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    Creature-collecting open world action-adventure.

    Open world action-adventure (not an MMO)

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    #1  Edited By Elwood

    I loved everything I saw and heard of this game today, and it is in fact not an MMO, but a Open World, as you can see from the official Twitter account for the game.

    Thanks for the love!

    DokeV is actually an open world action-adventure (not an MMO) but regardless of genre we're going for fun, cute, and exciting!

    #DokeV was initially introduced as an MMO, but we decided to move the game in a different direction and it's now a creature-collecting open world action-adventure.

    Which actually makes me more happy, I have to admit, oh and seeing... hearing Jan's excitement during the Gamescom reveal filled me with joy :)

    I just hope this turns out great, because the whole vibe of the game and it's world seems so joyfull.

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    It’s the most interesting thing out of all of Gamescom. Surprising, fresh and exciting, which is more than I can say for the rest of what was shown.

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    #3  Edited By franzlska

    That's interesting for them to clarify, considering their site still labels it as "DokeV | Open World MMO - Pearl Abyss", including in parts of the site which were only added after today's trailer. Not sure where that confusion could sprout up, honestly.

    The game itself looks pretty neat, though. Incredibly overwhelming, but in a way that feels surprising and makes me want to see what it actually amounts to, rather than just coming across as a mess of nothing.

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    Man, the 10 year old me is so stoked for this game. My game of the show for Gamescom 2021. A breath of fresh air compared to the numerous sequels, rereleases and DLC trailers. DokeV feels like a game that Nintendo could have imagined if they were competent at making graphically demanding online games.

    As for how it plays like... after watching the trailer a good five times, I think it most resembles an action oriented Ni No Kuni with crazy traversal elements.

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    Having lived in Busan, South Korea for two year in my past, I am so on board for this. The environment looked so perfectly reminiscent of a korean coastal city (though obviously not to scale) that even though I’m not a Pokemon guy nor a cute charter guy, I’m going to check this out just to bask in the environmental nostalgia.

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    #6  Edited By Elwood

    They have just released a short Gameplay overview trailer, that explains a bit things, and their vision, don't forget to activate Subtitles.

    Really like the way they talk about this child memories experience, and building upon that. it may be an older video? they talk about servers, I'm not sure what that part is about, unless this is some older build, where it was an MMO.

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    The thing that really caught my eye with this game was how cartoonish it looked up close, but how whenever they showed footage of the player in the air or out on the water it looked photoreal in a way I don't think I've seen before. It was really striking how off guard the trailer kept me from scene to scene as to what would be going on and what the game would even look like.

    I also distinctly remember feeling so overwhelmed that I muttered "I'll never, ever play this" to myself, haha.

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