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    Dota 2

    Game » consists of 3 releases. Released Jul 09, 2013

    The official free-to-play sequel to the Warcraft III custom scenario that originally popularized the Multiplayer Online Battle Arena sub-genre.

    mugsmugsmugs's Dota 2 (PC) review

    Avatar image for mugsmugsmugs
    • Score:
    • mugsmugsmugs wrote this review on .
    • 1 out of 2 Giant Bomb users found it helpful.

    Worth Playing

    Well, Since the day of Dota 1 up to Beta days of dota 2 until now, I love playing this game. Helps you improve your communication skills, your, leadership, and everything that will help you enhance as a whole. this will make you think more and more.


    Other reviews for Dota 2 (PC)

      The Greatest Multiplayer Game of all Time 0

      When you make a bold claim like I have in the title of this review, you can reasonably expect push back. After all only the Sith speak in absolutes, or so Star Wars teaches us.But when you have played as many different video games as I have (easily over 1000) for as long as I have (over thirty years) I think I can safely say I have a good idea of what good game looks like. Or in this case a special one. To me DOTA 2 is one of the very best games I’ve ever played, and the best multiplayer game ha...

      6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

      Dota 2 Review 0

      Dota 2 is not a new game - I mean this in multiple ways. For one, its official release was in July 2013 (at the time of writing, it is currently May 2016); but, even before that, it was put into a playable beta in 2011 - five years ago. But, if you are aware of the origins of the game, you already know that Dota 2 is a facsimile of its progenitor - Defense of the Ancients, a Warcraft III mod that was popular in 2003. I won't get into the history of the franchise in this review; but I do recommen...

      4 out of 4 found this review helpful.

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