinking, enabling you to tailor your playstyle to your preferences.

    Now, let's discuss the "Burial at Sea" DLC, which takes players back to the underwater city of Rapture, the iconic setting of the original BioShock. This two-part expansion serves as both a prequel and a sequel to the main game, seamlessly bridging the narratives together. As you explore the dark and atmospheric corridors of Rapture, you'll encounter familiar faces and unravel a noir-inspired tale filled with mystery and intrigue. The DLC offers a fresh perspective on the BioShock universe, providing deeper insights into the characters and their motivations. It beautifully captures the essence of Rapture, immersing players in its haunting beauty and decay.

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    In terms of production value, BioShock Infinite and its DLC excel on every front. The voice acting is superb, bringing the characters to life with nuanced performances. The hauntingly beautiful score, composed by Garry Schyman, complements the atmosphere and elevates key moments. The attention to detail extends to the sound design, with ambient effects enhancing the immersion and making every corner of Columbia and Rapture feel alive.

    BioShock Infinite and the "Burial at Sea" DLC together create a complete and unforgettable experience. The DLC enhances the overarching narrative, connecting the threads between Columbia and Rapture, while providing a fresh and engaging perspective on the BioShock universe. This expansion is a testament to the developers' commitment to delivering meaningful content that expands and enriches the core game.

    In conclusion, BioShock Infinite on PlayStation, accompanied by the "Burial at Sea" DLC, is an exceptional achievement in video game storytelling and design. Its captivating narrative, stunning visuals, refined gameplay, and immersive world-building set new standards for the medium. The game's exploration of profound themes and thought-provoking storytelling create an experience that stays with players long after the credits roll. With the addition of the "Burial at Sea" DLC, the journey is expanded, allowing players to revisit the iconic city of Rapture and delve deeper into the intricate web of the BioShock universe. This remarkable package is a must-play for both fans of the series and newcomers alike, offering an unforgettable adventure that demonstrates the true potential of interactive storytelling.

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